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  1. asha131097

    JK returns makes me rolling ^^

    JK returns makes me rolling ^^
  2. asha131097

    Kimmy so pretty ;)

    Kimmy so pretty ;)
  3. asha131097

    Blood makes you related, but Loyalty makes you family

    Blood makes you related, but Loyalty makes you family
  4. asha131097

    You Zhangjing IG Acc has gotten back ✌️

    You Zhangjing IG Acc has gotten back ✌️
  5. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Anyone have the link for live streaming tonight?
  6. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Chaba & Kla Vs Chaba & Thong Eak
  7. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley :love:
  8. asha131097

    Thong Eak Mor Yah Tah Chaloang tonight ^=^

    Thong Eak Mor Yah Tah Chaloang tonight ^=^
  9. asha131097

    OMG i miss IP1 damn much, still can't get over it TT

    OMG i miss IP1 damn much, still can't get over it TT
  10. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    I wonder what's on his mind when looking at Kim lips.. hahaa
  11. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley Tomorrow?
  12. asha131097

    Would love to see KimRio again on future ^^

    Would love to see KimRio again on future ^^
  13. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    What genre with Yaya? Remake or new script?
  14. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Do you think Kim was a bit shy around Mario? Especially when they have an eyes contact, not like her with James Ma.. I legit Mario looking at Kim lips then eyes .. LoL
  15. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    I hope Kim receives more upcoming projects/drama, as her age is growing and before she stepping into the marriage.. p/s: I'm sorry for broken Eng from before till now, as Eng was not my language :(
  16. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    But why? I think everyone was ship them
  17. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    what I noticed in every acting/drama with Kim is they will for sure get a real 'slap' by her. All p'ek got a gifts 'slap' by Kim:pancarta:
  18. asha131097

    Wise word to keep in mind

    Wise word to keep in mind
  19. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    both of James Ma and Mario have no upcoming projects/drama, I wonder if one of them will be next pra'ek for the second time for Kim? :naughty2::naughty2:
  20. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Guys, does Mario have gf? Cuz I've read his profile saying he's in a relationship :confused12:
  21. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    I do not know why but i want to see kim with bob hairstyle, she will rock it possibly! but so far we rarely seems Nang'ek have a short haired in lakorn (drama). Perhaps she can hairdo's like ponytail
  22. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Gun Napat sings 'hug' OST song of Thong Ake
  23. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Congratulations for 2M views :cheer:
  24. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    I miss her in Talk Show too, the last time she was in was with JM p/s : Welcome back @Peace ^^
  25. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Yeah, i wondered too.. as she's not been active lately, hope nothing bad happens to her
  26. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    For reunited, i want her with Mario and Nadech also James Ma.. if new co-star would like to see her with Great or Ken.T.. perhaps she can pair up with some of new generation considering she has never been in partnership with it. Please give a chance for her to act with under Broadcast / Act Art...
  27. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    The way Thong Ake scold Chaba, really leaves the impression and Chaba express her feelings with very well. I like how they interval the scene with there have a Pong scene with Thong Ake and afterwards they will have a scene for Kla and Chaba vice versa... Though i never watch his drama before...
  28. asha131097

    @[17593:@Koy123] do u have a link for the thread?

    @[17593:@Koy123] do u have a link for the thread?
  29. asha131097

    if they make a remake for the lakorn Sawan Biang, which artist you want & to pair with?

    if they make a remake for the lakorn Sawan Biang, which artist you want & to pair with?
  30. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    there is still no news of co-star & drama going forward for her till now, hoping to hear good news and can act under excellent producer soon. I have checked some of the actors who are free (include my favourite) to act with her in the next lakorn as well and wish it becomes reality ...
  31. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Did Anne talking about Kim? Someone translate please! :worship2:
  32. asha131097

