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  1. M

    'Pla Lhai Paai Daeng(Good Feeling)

    and i think Maprang is with Diew so the rest is pretty easy because of the age difference ahahah
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    'Pla Lhai Paai Daeng(Good Feeling)

    could someone please give me a list of the couples in this lakorn because theres alot of chracters and i can't tell whose pair with who. except for Mart and Cherry obviously ahahah
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    Tum-Ruard Lhek (Colosium)

    AGREED! most of the guys are hotties! even the bad guys or like the side characters like Supat i really like Tun!
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    Mong Kud Dork Som (Broadcast Thai Televison)

    i saw on seasun buntuerng that there already filming part 2 of this lakorn its called like Dok Som See Tong or something like that and it has Chompoo Araya and Luis Scott in it!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    i think that they should make a part 5 to this series! it should be a part where all the couples from the past parts come together and have like a huge wedding or something. idk. but i think there should be a part 5.
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    wow! thats just really offensive! take me for an example! i can understand thai but i can't read nor write it and if i could read or write in thai i wouldnt fake it and say that i couldnt becuase in my oppinion there is nothing wrong with being able to read, write and speak thai.
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    gosh i cannot wait for next friday! the preview looks very interesting!!! i wonder what lom's gonna do to kati!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    I really like the first one. you should write more on that one. i'll definately read if you do. as for the second one i think its cute how Barry had a crush on Yaya! more please. and the third one seems like it could turn into a comedy ahahah i like all of them though. you're awesome for coming...
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Din is such a sweet guy! hes like the dream guy!!! yeah i thought it was sooo cute the Fai glua Jeed part! i'm sooo excite for Lom's part because we get to see all of the couples :]
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    Tum-Ruard Lhek (Colosium)

    i'm starting to really like this lakorn! so far so good!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    today's episode was soo good. i like that we got to see alittle bit on Lom's part i like roong and natee and din and chaem. i can't wait for next friday!!!! oh and i thought it was cute how Fai is scared of jeed!!! good episode
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    Tum-Ruard Lhek (Colosium)

    First episode aired today and it reminds me of CSI but CSI is alot better!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    YAY!!! Finally something exciting! i'm starting to like Din and Chaem better and I've gotta say i really like Natee and Roong! there sooo cute ahahah
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    I was really disappointed by today's episode. It was just boring. it had no plot what so ever. hopefully tomorrow will be better!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    yeah i heard that PLR is shorter than the other parts.
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    hahaahah great minds think alike :] i know i want the three brothers to reunite to help Din!! i always love watching scenes with all three of them together!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    oh really? i'm glad because i want her dad and her to have a happy ending! and yeah i think Din need to losen up a little in this lakorn! maybe things will get better next episode!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    oh and i'm guessing that the bad guys that the dude was working for is Chaem's dad and that other guy who owns the other resort! interesting...
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    oh sooo cute!! i hope it stays the same too i wonder what the big secret is all about. like what Chaem's mom did and who that guys in the hospital is. i wanna know like everything ahah!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Thanks! and no problem! its better than nothing at all. and i loved that scene he seems like such a down to earth guy(Din) ahahah loving it!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    You gotta share with me some of those spoilers man! i really wanna know what's gonna happen but i can't real thai so its hard for me to find spoilers :/
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    the story line seems interesting. i'm actually into like the ghost stuff so thats exciting! and the bad boy is usually the most attractive and most funn! so after seeing all of them i'll decide on my favorite :]
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    ahhaaahhah definately! go Fai&Jeed super cute couple! i also wanna see Lom's part though! 3 more weeks ahahah!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    yeah! ahhaah shes gonna get more and more irritating as the story gets deeper :/ lets hope she doesn't get in between the couple because i thiink there really cute together. Mark's acting has improved soo much!
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    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    I cannot wait fo next friday! I have the ending song stuck in my head. sooo good and i really don't like the other girl that works at Thararin Resort. i think her name is like Tha.(eye) i don't know it seems like shes gonna end up getting in between Chaem and Din.