Come to think of it, I have not seen a lakorn that has really made me cry, but there are a few that were very sad!
Kaew Leum Korn (Captain & Aom) - It was so sad when Aom and her twin were taking their mom and running away from the bad people. Then, their mom got shot and died, but Aom and her twin had to leave their mom in the burning building or else they were going to die.
Koo Kum (Num & Benz) - If I really cried for a akorn, it would have to be this lakorn. Of course, the ending of this lakorn was what made me cry!
Nang Tard (Vee & Kob) - Everyone in this lakorn acted so well, especially Kob and Pok! When they cried, their tears came so naturally, and it looked so real that it made me want to cry with them. I felt that this was such a sad lakorn not only because of Kob's suffering, but because of Pok's suffering as well. I always thought it was sad when she slept by herself and cried because Vee was out sleeping with another woman. I just imagined myself in her situation, and I do not think that I could be as kind and strong as she is. Kob was just so amazing in this lakorn. I wanted to cry so many times with her during the lakorn, especially when they took her baby away, and the first time that she actually got to hold her baby : ( ! All in all, it was just a sad lakorn!
Rachinee Morlum (Paul & Joy) - I think the saddest part about this lakorn was the family situation. Between Joy's parents, it was very sad. Even though her mom had done wrong by leaving them, she still cared and loved her family so much. It was always sad when her mom went to go see her blind husband and her daughter in the streets, but she could never talk to them because then the husband would recognize her voice. Then the relationship between Joy and her dad was really sad, too. This was such a great lakorn!