    Mario is so sweet towards Kim

    Mario is so sweet towards Kim
  33. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley Mario is truly gentleman ^^
  34. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    did Mario ever do the slap-kiss genre for bis previous drama?
  35. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    @Anonymous<3 that's right! Please do not let it happen without anything, same going with Nadech, KimBarry have a strong chemistry but still we have no news of them till now (7 years have past):facepalm: but still hoping for GOOD NEWS!
  36. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    i lowkey want to see them with genre slapandkiss the tense will be :naughty2:.. please have a second chance for them :worship2:
  37. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Her vibe same like Ann :)
  38. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    Anyone know the rating for ep3?
  39. asha131097

    CH3 49th Anniversary Soccer Game and Concert

    The best CH3 concert was in 2016.. the rest of that, not my tea ~
  40. asha131097

    Next Kim drama with Nadech or James Ma please!!

    Next Kim drama with Nadech or James Ma please!!
  41. asha131097

    Seriously Kim need to pair up with Nadech again, please!!!

    Seriously Kim need to pair up with Nadech again, please!!!
  42. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    Anyone know the next project for Kim? Not mention the one with Mario ^^
  43. asha131097

    Nine Percent

    Nine Percent
  44. asha131097

    Nine Percent, way to be Idol

    Nine Percent, way to be Idol
  45. asha131097

    who's watching Idol Producer??

    who's watching Idol Producer??
  46. asha131097

    KF teaser

    KF teaser
  47. asha131097

    who's your favorite on Idol Producer ??

    who's your favorite on Idol Producer ??
  48. asha131097

    Idol Producer jiayou !!

    Idol Producer jiayou !!
  49. asha131097

    HBD our beloved KIMMY.. hope this year will become more successful^^

    HBD our beloved KIMMY.. hope this year will become more successful^^
  50. asha131097

    everything happens for a 'reason'

    everything happens for a 'reason'
  51. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    did Kim cut her hair?? when and why??
  52. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley someone translate this what's the meaning??
  53. asha131097

    i am me, i am me....

    i am me, i am me....
  54. asha131097

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    finally KimRio get to pair up 2gether... btw this genre is comedy period.... but why not romance toooo,, well as long as Kim in here i don't mind.
  55. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    is it true she pair up with Mario.?? thanks god, after several years i have been waiting for them, finally they pair up together..:clap::cheer:
  56. asha131097

    KimJa (Kimmy ❤ James Ma) - OTP

    did u notice the name of account instagram James was James_Jamesma seem same with Kimmy_Kimberley.... what a coincidence!!
  57. asha131097

    Can you be sweet as suger , cold as ice and beautiful as flower

    Can you be sweet as suger , cold as ice and beautiful as flower
  58. asha131097


    Kim & Nadech James Ma & Kim
  59. asha131097

    Everyday i will open email/AF to know about Kim next project, but until now it's still nothing...

    Everyday i will open email/AF to know about Kim next project, but until now it's still nothing!! mehh ..hope we will get a news good soon..
  60. asha131097

    Why are you lie to us, you have made us sufferers who are willing to sacrifice just for this...

    Why are you lie to us, you have made us sufferers who are willing to sacrifice just for this stupid thing !! What the heck
  61. asha131097

    HAPPY EID mubarak 1438H for ISLAM

    HAPPY EID mubarak 1438H for ISLAM
  62. asha131097

    I'm prefer Weslife more LOL ^_^

    I'm prefer Weslife more LOL ^_^
  63. asha131097

    Happy Fasting Day / Salam Ramadhan for all Muslim in the world

    Happy Fasting Day / Salam Ramadhan for all Muslim in the world
  64. asha131097

    The more he teases you the more he likes you... is it true??

    The more he teases you the more he likes you... is it true??
  65. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    It's a pay if acted with a Kim.. everything is real.. even kiss, slap etc.. :rolleyes:
  66. asha131097

    Buang Hong ... will miss u ... T_T #teamPim LoL

    Buang Hong ... will miss u ... T_T #teamPim LoL
  67. asha131097

    "You are not designed for everyone to like you."

