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    Harb Kong Mae(Master One)

    i like this lakorn! mann i wish ch3 will give donut more leading roles!!!
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    Borisud Bumbut Kaen(Broadcast Thai)

    im really excited for this one, not just for anne and aum but also for art and jaja
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    Din Neua Tong(PJJ)

    omg even better!! ANne is on a rOollll
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    Din Neua Tong(PJJ)

    woOot. this is awesome news.. havnt seen bua in such a long time also.... going to be a great come back for her!
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    Nimit Marn(Tv Scene)

    awww mann really? mart and ploy wont be pairing up... that sucks.. i really find them cute!
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    Paula Taylor and Marc Nelson

    hahah they are both australian!! so yeah how awesome!
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    Botun Greep Sood Tai(Tv Scene)

    wow cant really picture aff as a tomboy! but gosh cant wait to see this !!! sounds super cool
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    Yuthakarn Hak Karn Thong(Broadcast Thai)

    wow i like the first episode, it was really cute, glad to see rita and rome again even though they arnt paired up.
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    Yuthakarn Hak Karn Thong(Broadcast Thai)

    what a shame that rita and rome aren't paired up together. owelllz i will still give this a shot, since i like both mart and noon. the teaser looks good.
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    Tard Ruk Torranong

    gosh love the couple in here... so much chemistry!! hope to see more cute scenes!!
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    Harb Kong Mae(Master One)

    yay donut as n'ek
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    Nimit Marn(Tv Scene)

    two n'eks and 1 p'ek???? 0_o i like ploy more!!
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    Klien Kaew Krang Jai(Broadcast)

    hahhas yayy she finally did speak... which is good.. although rome still doesnt know shes the one who took care of him.. *sighs* but yes hopefully next episode will reveal more!!!
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    Klien Kaew Krang Jai(Broadcast)

    goshhhhh im getting real annoyed hahahz.. mann wish rome will find out soon!!!!!! Rita SPEAK dammit!!!
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    Bpee Kaew Nang Hong (Red Drama)

    yay been waiting for dan to star in a lakorn with another ch 3 actress.. they look cute together.. she doesnt look old next to him at all =P
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    Muer Dok Ruk Ban (Act Art Generation)

    jeebers ploy nang rai..?? o welllz.. although i do liek her as n'ek.. this looks like a good lakorn to watch.. and aff is sooo prettty!
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    Ruk Leh Sanae Luang

    hey did mean por and ploy meet yet??? LOL in the second epis. didnt watch it yet.. hope they do =)
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    King Kaew Kar Fark (Maker Group)

    oo gosh Ryan is hottt... lol yay... this should be good! especially with joy playing as two characters
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    Kaeng Kradon(Dida)

    OO cheer is oOoo soo pretty.. ill give this lakorn a go too../
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    Rai Rissaya(Tv Scene)

    even though i adooorrre benz and Aum i just cant wait to see aum and cherry together again =)
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    Rahut Risaya (PolyPlus)

    Gosh Paul is such an awesome actor.. i just love him ahhaz I feel for Paul..*sighs.. thanks for sharing the clip
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    Oobatthihed Hang Ruk

    woah looks so dramatic and soo goood thanks for sharing cant wait to watch!
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    Suparp Burud Chao Din

    thanks for sharing.. o gosh it lookssss sooo good.. i dnt think i have ever seen oil in these kind of roles... so dramatic ~!!!! cant wait to watch it!
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    Fah Hin Din Srai

    wow far aways reletives... thats pretty cool! this seems so interesting.. both couples look really good too
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    Over-rated & Under-rated lakorn

    yeah lnj was a little bit over rated... lets see... actually i cant think of any other lakorns rite now..
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    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    Aum.. and anne dont seem rite somehow.. well i dunno dnt really see him as a mean character.. the role probably fitte por t.. a teeny bit more than aum..
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    Mafia Tee Rak-(Methamahaniyom)

    Chakrit.. i know.. hmm something abt him... he kinda over act his part... dunno i also dont feel him .... Kinda wish Por pulled out now.. so that maybe later in the future.. there would be a better chance that him and pat would be paired up in another lakorn..
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    Da Endorphine!

    I totally Love Da's voice... she is extremely Kool.. cant wait to get my hands on this.. !!
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    Mafia Tee Rak-(Methamahaniyom)

    omg not again... that totally sux.... i thought they were gonna pair por and pat... not cool. O.o
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    Talay Saab See Luerd (Polyplus)

    This Lakorn looks interesting... no one uploaded?? i guess ill wait and rent it.. Boy is cute.. and the N'ek is pretty.
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    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    Jeebers... hmm dnt know if i should be happy or not... I totally love Por T.. but yeah i never expected him to be it.. i was kind of hoping u know like everyone else.. andrew or tik... But owellz Por t is a great actor and i think he would do an awesome job if he is P'ek.... Miss seeing him...
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    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    Jeebers.. been such a long time ... i want to watch this so badd..... Just hope they at least tell us who the p'ek is soooooooon!
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    Maya Pissawas (Exact)

    Well i like her.. but i just like Anne wayy more XD
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    Tard Ruk Torranong

    Ngawwss sucks to see pim and puri in a lakorn together.and they arnt paired up! Ping.. XD.. but o wellz Pim and Captain are awesomely cute too.!
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    Maya Pissawas (Exact)

    Yay not related wat so ever .. i s fine with me ... man supernaturaly lakorn ... hope its good..!!!! Exact makes awesome romance dramas... but dunnoe abt there supernatural ones!
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    Talay Saab See Luerd (Polyplus)

    they are pretty cute.... i think i will give this a try ... so its airing after wan and rotmeys lakonr???
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    Maya Pissawas (Exact)

    Lets wish they arnt siblings... that would be so wrong if they are..!!!
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    Maya Pissawas (Exact)

    OMg ... hrmm if pang is playing a twin role.. hopes one of them is like super evil or something.... that way anne will be with Pepper!!
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    Nong Mhiew Kiew Petch

    Kool cee and Pinky ... whats the genre?? hope its drama !!!
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    Pete Return "TV Pool"

    Isnt his new lakorn with Cherry...cant remember what it was called though...
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    Song Rao Nirandon

    awww...i hope they dont die.....mannn i was really looking forward too this lakorn aswell .. well i gess i hav to see for my self ways thnx for the summary teedee