Totally cheering for White Dragon Team a bit more than Blue Dragon!!!credit to Nadech & Yaya Home at Pantip
Anyone cheering for the White Dragon Team!!?
I know our lilo boy Nadech is probably working his ass of rite now, i'm just talking about the pass couple of time they've done this event, the top dogs are never at practice, i mean why be part of this event if you can't even really be part of this event...everyone else is practicing...Some ppl are busy working but when they have time, they'll come in to make up for it. I mean, NADECH plays SOCCER most of the time so he's fine on this .. Also, you can't really help it when their schedule are filled with works. (I'm not making excuses na. He has a pact schedule plus joggling with school. It's not his fault that he's banking in right now)
CAN you put the link plz?credit to Ch3 Pantip