    "You are not designed for everyone to like you."
  68. asha131097

    Mark-Kim World

  69. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas
  70. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    she always looked good with anybody.. and always have a good care from anybody.. she has a special aura,, that's why i love her..
  71. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    with Nine.. with Boy
  72. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Kim FC
  73. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    Rating for ep6 : 4.2
  74. asha131097

    KimJa (Kimmy ❤ James Ma) - OTP

    Vote for our KimJa ^_^
  75. asha131097

    [Mainland] Siege in Fog (2017)

    Did they have happy ending or sad?? Cdrama usually will end up with a sad ending :sad6:
  76. asha131097

    Mark-Kim World

    April day. ^^
  77. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    @Kim_JJ welcome to BH thread.. hope u will enjoy space with us .. ^^
  78. asha131097

    a novelist who work with ch3 will write a novel with the koojin NY, MK, BM as the lead characters

    If they make this into a lakorn , i would like to changed their partner to Kim Nadech , Yaya Boy , Margie Mark... I'm tired to see a same pairing, but i know it will never happen.. just ha!
  79. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    maybe just me who think so.. ;) ..
  80. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    is it just me who think Kim face is a bit resemble with Anastasia from FSOG/FSOD plus her hair with bang on this drama. maybe because her face looks western compared other Thai actress.
  81. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Kim scheduled on April.. can someone translate it??
  82. asha131097

    Any recommended series??

    U guys can try watching cdrama The Princess Weiyoung,, though it was too drama but main cast have a good chemistry also TPW have a sad ending.. worth watching
  83. asha131097

    KimJa (Kimmy ❤ James Ma) - OTP

    Too many KimJa events for this month.. i'm so happy ^^
  84. asha131097

    KimJa (Kimmy ❤ James Ma) - OTP

    Is it true KimJa has an event together on 26/3.. ??
  85. asha131097

    Currently watching My Sunshine,,i'm become biased with TangYan after watching TPWY..She is the...

    Currently watching My Sunshine,,i'm become biased with TangYan after watching TPWY..She is the best chinese actress 4 me beside Zhao Zanilia
  86. asha131097

    [CH3] Kom Faek (Metta Mahaniyom) : Mark Prin / Kimmy Kimberley

    I'm just done watching TPWY,, yes 1st half they have a cute romance until Touba Jun mother died around ep34@35, in blink an eyes everything has changed.. i hope this one not to have much drama/revenge..
  87. asha131097

    Currently watching Princess Wei Young,, got addicted.. main couple has amazing chemistry ^^

    Currently watching Princess Wei Young,, got addicted.. main couple has amazing chemistry ^^
  88. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    18days to go:thumbup:
  89. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    anyone can translate it? i think it event for Kim in March.
  90. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Lot of drama broadcast on channels 3, identified by the news that I saw. I was waiting for the channel to announce it. Ps : i'm translate it use google translate..
  91. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    Maybe it's truee..event thouhgt it seem far from ending well u know lakorn thai always do rushing ending .. hope they confirm #BuangHong will air on 6th March... i'm happy truly excited for it. :aaaaa:
  92. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    didn't 5 march was Sunday?
  93. asha131097

    CH3 2017 upcoming drama & synopsis

    Waiting for Buang Hong .. 19 days to go :aaaaa:
  94. asha131097

    Buang Hong trailer already out ^_^... kyaaa can't wait to watch..

    Buang Hong trailer already out ^_^... kyaaa can't wait to watch..
  95. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    guys vote for Kim please ,, hope she can win some award for this year. :)
  96. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    When the teaser out?? Wonder about their chemistry. :confused12:
  97. asha131097

    I distance myself from people for a reason !

