for anyone who's interested (or broke like me) and would like to see (peek at) this movie online, click
HERE. this IS the full length movie!
My personal opinion of this movie . . . Overall . . . Not the worst movie or is it the best, about average maybe . . . The movie seems to drag on and on and on like there was no tomorrow. I highly doubt anyone will actually go and watch this movie beside Clint Eastwood’s followers, the Hmong actors and their friends and families, the “extras,” other carious Hmong people (and/or their non-Hmong friends), and lets not forget the "support the Hmong actors" people. I guess Eastwood decided it’s time to tap into the Hmong society since its . . . Should we say “untouched.” Anyway, onto the movie . . . There are loads among loads of swearing, it’s almost as if everyone swore in between swears (if that makes any sense). I wouldn’t recommend taking your younger siblings (under 12, since we know once they get older then that they’re neither corrupted or uninterested in Hmong “craps”) nor your parents to see it. There are also A LOT of racial comments. The acting isn’t the best, but then again all the Hmong actors are amateurs so that’s understandable. The Hmong culture seems a bit twisted like how many Asian cultures are in American movies. Lets see . . . Ah! The ending . . . Who in their right minds wears traditional Hmong garments to a funeral nowadays? I’ve been to Hmong funerals before and no one wears traditional Hmong garments except for the deceased one. I almost thought they were going to go to a Hmong New Year or something LMAO I guess they did in the movie, because they thought Walt would have liked it? Anyway, something this movie seems to have portrayed . . . Hmong gangsters (and Hmong children, unless this movie is supposed to be protrayed during the summer) have no life and are just black wannabes as well as the Mexican and oh lets not forget . . . The one Eminem wannabe? Ah and there’s the scene in which the “Hmong gang” were going to shoot Walt. All the gang members appeared out of nowhere like in any old movie (lol) and there are the “witnesses.” Now will you as a person keep watching when you see people starts pulling out guns? Hollywood I tell you, anyone in their right mind would have zoomed out and away as fast as they could. Then there was the thing in which one of the officer said . . . Something about how there were witnesses . . . If I remember correctly (unless my eyes were half asleep). . . All the witnesses were HMONG! So what happened to the "Hmong people keep to themselves and wouldn’t say anything" to the polices when Sue got raped? Yea . . . Watch the movie if you have the time . . . But the movie does drags on forever.
my favorite quote off the movie, "i prayed that they'd show up, but nobody answered."