Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


lol make up for the lost of spamming time..... what???? :lol:
today im doing good...and yourself?

gonna be on late tonight
i really need to throw some clothes away...and clear out some space/s...LOL *damn im hecka lazy!
ps ive have dedicated a portion of my wall to JLR...soon after i connect my printer & stuff back on..gonna go JLR krazy all over again!!! :p

lmao i'm doing good hhee WOO TOMARA IS FRIDAY! THANK GOD lmao ahhaa i''m glad woo hoo hehehehhe ooo man everyone i kno is throwing their old clothes away i need to do that too hahahhaa gah spring cleaning ahhahha woo hoo!!! that's wen the JLR SCRAPBOOKING BEGINS


lol.. dang u galz catch up hekka fast it takes me like forever xp lol.. hahaha ..
LMAO not rele ahha but now i think 10 pages behind isn't that bad lmao ahahhaa that's how used to it i am to the spamming LMAO <--- wow did that last part of the sentence make sense at all?


i second that. i receive mine as well. THANK YOU DARLING. you're awesome.
GOOD thing is that my didn't get bend. I feel bad for SALA. those bad USP-ERS. lol
BTW. i love your letter as well. so very sweet of you to tye it all up : :wub:
ah, i was not here when you went hunting for me. i lacked sleep these days
so i was up in my room, doing sleeping beauty catch up :loool: what can i do at your services?

oh sala i miss you too but b/c i'm taking over MOH's being panda eyes, i need to catch up on my sleep as i'm heading to the big city soon to get my citizenship .. wish me plenty of luck .. *ceci will pass them easy test :lol:*

LMAO hahha gah i rele miss you!!! lmao i kno rite damn usp-ers ahhaahhahaha newho i miss u and i'm sure u will OWN AND DOMINATE the test like how TEAM TAP TAPS THAT lmao haah i love you darling good luck! <3 hugs and kisses always


Sala's love story with Harit look-a-like is playing out right in front of our eyes here. LMAO
*GASP* Moh!!!!
But then again with a # like
69 I might have expected something like that? LOL
All part of my ninja training~ shape shifting skills... uh huh.
TY ceci. I kinda like it myself. LOL
LMAO hahahah GP's love story HAHHAHA no lmaooooooo hahahha o geez Sala is sorry for scarring the sisters with the SIXTY-NINE LMAOOOOO i love ya'll that's why i brought it in your vocabulary LMAO


LMAO i keep on forgettin this story everytime hahahhah but everyday on my drive to skool in the morning theres a sign in this little shopping place thing and theres a sign that says



^^ on the side walk lmao i laugh to myslef everytime i see it and think of ya'll ahhahhahahah


LMAO reminds me. today theres this 2 face bitch i hate and she and a bunch of other random ppl stand in my group for some reason gawd its so annoying lmao but newho she had a bottle of smart water gaha she's stupid thats y she needs to drink it gahahhahahhahah


oh my holy lord. what the hell happen to all the pages, the pages just exploded!!! im like 100+ pages behind now...WHO THE SPAMMER? lol, bau bau gonna hunt you down. my eyes are gonna explode tonight reading all your replies :(.
LMAO! i gues ur 150 pages bhind ahhahahhahhahahha gah ur gona try to catch up all in one nite? lmao good luck w/ that and i believe the major spammer is RR hahahhah


i did but now it got all ruined.. my bro's male n female pitbulls just faught n omg i ran outside n was like omg did u steal the female's pup or wat?? i ran n oh shit they were fighting i got the hos but freaken sprinkler thingy majig was on i had to hurry up n so i was like argh.. then it finally came off n they still let go till later.. omg .. at least this time i was prepared. sheeesh..
oh dear. lmao u ran outside and was like "omg did u steal the female's pup or wat???" LMAO who were u talkin to? hahahah