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    From GossipStar:

    In the industry, there is a lot of bias! in Memoirs of a geisha, the director was chinese, he was familar with chinese actors and actress therefore he chose to cast chinese people in the movie. In additon, they're hot around the world, people know them and are familar with the star's face and...
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    At 10 with Anne and Ken!

    The show was sooo funny! Ann and Ken looks soo kute when they were singing the song together. They almost look like a real couple, I'm almost sad that they're not :loool: I want them to be chan and naPat forever!
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    help support BeerLao!!

    Lao beer is awesome at least that what my friends tell me. I know for sure that they have awesome bottle openers cuz I have one lol.
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    Laos Weddings

    Lao weddings are so much fun. I remember one wedding I went to, the bride and groom both cracked an egg and depending on how the egg looks, it predicted their future together. I always look forward to the food and the lum vong. I love "thia long sa-la-wan" song, reminds me of the tootsy-roll...
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    Kasa Naka

    wow noon really stands out in the press pictures! she's so pretty
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    [Ch3] Oum Ruk (LakornThai)

    I hope Napat becomes nicer to Chan, I feel so bad for him, He's trying soooo hard! Josh i just love him to death lol! I love Ann's facial expressions they're soo kute, adorable, and you just can't help not to love her when she's mean or being stubborn to her friend or to Chan.
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    [Ch3] Oum Ruk (LakornThai)

    I think Oum Ruk is one of the best lakorn I've seen in a long while, The storyline is great! Who would think there would be a comedy about a girl getting pregnant. The chemistry between the main characters are so well written. Ann and Ken are great together, their interactions seems like it...
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    Lao CLub

    HI Pinky! I'm actually from Fresno!!!! I remember that there was a Lao Club at Fresno State back in the days when I was in Highschool which was gosh like 4-5 years ago. I don't really know what happened to it now. I tried to contact people that were on the website just a couple of years back...
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    Laos Sarn Members Photo!

    awww I'm so proud! people are actually posting pics up....everyone are so000 kute!!!
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    Do you look laos?

    LOL OMG maybe we should start posting pics up to see what other people think you are....(someone else post first cuz i'm camera shy)
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    Do you look laos?

    I think lao people all have different looks. When I look at some of my lao friends, I can't pin point what makes them look lao at all. But then again, what makes you look like a lao person? Is there a typical lao person description? I think it gets harder and harder to tell with Lao-Americans...