uhm GP is not N'rai like RR GP is the JLR N'ek next to Aff/Soriya so therefore GP does not liehahahaha .. sala.. told me lies kekeke lol..
uhm GP is not N'rai like RR GP is the JLR N'ek next to Aff/Soriya so therefore GP does not liehahahaha .. sala.. told me lies kekeke lol..
lol.. i bet's gona freak wen she sees all these pages
oh so she admits lol.. j/k.. kekeke ..gasp.....that wasn't me....hmmm.....unless me super sand got in her eye...SORRY BAU...i was trying to aim at the ghosts
ok^^i will when i catch up..or in a bit..
then go to sleep thengawd i'm so tired
i did...i bet you hit them all with your coconuts^^LMAO are u freakin kiddin me 2 days ago GP was in here alone w/ 71 ghosts didn't u see my sc lmao
i'm a doctor...i will revive youi no gp.. i got a heart-attack lol.. jus kiddin im too young lol.. hahaha ..
its aite .. im satisfied kekeke our new goal .. 900 .. hehehe lol..sorry i took it
lol.. how can i .. im not even sure myself xp don't know
kekekei'm pretty sure...let me think lol
LMAO ME AND U gangstas on the streetomg anotha one sheesh.. bastards.. did u get their license number.. if that was me .. i'll be flippin them off n cussing at them .. sadly i dont drive yet.. soon though.. soon xp lol..
gang up on them..,.lol until they show themselveswat should we do??
okay then^^its aite.. im good..
your faultshe's gona freak wen she sees all these pages
i see??? lmao i watch on friday's and sats. darling
whao that's a sweet phone and gah no NO ONE can over power GP's coconuts no onejuz knew it...lolz..can ur super sand power overthrow gp's coconut power?![]()
so u do know ur weakness -_-
yeah...i LOVE it
i'm usin this phone and it rockssss!!!!
i luv the touchscreen features..n the screen is huge enuf to put MY aum hot pics as the wallpaper~