Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
Aum was on ATC on 24th March 2008. muaha i was there too, just wanna show.

OMG, yes my name was on there too.

Lol, look at his user name...

With him writing eng, they though he was a forigner lol.

aww, we should get a kiss too.

Credit to artimus/hnulekk @ ATC
wow...super awesome....but i wasn't there :( oh well i get to see the real him^^


sarNie Granny
well. if MOH adapt to that name, then ppl will definitely mistaken her as FARANG :loool:

okay, back to kindda topic. this is what happen in SMALLVILLE.
thank god, i'm watching it by myself or else. i'll be dead blushing in front of everyone.
here's what CLARK AND LANA did. In my head, it was filled with all THE RATED/UNCORE FICTION
check it out. as if CUN XI AND XIN YI are not enough for MOH, this is hot .. :
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lg3asVm7Xoo <--- Sad things is, NO missile, rocket , AND jet LAUNCH so there was no baby either :loool:
i LOVE clark & lana


Staff member
what, rahut got up to early, she didn't sleep for too long. i'm heading too ..

seth, i wouldn't miss it again if there's another opportunity here in the states.


sarNie Granny
sexy harit at it again:

lmao, his pant have to be white too
doesnt he know that white clothes gosee-through when it's wet
that hand is mine :loool: i bet he knows about the white clothes that's why he wore it for me^^


sarNie Granny
yeah, that was khem and him in nang bard.
let's just say, the officer boyfriend arrest him b/c of aff's attract to him :loool: j/k
purposely worn white and got wet to let us see beyond imagination ..
Rain did that at his NYC concert i went to. and he's only like an arm away from me. :lol:
:loool: aff's boyfriend too funny from behind..he looks kind of big^^


sarNie Granny
hey im still on, i said i will go off but ive been here for a couple of hours lol. what time is it there? did you just wake up. it's 11.30pm here, god i need to sleep, im getting sick again with the flu. plus i have school tomorrow :(!
awwww....i hope you feel better....it's 8:40 AM here...i'm at school...we had some free time so that is why i'm on....i'm glad that i did...you girls spammed a lot^^