ur doin fine xp lol.. im doin a bad job lol..tryign to spam ( not doing a good job)
ur doin fine xp lol.. im doin a bad job lol..tryign to spam ( not doing a good job)
good lukk ks.. im rootin for u ..HAHA just realize this is going to make my posts number skyrocketed.
lol. tha happens to me too ..keke..Wow just notice my posts are a min apart haha very funny.
lol.. i think its the one called badarn jai .. keke.. or botan gleep sudtai..
lol.. hahaha i loved the bloopers xp lol.. :loool:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdj8mzbj7dw...feature=related
more clips from JLR including bloopers. For people who haven't seen it.
AGREED .. keke.. they r hot n did i say .. HOT ?? xp lol..Aff has pretty vioce and so does Aum. Their singng voice too.
ahhhh u makin me wanna rewtch it rite now xp lol.. haha but gotta wait kekeke..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxEhfLbito8
this is so cute. U guys have to watch it hehe. Listen to what they say to each other.
lol.. hahaha aum is like super kute keke.. ive seen this like so many times already xp lol.. but dang aum is hot,...
lol.. i havent finished this lakorn but dang dan n aff r so kute .. keke.. n i loved aff n dan's voice..ekeke so kute..xp..
lol.. ahahaha :loool: u cracked me up so bad lol.xp..Aum has a lingering presence to him.
I love you Atichart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so tempted to go audition for lakorns so I can be close to you.. LOL..
they probably reject me as both the nag'aek and nang'lai, and accept me as the servant or the girl who walks back and fourth at the market. It's okay, I'll love you from afar.
lol.. im hea now.. but u galz arent xp lol.. miss u too aricy ..AWW i miss my JLR sisters. Where are you?
dang i didn't even get to spam today!
awwwe its okay my deary khun ying sala.. its okay.. u'll super spam tomorrow xp .. dang if only i caught u argh.. lol..xp..i g2g for today but talk to ya;ll later hugs na dkisses good nite
bye my aricy .. gn ks.. love u ..OK peoples i guess i'll cu tomorrow*hugs and kisses * to all my JLR sisters.
lol... haha she learned from the best xp lol..ari you really spamming huh? lol caught the gene of the spamming royal already hehe...anyway im at school...see everyone later...love you all.
:loool: ... firl if we add all the drools of all the jlr sistaz ,.. it'll turn into a never ending ocean xp lol..Atichart, goodnight sweet love. I shall go to sleep and dream of you now. :wub: :wub: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
You see all that drool?? It's about to turn into a river!
awwwwwe u didnt .. its okay i suppose.. yea everyone is busy ..xp..i didn't get a chance to go to the cheeze cake factory with sunny/pze/starry and the other gals.... so sad.... had something i had to attend! boo!