K K Katerine Mar 19, 2011 i am in love with my new phone <3 and it has actually pulled me out of my writer's block haha
K K Katerine Mar 17, 2011 Boy & Margie Fans come join BARGIE LOL: <a href="http://z15.invisionfree.com/BARGIE/index.php?" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://z15.invisionfree.com/BARGIE/index.php?</a>
Boy & Margie Fans come join BARGIE LOL: <a href="http://z15.invisionfree.com/BARGIE/index.php?" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://z15.invisionfree.com/BARGIE/index.php?</a>
K K Katerine Mar 14, 2011 Has a new display name hehe now i feel a bit more mature and won't be getting confussed when i'm on spicyforum . Thank Darvil!
Has a new display name hehe now i feel a bit more mature and won't be getting confussed when i'm on spicyforum . Thank Darvil!
K K Katerine Mar 13, 2011 i would really like to know why my brother is talking to me like he's in a gang...
K K Katerine Mar 10, 2011 Shakespear sucks... 2 weeks writing a essay and i've only written 1000 words out off 2000 blahh
K K Katerine Feb 27, 2011 Should be updating my Fanfic... but my new book is to good to close...and it giving me lots of naughty ideas hehehe
Should be updating my Fanfic... but my new book is to good to close...and it giving me lots of naughty ideas hehehe
aikoden Feb 7, 2011 awwe, i see.. take your time.. i'm quite busy myself but i try to find time since the ff's section is addicting. well i got addicted again after a hiatus off sw.. hehe
awwe, i see.. take your time.. i'm quite busy myself but i try to find time since the ff's section is addicting. well i got addicted again after a hiatus off sw.. hehe
TheGurlo22 Jan 2, 2011 The Fate of Concealed Love CH 7 is up!! ^_^ --- http://asianfuse.net/discuzz/topic/46525-the-fate-of-concealed-love-ch-7-up/page__st__20__gopid__734354#entry734354
The Fate of Concealed Love CH 7 is up!! ^_^ --- http://asianfuse.net/discuzz/topic/46525-the-fate-of-concealed-love-ch-7-up/page__st__20__gopid__734354#entry734354