Staff member
wow. that's so unexpected, i expect a more romantic scene than just that .. but oh well, at least, it's fulfilling in a wayIt should be in either Friday or Saturday's episode. According to the spoilerPong get's jealous b/c Mo is talking closely to Oh about finding new land in case she really has to divorse Pong. So Pong and Mai (Pong's man servant) come up with a plan for Pong to try and rape her, so he lies and tells her he's going to take her back to the farm, but then on the way the car breaks and while Pong goes to find a mechanic he leaves his cell in the car, Pang calls and Mo picks up and she then reveals the whole plan to Mo. Mo get's pissed and Knocks Pong in the head, Pong becomes unconscious (but is really faking it) So then Mo get's all emotional and starts telling him to wake up and how she doesn't want him to lose his memory and she doesn't want him to forget about her. Pong slowly wakes up..everyones happy and suddenly Pang and Oh show up..they see both on the bed together and Oh begins to yell at Pong saying how can you do this to someone you don't even love..Pong replies how do you know I don't love her..then Pang get's all pissed and accuses him of lying to her b/c he told her he doesn't love Mo and even if he dies he could never love a girl like her. Pang then runs off and Oh follows her. Mo's pissed and about to leave but Pong won't let her, she refuses to listen to him so he grabs her and kisses her..she slowly gives in and then the rest is magic lol
I skipped a few details since I rushed it but that's pretty much how the story is suppose to go.
If you have more time, please do spoil us spoiler ppl (particularly me LOL) -- I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH !!!!
THANK YOU for your previous spoiler :wub: