Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
he will always be HAWT!
Aff sings???
lol..me too....i dont mind..lol!
lolllll :loool:
lol.. i dont think aff sings but she sang with dan somewhere for their lakorn mon ruk lottery .. xp .. i think aff has a lovely for an actress xp. ..keke.. because some actresses cant sing .. n i mean it too keke.. **no offense to anione lol..**


sarNie Adult
lol.. hahaha but hopefully we dont drown aum keke... but if we do .. im gonna be the one who gives him cpr .. keke.. muahahaha lol.. ** mouth to mouth ** haha wow .. im daydreamin now xp lol.. **drools**
HAHA cpr will u better hurry i think there's a line forming LOL. O yeah watch out for Pinky HAHA j/k LOL

hey sis whats up
Hey, nothing much other than I went to Bush Gardens and wish u were there :( We need to go together, but don't have to ride the rollercoaster LOL.


Staff member
yay! we love AN!
:lol: you will be the first one to know here when I see a cutie....LOL
I am mostly at my work so it's not like before that I'm always here...work is okay...
yup we indeed love an.. xp lol..
haha wat all the cuties goes to starry first ?? xp lol.. j/k.. imma stick with my guyz celebs first xp lol.. **drools** keke..
yea u used to work in ur family internet cafe xp lol.. so free internet 24/7 xp keke..


Staff member
now that I'm working I really don't have the usual time I'm here...I just get on if I have time...
like it huh! ATEAM WORKER...lol...yeah is that interesting? hey are you interested to the department or with the engineers? :lol:
yeah I kinda like 214 too...I'll try to translate the other song soon...please bear with me...I'll try to do it as soon as possible
:lol: I love yah AIKO!
awwwe its okay i jus get on when no one is usin the comp xp lol..
yup interestin keke ateam worker lol.. hmmm i think im interested in both lol..xp ..keke..
u could translate it for me.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i so love u ellem.. **super hugs**


Staff member
hey did i ever post this up yet:

^the lady yowerat one for the ATEAMforum comp^

oh yep btw (gosh nearly forgot), ATEAMforum banner + avy comp...you sisters should join :D
this is super hot xp lol.. haha dang reminds me i gota got to ateam foruum xp lol.. havent been there for awhile xp lol.. haha im not gonna join the comp keke.. i dont even know howta use ps..lmao..xp..


Staff member
wow this is interesting...cant believe im in fifth place atm...*ahuh it's only cause i have heaps of h/w - im going to catch up soon after this term is over*

wow.. im number 3 wow.. i cant believe that xp lol.. keke.. wow.. hahaha .. dont worry u'll catch up keke i gotta pick up my pace lol.. haveta beat rr n gp but argh they so far away lmao..xp..


anie's bb [c] D=
hehe yes the spamming royality is here...aww only king 98 is missing...right now i can see khun ying sala, prince aikoie and of course jaofar baubau is here...g2g kk, imma be late for school again...no holiday here! :( got double biology this morning.


Staff member
muaha anie i sorta 'wrote' on the pic instead of typing cause i wanted to show you my writing (actually i dont really write like that it's cause of the mouse lol so it's kinda retarted), i hope you can get the point though :D :

haha bau keke.. lol.. i so love u xp .. haha hey i see me n ellem there haha xp..


anie's bb [c] D=
oh i see aricy here now...HI GIRL...i really need to head of, going to be late for school but one question...and answer it really quickly cause i need to get to school :D what's memorial day?


Staff member
lmao try and read this, got the idea from that SC i did for anie:

...hey everyone, go on to paint or PS and write us up a message like mine...
lol.. haha this is so cute xp lol.. i'll do this in a bit when i catch up xp lol..