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  • wish i had a family who loved me....
    Muddie Murda
    Muddie Murda
    You do! Andrew! That's your family now! :D
    yeah, well, im about to open a whole can of worms come next week... my family and i w/ my son, are gonna break off all ties. no more family to me and to them. just me n Andrew. lemme know when u got space in NC?
    Muddie Murda
    Muddie Murda
    You'll be one of the first I tell! Where are you going to stay now?
    I think you'd have to go into my profile to reply back, otherwise, I won't get notification that you even said anything about my "wall post" on your profile page :D
    I'm learning it too. This is like a new forum with new features. I almost don't know how to send people msgs.
    this is weird to come checking in a forum daily again... it's been too long; i now remember the forum addiction; i am so weak
    seunghee's whore is MY bitch... LOL :)
    ok... i'll be nice and also be Weir's Whore ... dan is still with benz... major ughness
    Muddie Murda
    Muddie Murda
    Benz? He's with Pat now. She's major cute. Benz got extremely upset LOL!!! She got jealous that Dan came out to public with Pat and he never did that with Benz. She went to the media and complained LOL
    oh yeah? which pat? :) that's good. my other man has finally got a brain!! but i'll be Weir's Whore for now... i don't know what wrong with me. I love guys with a beautiful singing voice!
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