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  1. H

    diet pills

    Alli is FDA approved but it was a prescribed drug before. It has been on the countertop of pharmacies for a long time, I doubt there's going to be any recall as the drugs inhibit fat production but it requires sensible dieting and exercising. Like mention it's not a miracle drug but more like a...
  2. H

    diet pills

    why are you guys even trying diet pills? You'd have to be on the medication forever to maintain the weight you lost. The only diet pill that is approved by the FDA is Alli and that too is not a miracle drug although I'd say it is safer than the others out there. As far as I can see it, if you...
  3. H

    Pratin Nawong

    I totally second that, the series is dragging..that last episode 23 is so boring nothing interesting about it so much for my anticipation. I just skipped a lot of the scenes. That other Gapook in the mirror is as annoying as the fairy Gapook. Lets hope the next couple of episodes will pick up...
  4. H

    Pratin Nawong

    Yeah lets just say Tipmonta is of legal age :P Tinawong is getting what he deserves :dude: , that jerk -_- the way he treated young Tipmonta made me sad :lmao: . The horse and the fairy girl need to be kicked they are so annoying, well along with Tinawong's father, he's as bad as...
  5. H

    Pratin Nawong

    I thought she was 7yo, when Taniwong was speaking to his mother of his engagement with Tipmonta he said she was only 7yo and she was already with him in the court. So she's 7yo, then 9yo if two years pass, and 11yo...All I gotta say is this isn't legal but hey maybe they are counting it in dog...
  6. H

    Pratin Nawong

    um...does that mean he has 4 wives, that's not fair to Tipmonta. I never saw the original so I don't know the ending but if he's a playa he's a loser.
  7. H

    Pratin Nawong

    I'm watching the marathon of this series now, he's so mean to her after the knife incident. Btw I did not know they used super gel in the old boran days(speaking of p'ek's hair) :lol:
  8. H

    Hi, Thank you for the kind comment sorry I forgot to comment on your page I don't usually check...

    Hi, Thank you for the kind comment sorry I forgot to comment on your page I don't usually check my page or sarnworld much!
  9. H

    Pratin Nawong

    I just started to watch this boran..can I say that the beginning did drag but what is up with the story line. It was kind of pedophilish (even if it's not a real word but you get me, pedophile) Tinawong is in his teens-20s and meets this 6yo girl who he's going to marry...she on the other hand...
  10. H

    help with boran title

    I don't think it's Pra sutton Manohra, if there's 12 girls who had their eyes taken out it's "Nang Sip song" later on follows the story of Pra sutton manohra. nang sip song or 12 girls who were adopted by a Giant since they were little and when they got older they then find out their mother's a...
  11. H

    Baby Names

    isn't teiwadah=god (in some instance it has been refered to as angels of heaven) sawun=heaven nang fah=angel (isn't this the correct term)
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    Thai Jasmine Flower

    Are you sure? I think it's dok champa.
  13. H

    Laos People in the US

    A good education is definitely the start to any success story. I'm going to make my story quick because I am studying for exams. I'm currently in a known college in Boston(name is not mentioned for privacy sakes) in my Junior year studying Biology and Management. I want to be sucessful in the...
  14. H

    typical asian height

    hahah hey isn't weight a sensitive thing, oh well i'm 169lbs why you thought i was fat!
  15. H

    typical asian height

    beat ya suckers, i'm 6ft and i'm a guy. my mum is 5'2 dad is 5'3 don't know how i got to 6ft but def loving the height advantage:p tower over shorter people;0