roselovesice Jul 23, 2012 Finally finish watching parts 1&2 of Batman after watching part 3. Such a beast. lol
roselovesice Jul 21, 2012 Hate how I keep thinking about you every night. I seriously don't even like you. Sigh.
roselovesice Jun 8, 2012 I'm finally...officially a High school graduate. Finally got that Diploma. 555 (;
roselovesice Jun 5, 2012 Graduation Rehearsal today. Back to seeing faces that I don't want to see. LOL
roselovesice May 20, 2012 Wondering why i'm watching Roy Marn online when I have the DVD's right in front of me....555
roselovesice May 19, 2012 Definitely lost interest in watching dramas. No! I can't let this happen! D;