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  1. M

    What are you addicted to?

    As for right now a few things im addicted too: Music Korean groups(keeping up is hard enough) Internet. Downloading sleeping (haha) Chatting on msn when i have the time
  2. M

    Over Religious Idiots.

    Ahh its cool, :] I do feel for those people that think they can force any religion they want on others even if that one person is not religious or believes in something else. I suppose thats something that has to be ignored but its kinda hard though.
  3. M

    Wonder Girls

    When I saw this I was like D: Nooo. I thought if she's actually leaving to pursue studies that means even if she doesnt return to the group, as long as she comes back I will be happy. She was one of my favorites too. Seeing her leave the group is sad, but I guess it happens T_T and i hope the...
  4. M

    Over Religious Idiots.

    Ooh you got me wrong there i never said being christian is dumb, but the art of trying to get or force you to be one with scare tactics is the problem. I have no problem with religion at all its just the nuts that think everyone else has to be christian or catholic or what not to be saved is the...
  5. M

    Over Religious Idiots.

    I think its sad too, that one will find that trying to tell you those things will persuade you or scare you in to being a christian i think its absolutely dumb. I see it everyday but never been offended by anyone telling me i need to go to church. People like that need help mental help if they...