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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    HAHAHAHHAAHHAHA LMFAOOOOO Look at all of u gettin angry because of wat i said.. how funny... this is satisfyinggg
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    [Ch7] Pin Anong (Moom Mai)

    I love this lakorn, loving the chemistry between Min and Weir, they're so cute together!!!! can't wait for more!!!!!!
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    hahhahhahha dumbbbb

    hahhahhahha dumbbbb
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    P'Da is so annoying that she kept posting those photos, so that her RP can be more popular, how desperate is she HAHAHAHAHHAHAAA
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Thank you for those words but unfortunately I don't believe in that. Why don't you try to advice someone else here and ask them to stop doing it first?
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    HELLO I didn't start talking about anyone's personal life until someone started it first.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    HAHAHAHAHA I don't need to be welcomed here. I have my freedom to express what I feel and what I want to say. It's hilarious when you think I have the urge to tell you what I know about Kim, when I actually don't have that. I pity you so much for not knowing the ugly truth, what a shame. And...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I didn't drag Yaya or other people into the conversation. Someone mention Yaya first and I'm just answering that person's question. I'm not the one who start talking about Yaya. Let's just forget it and don't talk about Yaya or other daras.
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    I'm not a saint, I won't tolerate my targets.

    I'm not a saint, I won't tolerate my targets.
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    Oh it feels so good to do this! I can't believe I'm actually doing this :D

    Oh it feels so good to do this! I can't believe I'm actually doing this :D
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    She is her best friend, she likes so many other people's pictures, but not her best friend's pic. And about the wishing happy birthday, how funny she wish Mark happy birthday and even record a vid for him, which is the next day of Yaya's birthday. She did nothing for Yaya's bday. I hope you...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Haha I see, I think he really needs a new nang ek, and since Paa Jaew is directing this, Nadech can't refuse it. For Nadech's case, it's hard for him to find a nang ek because of his over obsessive fans, they can't accept him pairing with other girls easily.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Oh I'm so happy that this lakorn is almost done with the filming, I wish the filming can be over soon and also air it as soon as possible, so Nadech can leave this and get over this lakorn and move on as soon as possible.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Oh please, you don't know what's happening behind all that. Let me give you an example, Kim has never liked Yaya's pic on IG for one year. NEVER. She never even wish Yaya a happy birthday on IG. And I know so much more than that, you're the one who should studied more about your idol and your...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    You've got a point. But I am very disappointed with the characters in this lakorn, especially Kim and Nadech's characters. First of all, Kim's character just proved that it's okay to snatch other people's man and she succeeded apparently. No matter how remorseful she is, it's her fault from the...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    NO, he is NOT doing it for Kim. sorry if I sounded rude. Nadech needs a new nang ek, sorry but I hope this is going to be the first and last lakorn for Nadech and Kim together.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I told you, I've been keeping quiet for too long, letting all those people bashing my idols and I just kept quite, saying nothing to defend them. And then I realize, the world is never gonna change. And thai ET doesn't work this way absolutely. When they are fierce, you have to be even fiercer...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Yes, she will have some moral values, after she realized her mistakes on snatching other people's fiance she will turn good. To be honest with you first, I'm not a fan of Kim. But I know many things about her.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Excuse me, if you don't know anything, Yaya and Kim are NOT BEST FRIENDS.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Yeah, she can't take it if someone bashes her favourite Nadech you know.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Sorry if you misunderstood, when I mention bashing other daras, I'm not talking about Mint and Alex at all. I'm just giving an example on what is okay and what is not. And I know they are not playing daras here.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I'm not just talking about the bashing on TNNKK. I'm also talking about the bashing of my idol by many people here. I know who these people are, so that's why I'm here. I want all of you to feel what it's like to have someone bashing your idol and the lakorn that you love.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I don't want to do this actually, but some people have made me very desperate. My idols are being bashed and I've been keeping myself quite for a very long time already. And I know who are those people. I'm sorry, I'm not a saint. I can't just sit down and not saying anything. Yeah, and I'm just...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Yeah u're right we shouldn't talk about TNNKK. But if I want to, you can't stop me. Since everyone has their own opinions. You're bothered by my comment on RP because you don't like the hear the truth. How sad.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Oh my god, u have no idea how much I wish I can do that. You have your reason, and I have mine. Fair enough.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Sorry to burst your bubble, we're two different people. And we both know each other.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Excuse me, the actors and the characters did a great job in the new version lakorn. People are finding fault in it because of their own prejudice that they dislike the pairing. And they are so jealous and want to put Thoranee down. We all know the truth that it wasn't about the...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I totally back u up. The only reason why people are so excited for this lakorn, is because Nadech is in it, and the fact that he has a new nang ek, since so many people despise and are so sick of Yadech pairing. I'm so disappointed that they let Nadech play this lakorn. They should have gave him...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Then u are so wrong. What about Buang, Noom Ban Rai Gub Wan Jai Hiso, and the latest one Thoranee Ni Nee Krai Krong. Thoranee is such a great lakorn with moral and valuable life lessons and yet people are bashing it and keep finding fault in it. And now people are praising this lakorn...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    Oh, so bashing other dara is okay, and expressing my opinions on thai lakorn is not okay? And I'm not mentioning about the acting or the actors, just mentioning the story. And yes I hated this lakorn so freaking much. I'm not going to watch it after all. I love to express my opinions here. We...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    You guys gotta be kidding me. Are you guys really going to hate Alex and Mint's character instead of Kim and Nadech's character? First of all, I don't get why the hell everyone is so excited for this drama. This drama has no moral values at all. It's all about a shameless woman trying to snatch...