of course the storyline matter and it doesn't matter how hawt the leading actress/actor is , if there no storyline & interaction bwt the lead, what's the point , all the other character are annoying . Come on now , at least in Botun Greep Sood Tai , there was a moral behind it all , a love bwt one's parent toward their children , and in there the other character shape the lakorn even though not enough of AUM/AFF

that was acceptable --- but 'Namtan Mai' is totally wrong in so many ways , all the character are bunch of cheater haha , Harit/Soroya was together nearly 3/4 of the time (at the insland of course^^) vs an average of not more than 1hr of Bo&Pawan together screen time in the entire 10 eps with only 3 eps left till it end ! The producer are soo wrong , they lie to the entire nation of Ateam's fan lol & they promote the lakorn like no tomorrow , truly is false advertisements . Where do i sign up to join the ATM Chinese fan club , i can't read the front , where Wishy , can she translate my email into Thai , i want to send attachment to TV SCENE