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  • lol... i'm doing good and what about you??? what's new?? life?? you married to your gf yet lol??? omg no thanks, i dont want no cookie hahahaa
    haha giftcards.. good idea.. anyways i have 27 total in my family which consists my mumsie, dad, siblings, grannie, neices & nephews.... so it's call dollar tree for the kids and walmart for the grown ups!!
    lol i've been doing good... just got back from some Christmas shopping..... i've got half done then in 2 more weeks i'mma go again... yay!!! what about u? how are u doing??
    yay finally someone said i look kiddish... usually i get the oh shit she looks 50.. hahha jkjk
    lol i admit i was checking ur page out.. but that was only because u started it *pointing fingers @ u* anyways i'm 13? wait that's wrong i'm 22!!! hahaha
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