Cupid Candy
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  • I'm hungry right now but if i eat i'll feel fat. URGGGGG! The things a girl gotta do to stay thin.
    Girl I feel you! I'm always hungry tho! Lol
    I eat all time you know.
    p. Zoua
    p. Zoua
    I'm with Asy. LOLXD I eat whenever. lol But if you want to stay in shape eat healthy stuff.
    Despite the dragging i'm enjoying Sentai Salai Sode very much, Noon and Vee are much cuter here than they were in that awful lakorn Dao Pbuen Din. <3 Noon and Vee
    I'm happy that finally someone said she love my Vee and Noon. ;)
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    I've always like Vee onscreen, i don't understand why so many people dislike him. He's very handsome.
    Going through my mom's old magazine's from the 90's. Found pics of Bee Sawis!!!! My favorite p'ek!!
    • Like
    Reactions: 1 person
    I love him with Namfon K.
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    He and Fon are such a great couple, loved Ploy Lom Phet
    Oh how I miss him!
    I had to guess through the last questions of my test since i needed to go pee badly. I hate my bladder, i bet i failed because of the stupid thing
    This is so weird i have random feelings of love but i am not in love with anyone. I bet my one true love is being born right this second LMAO
    Same here. I'm so touchy when watching romantic scenes but I have no one to be think of actually.
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    I haven't been watching anything i would consider "romantic" my feelings are just popping up out of nowhere, or maybe i'm just going through PMS LOL
    p. Zoua
    p. Zoua
    haha I feel you on that. Sometimes they say if you feel that way then it means your true love is coming or will be there soon. hahahaXD superstitions right?
    I was close to punching three dumbass and immature people today. And they're like 40ish year old guys fighting over a damn seat. -_-
    Watched those hauls on youtube and dang, people are crazy enough to buy like 10 Chanel purses within a year. I am so jealous, but i would never do that. I probably would have to marry a doctor to get that kind of money.
    I had a dream of my perfect man, he was so nice and sweet, too bad i woke up in the middle of the dream. Just as it got romantic.
    My grandmother needs to stop meddling with my choices. If i have nothing to say to a relative, i have nothing to say. Its no use to force me.
    Its funny how my best friend is now just an aquaintance and my mortal enemy and i are getting along. The world is getting more fucked up as the days go by.
    p. Zoua
    p. Zoua
    lol tell me about it...lost one of my good friends this year just b/c she became more associated with GOD....
    I can't access is anyone having the same problem?
    You're not the only one. Every since yesterday I was unable to get to the website.
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    Same here ! :O
    Watching Ngao Hua Jai <3
    I've been debating to watch that lakorn since it aired but never did. lol Tell me. Is it worth watching?
    True; is it good?
    Cupid Candy
    Cupid Candy
    I'm enjoying it. Theres a lot of s3x between the pra'nang LMAO
    Going through romantic comedy withdrawal. I've seen all the good ones, now theres none to wathc WAHHHHHHHHHH
    Been watching romantic comedies all day. Maybe i should study for my test, nah i'll do that later, the guys are too cute to leave right now.
    The good thing about being sick is that you get skinnier. Its a great way to lose all that holiday weight gain. Since when your sick you don't sleep, everything tastes gross so you don't eat. And voila you have a perfect figure again.
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