    I distance myself from people for a reason !
  98. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    yeah me too... i'm curious who will be her next pra'ek! Just wait n see :rolleyes:
  99. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    When she will graduate?? there are many actor i want to see she pair up with because i know she will nailed it. :thumbup: among is Mario , Great , Ken.T if possible i want to see her with ch.7 actor but i know it's impossible :crybaby2: also i want her to reunited with Nadech or James Ma
  100. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Kim didn't have project/upcoming lakorn after Kom Faek?? .. did any company want her?? or she want to take a break??
  101. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Kim Ig has verified.... congratulation :clap:
  102. asha131097

    "I had no reason to dislike a good-looking guy looking at me."

    "I had no reason to dislike a good-looking guy looking at me."
  103. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Kim eating Ketupat ?? Really.. i thought Ketupat only has in Malaysia
  104. asha131097

    Best Criers

    Kim ... i have know her since Raeng Pradtanah and she look so beautiful.. for the best cries i think she won me in Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised ... she's natural and i can feel the pain :>3
  105. asha131097

    [CH3] Kom Faek (Metta Mahaniyom) : Mark Prin / Kimmy Kimberley

    You can see Mark ear is turn red at the end,, maybe he hurt to handle those heavy slap .. p0_0r Mark .. Finally we can see different type besides rom-com in their acting. good job both of you >3
  106. asha131097

    Welcome 2017 ...Selamat tahun baru semua...

    Welcome 2017 ...Selamat tahun baru semua...
  107. asha131097

    Crush next door :<3

    Crush next door :<3
  108. asha131097

    Yeah i'm wonder too,, do u know another site to watching asian drama (chinese taiwan korean...

    Yeah i'm wonder too,, do u know another site to watching asian drama (chinese taiwan korean japan) beside dramacool and kissasian
  109. asha131097

    [CH3] Kom Faek (Metta Mahaniyom) : Mark Prin / Kimmy Kimberley

    Wow Alex & Kim... so cute ;)
  110. asha131097

    after ending PCKNMCPW.. now i'm starting watching 'doctor' PSH korean drama

    after ending PCKNMCPW.. now i'm starting watching 'doctor' PSH korean drama
  111. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    at first i want KimBarry reunited first, but now i want KimJa :thumbup: ... i'm trully fall in love with them :love: ... Kim & James was first time pair up but they both have a really really good chemistry :clap:
  112. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    OMG they look so good together...
  113. asha131097

    miss my KIMJA hope we can see them pair up again ^-^

    miss my KIMJA hope we can see them pair up again ^-^
  114. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    yeah i think so, namcha do great job to portray her character(som).. we can see her character is so hard and pity also she doesn't have anyone who loved her.
  115. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Is it for magazine or what??
  116. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    Some fans post it.... So cute
  117. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    I like her outfit , hairstyle, make up at this scene.... She looks so so beautiful
  118. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    It's trending now!! Serious :campeon::applaudit:
  119. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Mor !! What are you doing to our Nuth?? :aplastao:
  120. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Hope they will show us a little wedding scene today ( Wednesday ) .. even the possibility of there are so much things going on in the preview !
  121. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Does this picture ever Upload at this thread ?? Btw, it looks hott:naughty2:
  122. asha131097

    Mark-Kim World

    but for now I do not want Kim pair up with Mark yet, i want Kim teamed up with another actor first. :nono: maybe next year or two years and then I want to see them reunited.
  123. asha131097

    waiting for wednesday #pcknmcpw

    waiting for wednesday #pcknmcpw
  124. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Welcome @Jet ... Glad too see many new member at this thread... Hope the rating of this drama is growing tooo 'spin' 'spin' :)
  125. asha131097

