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  • Another day of school! Sigh the first day sucked maybe the next day will be better?? Need to finish this year and the next with high GPAs!
    updated! updated! updated! already! haha so gald i updated today for you gals!! ch34 is updated and its vvery long chapter so take ur time reading it!! hah thx for folllowing along na!! love all my readers!!<3
    lol had fun this summer but need to get back to reailty school starts soon ad need some real waking up to the real world!!!
    Lol hate it when someone tires to start a problem!! I can ignore but u know what im not going to becuz i see my reasons are good enough to be speaken out also!!!
    Rising Sun yea!! Yadech reunion!! I hope for Mario and Taew also!! Haha whoa^_^
    Yadech reunion? Cool but whats this all about? I'm literally confused.
    lol havent even got my drivers linceses and school is almost starting ergh i already forgotten how to drive!!!
    Dang i need to start learning how to drive again lost my touch!!!
    omg I know. I had once stop driving for 2 months and when I got back behind the wheels, I drove like an idiot.
    I am so tired of driving already! Lol
    i get scare when i want to change lane lol - that's what happen when you walk to campus instead of drive there everyday :(
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