Sis! AHHHHHH!!!!! Ur so lucky everything there is so cute, especially the monkey is the cutest (not even a word LOL). I LOVE IT. The monkey too and u name it Gayu haha u JLRnize it hehe. CAn't wait to see what your room looks like with it JLRnize and junglenize.
Good Luck with making sis. I'll be ur cheerleader! You make such pretty bracelet. OMG. MY SISTER IS SO TALENTED. (so proud)oh yea i'll be sending u JLR bracelets soon well wen i get enough beads if i can find them lmao hmm seeing how long it took me to make mine lets see how long it take for me to make all ya'lls LMAO
WOW sis ur on a role with JLR things. I bet u by the time ur done u'll need a boat to carry all ur JLR stuff. (maybe not even enough) LOLhahah and i went to target to buy them JLR things lmao
Good Luck on ur exam sis. I still have two more weeks before exams and three more before school is ovr=[ tuesday i have my ela exam then next week i have my french and math exam and i believe after this week its gona be last week of skool WOO! so i have like 2 weeks woo hooo!
AWWW, sorry sis! But i bet u this environment reminds u of JLR i was so tired yesterday cuz i skipped class to go help the elementary skool w/ their spring fling or w/e man it was so hawttttt i thought i died hahaah and there weren't drinks or nuttin
OMG i want to see it so bad. After that ur be complete Soriyanize. LOL HAHA my new word so bad at it.WOO HOO! lmao on second week of summer ima get my hair cut in bangs like Affs hahahahhaha but ima grow my hair out for soriya hair hehehheheh
lmao ahah chickas like JLR chicks gawd i'm weird
I'll wil definitely respond to that Bau. I think it's cute too. I've to thanks the person who made it up.YES I MISS YOU TOO ELIE!
hope ure okay now! get well.
muaha im calling her ari! sound cute!
WOW sis nice word. We need to make a dictionary of JLR terms. LOLu beat me to it by like a jungle pearl lamo
LOL. Btw i got a monkey from Bush Gardens and it's like green blue (aqua) i think. I name it Gayu if u don't mind. Hopefully we can share the name.LMAO i'll name my monky holding necklace thing Gayu LMAO i'll name all my monky things gayu gawd theres so many of them i could name them each of the sisters ahhahah
I live near it. And cheesecake it's so delicious. Sorry Sala and Aiko had to joy this convo love chessecake. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!! They are so good.hahaha i live far from it since i moved .. but ionoif i will ever go to it.. keke.. **drools**..cheesecake.. xp..
edit i own this entire page.. wow..xp..
I've the same amount as u. We can dwell on this together LOL.good lukk wid ur test..ks.. wow lukkyu only like 2 weeks left.. i think i got like 2-3 weeks eft argh ..
That's interesting pic LOL. It looks painful. Dr. Harit is on his way LOL (he can help with enotional support) HAHA LOL.btw sala, fyi and all the other US peeps...this is:
^eeewww, bad pic...btw the javeline is the thing in her foot....ouch^
No we don't I just made that up LOL. I'm new here btw my name is Arisa, but my nickname is ari or icy. Depending on what u want to call me. LOL^we have dr. Harith now? ..
i must really miss alot of not going through them many pages :loool:
Nice Aricy hehe I like it. I love all the names you call me. Because it's from u LOL. I think the bracelets is sponsor by Sala even though she doesn't know it yet hehe LOLlol.. love u aricy .. <--- haha a combination of both lol.. kekke..
oh yea free jlr bracelets..muahaha.. lol..
know lots of thai ppl..?? here in cali ?? .. hmm i rarely see them ... iono y...
Luv u toohi aricy n jen i see u glz..xp..
lol.. sorry girls.. goin to church now.. love u galz much .. xp buti'll be back soon.. i hope..
I will spam queen don't worry spammin buddyspam for me lol..
Luv u more hehe LOLlove u sistaz lotz..