    Mark-Kim World

    Kim lucky because every actor/pra'ek who starred with him would be carrying him... you should put Nadech too..:pesas:
  126. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    So sad.. Because i would like to see all cast pcknmcpw at 1 event,, glad to see James, pop, namcha, eye, ball and the girl(I don't know what's the name) also at the concert too But Kim should also at there... But maybe she is busy in the day :/
  127. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Can anyone told me why Kim is not in this event??
  128. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Pop always sent a picture Kim with him..
  129. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    soo beautiful .. look young & fresh
  130. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    i'm curious did Pop & Kim has a kiss scene?? 'woot' 'woot'
  131. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Wow KimJa says Many great & cute scenes will coming.. :aaaaa::loveyou: Tomorrow(Wednesday) please come faster , I'm anxious to see them
  132. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    I prefer Kim makeup natural. It looks more beautiful and fresh.
  133. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    You'r right btw the rating is still going low . Is it because the skills edit unsatisfactory or actor not to famous, no chemistry, not good production, lack promotion? Though the views of each episode is rather high . CH3 see based on what? #sorry for my English:(:mad:
  134. asha131097

    just a girl not a magician

    just a girl not a magician
  135. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    thanks a lot for upload it... hope someone can sub this A.S.A.P :aplastao:
  136. asha131097

    Gun Napat Injaiuea

    fancamWork Sharp Award at the 10th Theater Aksra King Power 20.02.2013. Gun keep looking at kimmy. kimmy very beautiful
  137. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    can you give me a link to watch streaming?
  138. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    yeah you're right. especially when Yaya also at this .. Kim chance to win may be thin .. I hope Kim will win, after all, long time no see Kim win the award.
  139. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    oowh, thank you peace ^-^ vote for Kim ;);) A proposal to vote for Kim was a crowd favorite. With The #9 ENTERTAIN ️. ✌ How to vote. 1 type m3 2 send sms to 4111919 ** Number 1 VOTE. 5 times a day ** Send. Since today is 24.00 24/5/59
  140. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    did anyone know about Kim next event?
  141. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    kim, james, pop, eye have a live concert today right ??
  142. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    you can watch at here
  143. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned bung_lakorn3 tonight Chayakorn conservative era with new drugs to fight MMA show actual pain # a man is not a magician. :eek::coleman:
  144. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    you all can see this drama with eng sub in I just met earlier ^_^
  145. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    how do we can see this drama with sub?
  146. asha131097

    Free/cheap website to watch chinese movies and drama/series??

    u can try or
  147. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    Hye, What I noticed is Kim follow up Mint.C pra'ek ... First Kim pair up with Mark after Mint.C teamed up with Mark , then Kim with Boy.P where Mint .C paired up first .After that, Kim is now starring with James Ma where Mint.C also acted with James Ma ... Maybe next time we will be able to see...
  148. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    When the filming starts?? James Ji seemed happy with Kim ;)
  149. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    How many episode for this drama?? What's genre??
  150. asha131097

    [CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly

    Hello , I'm a fan of Kim and I always follow up her drama . I started to love it since the drama R.P , I am too excited with her ​​new drama with James Ji . Hope they have a Good chemistry. I've long wanted to see them together in a drama :)
  151. asha131097

    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I'm not too understand what is the meaning of this(replaying)??
  152. asha131097

    What's your top 5 thai actress???

    1. Kimberly 2. Anne T. 3. Matt p. 4. Chompoo A. 5. Margie
  153. asha131097

    Who are your 7 Wonders?

    1. Mario 2. Porshe 3. James Ma 4. Pope 5. Alex 6. James Ji 7. Mark Prin 1. Anne T. 2. Kimberly 3. Esther 4. Matt P. 5. Margie 6. Chompoo A. 7. Aum P.
  154. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Aww james,, He seemed to be smiling & happy
  155. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    When NRTR its airing?? Wednesday or thursday
  156. asha131097

    kimberley TVC

    So cute #Comel..
  157. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Until now still no filming ... I hope tomorrow they will filming ... Miss my KimJa
  158. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Kim look tall at here.. BTW this te Kim have a problem with Mark right?? That's why she look bit tired...
  159. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    I want to see Kim pair up with Mario ...
  160. asha131097

