Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


and i learned that if u overcharge ur laptop or ur phone it like kills ur battery like if u keep ur laptop charged all day and w/o the cord like if u just brought it around it would prob. last u a good 2 hours-2 1/2 hours but if ur battery is screwed up from overcharging it would only be good for about a 1hour- hour 1/2 so yea same w/ ur phones


oh yea and the other day i had another journal in ELA and it was like here let me go grab it....... k got it

"Songs can make vivid memories hearing a particular song can rocket you back to 7th grade or last summer. Write about a song that is really envolgative (i think i spleat it rong lmao o well) of a certain time of your life."

my response..

"My most vivid memory from a song is the My Sunshine song b/c my mom used to sing it to me all the time. It was my favorite childhood song.

My recent vivid songs at the moment are my JLR songs froms my drama Jam Leuy Ruk. Punch-Jam Leuy Ruk and Boydpod-Ruk Koon Kao Eak Laew everytime I listen to them they remind me of my JLR FEVER all over again. Brings back all the memories and the hawt scenes."

lmao ahhahah i kno there are some "gramatical errors" but oh well i write my journals as if i'm telling someone by voice so yea haha


and today's journal was....

"Describe a perfect day-not the one you'd have if you were rich and famous, but one you could have this Saturday or Tuesday. What would you see, do, eat, read, watch, etc...? What day of the week would your perfect day fall on?"

my response...

"My perfect day would be an unplanned one. It would fall on any random day that it would happen to be. I like those perfects days that just come when you least expect it so it's like a big surprise. Thay way it would meaningful then having it planned out and everything. Your perfect days shouldn't be determined they should just happen. Everything would go pleasuringly and there would be happiness with everyone w/o anything wrong or any problems. It would be the day where all the good unforgetable memories would occur and you'd want it to be like that forever. My perfect days are any days i get to spend with my JLR sisters and my family. I just love talking to them and being with them. I wish some days could be like that forever like the old days. But since summer is comming soon we're gona be making new memories and reliving the old."


gah oh yeaa today Kevin and dad moved the JLR CHICKS to the big coop kevin said they got rele big lmao hahahhahahha i'll vdotape for ya'll don't worry