yes finally....i was beginning to feel bad that we haven't talked...and now we get too^^ so super happy
I'm super happy too...because I really miss are you now?
yes finally....i was beginning to feel bad that we haven't talked...and now we get too^^ so super happy
awwwwwwwwwww LOVE YOU LOTS ELLEM i'm glad that you are enjoying the lakorn^^
hahaha i thought u were the king lmao..kekeke jus both are....oh i forgot to add that i must also be a wonderful wife to aum lol
hhahhaha dont worry i'll protect u .. **dum dum dum**i don't like surprises*joining group hugs*
aww yeah! good luck then dearie...glad I see you here today...yes i was....and going to be this week..but tonight/today is for us to talk to each other^^ did i tell you how happy i am bc i am^^
hahaha u sure rr u sure..xp.. i love u rr..YAY! i just like reminding everyone...because i LOVE fanfics alot close to my JLR sisters and AUM JK....the cannot come close to my JLR sisters....
i shall wait for ur return.. **dang y does it sound like a movie lmao xp**i don't want to leave either.....but sigh.....all for my sisters and AUM lol
omg freaken hilarious movie ever hahaha .. i know..damn they made blondes look really stupid lmao.. **no offense**i super love that song...especially in the movie WHITE CHICKS lol
yup indeed u did.. as usual at least i made one of my sisters laugh before i went^^lol
AND SHE MEANS IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yup tons of hotties^^
i spammed like everywhere lol. aum related etc .. lmao..xp..ok...go spam a lot^^ i'm try to own the next page before i go![]()
hahaha i dunno if i can top that lol..xp.. but i'll try to lol..hmmmmmmm if you all do spam....spam more than GP's list ahahaha
hahaha make sure u dont forgethmmm when i have time...i will tell you all my list of lovers...there are so many of them..i need to make sure i get them all and not forget any of them
hahaha at leat its only a few mins off.. its like way off.. its 10:07 pm rite now my time n its 2-ish pm on sw.. im confused my clock must be slower than SW because it's 11:11 now while on SW it's 11:13 oh well i'm still going to wish for something^^
hahaha okies rr.. enjoy them..YAY i own this page...well i think that i am going to go read fanfics and then go to sleep
same thing applies to me but usually when i say that....someone or something would come up and BAM i will stay up ahahah
hows your vacation? I received your sms...thanks! but I've been busy too...eloooooo everybody!
miss all my sis here!
juz bak frm my sudden vacation to the
awww...cute! so JLR!lol...when i was at the beach this n my sis was like super JLR crazy...we find all this places super JLR alike!lol...
this tree remind me of the time when Soriya sitting down on the swing hanging at the tree..and Harit was looking at the
my sis was like.."Jie...the rock!!!its like the time when Harit jump into the sea to save!
that's sweet...hugs and kisses for you RR!poor ellem...i promised you that i will talk to's been forever...don't be sad or mad...i still love you..hopefully you love me day...i'll be here for you and only you...and we will talk to each other^^
gn rr... have fun at work tomorrow ks..well going now^^ bye bye GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! hugs and to all of you girls later okay^^
love u too rr.. hmm super duper love you.. hmm kekeke love it you all....i'll miss you all and if i don't talk to you soon...remember i super-duper love you :wub:
so totally random lmao... hmmm 22222 hmm who'll gt it though ?? lol.. this is just a spammin thread now lol.. everyone is migrating xp lol.. i am too.. but i'll alwaise come here i really want to get post 22222 in here lol that would be sooooooooooo awesome<---so random
i love u too...oh one more thing^^