    [KBS2] School 2015: Who Are You? 후아유- 학교 2015

    Waiting for Monday (ep11)
  161. asha131097

    [KBS2] School 2015: Who Are You? 후아유- 학교 2015

    Reset & fly with the wind.. feel love with ost
  162. asha131097

    [KBS2] School 2015: Who Are You? 후아유- 학교 2015

    Really?? O.m.o it's getting good because han yi an can be with eun byul and tae kwang with eun bi..
  163. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Thursday is so long.. Can't wait for film
  164. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    Not many fan for KimBo :-(
  165. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    R they not filming today?? Frustrated ;(
  166. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Mark is always stand in the middle when there are men among Kim..
  167. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    KimBarry @ KimAnanda.. Who u like to reunite ASAP??
  168. asha131097

    [Ch3] Abb Ruk Online (Thong Entertainment)

  169. asha131097

    [Ch3] Abb Ruk Online (Thong Entertainment)

    What episode for this scene??
  170. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Until now James is still not doing prank to Kim .. maybe he will be the first man who did not make prank toward Kim compared to others .. :/
  171. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    OMO .. I'm feel like want to scream when KimJa stare each other
  172. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    I hope they will filming tomorrow (Thursday & Friday).. Since Anne & Kim back from vacay
  173. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    Yes.. U right I want see Kim & Mario pair up together damn much.. :spin: :spin: :spin:
  174. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    I want to this year Kim pair up with new people.. Don't reunite yet
  175. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    OMO My heart beating fast looked KimJa.. :clap: :clap: Anyone can i know how many episode for this drama??
  176. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    maybe because Kim character for being business woman.. so they want Kim looked mature and suitable for character..
  177. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    This week was last epi for wanvisa.. So sad :(
  178. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    I hope Kim get casted with Mario @ Nadech
  179. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    Look great couple.. Can't wait for this pair
  180. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    OMO me too.. I'm feel like I'm gonna scream when see Kim n JMa :) :)
  181. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  182. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    I think so.. If not Kim at NRTR I'm not interesting too
  183. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    I think so.. If not Kim at NRTR I'm not interesting too
  184. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    I think so.. If not Kim at NRTR I'm not interesting too
  185. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    Not many update & pages for NRTR.. Maybe not too interested with pair Boy & Kim
  186. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Feeling like screaming when viewed Kim and James ... I feeeelll hot right now ... Btw One pic still not enough for me ... Want more please ...
  187. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    I would like to see first pic for PCKNMCPW,, because she look beautiful with hair style.. Maybe It's lool suitable for business woman style.. Hihihi :highfive:
  188. asha131097

    [Ch3] Mafia Luerd Mungkorn Series (Act Art)

    Ananda kiss too pushy and hard . I can feel that maybe he was feeling towards Kim when he saw Kim .. Maybe :ghehe:
  189. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Her acting so natural and emotion too deep.. I can feel what her feeling through her eyes ;)
  190. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Suay... Look beautiful...
  191. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Where u heard a rumor?? BTW I can't wait...
  192. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned KimJa 4 ever
  193. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Look pure & adorable
  194. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    Haha.. I'm laughing too
  195. asha131097

    [Ch3] Mafia Luerd Mungkorn Series (Act Art) Guys please vote EFM for Kimberly @ Mafia Luerd Mungkorn
  196. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas Guys please vote EFM for Kimberly @ Mafia Luerd Mungkorn
  197. asha131097

    [Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned

    Where did u get this pic?? I'm not found it
  198. asha131097

    [Ch3] Nang Rai Tee Ruk (Citizen Kane)

    No update today... Hmmm
  199. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    Yeah u right..
  200. asha131097

    Kimberley Ann Voltemas

    I would like to see Kim pair up with Mario & James ji
  201. asha131097

    Who Should Kimberley Pair With Next???

    I want to see her pair up with James ji or Mario ... Because they look have chemistry
  202. asha131097

    [Ch3] Abb Ruk Online (Thong Entertainment)

    when it's airing?? i can't wait.... 
  203. asha131097

    i am not PERFECT,,, but i am LIMITED...

    i am not PERFECT,,, but i am LIMITED...