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  1. D

    [Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)

    hope yadech wins again ! heart them 2 much ! love their lakorn.  may i know when will da award show be telecast ?   wish ryu & mayumi story is real in yadech's lives.....nadech waiting for yaya to graduate then go full swing to court her !!!!!  dream dream and will be sweetest dream if comes...
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    [Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)

    i want yadech to be together forever, they belong, <3 <3 <3 yadech, they always look good together !
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    [Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)

    loving yadech soooo much and cant wait :=) so looking forward
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks AyLove, everything oj janie's outfit is gorgeous, dress, bag right 2 da shuz !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks 4 da pics Aylove & Sunflowerpp !  as usual janie is looking sexy, whether in casual jeans or beautiful gown...always love janie's hair...looking forward alot.....
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    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    Hello A, i feel yr pain & saddness ! we always 1 our fave waiting 4 new janie&mart lakorn, still waiting .....
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    Sapai Look Toong(Lakorn Thai)

    Thanujadevi2011 kindly created two mart&janie SLT mv on my request, thank u so much Thanujadevi ! Catch it on youtube Thanujadevi it...u r da best Thanujadevi !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    AJ r totally hot !!  lots of AJ shippers r anticipating this, we cant wait !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks AyLove 4 da pics, so anticipating this lakorn ! AJ looks really comfy wif ea other, it'll be a boom this drama ! cant wait...lovefia will recap, yeah tats great !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi A, thanks for posting da vid. AJ are so funi and compatible! m v sure AJ will amp da lakorn and it should be v interesting ! cant wait. they r totally hot !!
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    Janie Tienphosuwan (SLIMMING SPECIAL vol. 1 no. 1 January 2013)

    Happy New Year 2013 Cupid Candy, wishing u a great year ahead ! Thanks 4 posting janie's pic. Janie is so sexy & beautiful, <3 janie & looking forward to her lakorns.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Yes, we cant help loving ken&janie in RN, another super cute pair ! love rn 2. off topic...after watching SLT and loving it so much i asked Thanujadevi 2 create smart&janie mv which she did, she did 2 in fact. if u like & have time u may like 2 check out ...Youtube Thanujadevi2011. I love it.
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    [Ch3] Samee (Maker J)

    Hi Tinah and i.n.v.u, Happy New Year 2013, having high hopes of kentT&janie after reading yr cmns...hope it happens
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Thanks A for posting. Happy New Year 2013, wishing u da very best of 2013 !
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Thanks AyLove for always updating me wif latest info, i sure do appreciate it alotttttttttttt my dear, will def read lod recap.  And thanks a mil to u my friend, im loving sapai look toong 2 much though dont understand .....i heart janie&smart  ...super super duper cute both of them are !  u...
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    [Ch3] Samee (Maker J)

    HNY 2013 lynnyang & i.n.v.u., so agreeing wif u both, kenT would be great and Im most rooting 4 janie, love k&j dearly & missing them + both have great chem....
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi Aylove, so hapi to be in touch wif u, miz u :=) thanks 4 da info, we janie lovers sure are v hapi 4 her and RN. Happy New Year 2013 my dear AyLove, great year ahead is wished 4 u!
  18. D

    Mart & Janie

    i know im four years late but never 2 late. just recently watched slt (12/12). i love this lakorn & smart&janie chem, awesome and full of cuteness ! hope they'll have future lakorn together, miss them sooooooo much ! <3 s&j
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    [Ch3] Dao Kiang Deun (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks A 4 info. i think they will be cute & compatible, should be interesting !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kiang Deun (Broadcast Thai)

    Merry Christmas A ! thanks 4 da update info. my goodness, there is sequel in talk already when AJ barely started filming ! should b interesting. 
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks 4 da pics angelcrystal. merry christmas & happy new year angelcrystal !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    merry christmas everybody, wishing a blessed & joyous year ahead, warmest regards
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi icyplace, welcome back sure do miz u my friend !!!! nice to read yr cmns ! yeah 4 sure would love andrew&janie's reunion, its being ages ! and they sure were a cute couple in cupid pathway...andrew needs 2 b back. pls visit often okie....thanks my dear
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks 4 da pics A, already AJ r having so much fun & there is easiness between them...m sure they will be da next sweet couple...
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Asy, sure do miss ken&janie sooooooo much but just seem impossible 4 them 2 film together atm as ken is 2 busy.....sigh.. hope later part of 13 there is opportunity for kj reunion...<3<3<3 kj
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi Meadow, AJ will rock wif their chemistry, hotness. m so looking forward. they were so playful and having fun while filming (saw a snippet on CatMatdz3) cant imagine when they r filming their cute scene...
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi A, sorry to trouble u. Thanks for acceding my request (you know da way better 2 do this, im completely newbie!) Broadcast & Lakornthai are preferred but if janie's next lakorn is signed 2 whichever co, its fine, as long as strong request for janie&smart 2 be together, totally love them, both...
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi A, thanks 4 da info. in case u have read AyLove&mine post on janie's new lakorn besides da current 1 wif aum, would like to ask u to kindly put in/request smart to team up wif janie's next lakorn, hope u dun mind. miss j&s...after sapai look toong ..thanks a mil A !
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi AyLove, we shall wait patiently and hopefully for janie's next lakorn wif our fave praek.....<3 janie and your kindness in always providing updated info....thanks AyLove
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    oh my AyLove, u give me so much high and happy hope ! so excited to hear tat janie has another lakorn ! i hope she pairs with them so much in sapai look toong, they were so cute. thanks 2 u again 4 posting the lakorn, i love it :=) otherwise kenT is good 2 but i think kens 2 busy...
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi SunYukView4ever and cupid candy, janie absolutely stun us, shes so sexy and gorgeous <3 j Thanks for all the pics Meadow...JA look a hot & cute couple janie's hair is to die for, us gals want such voluminous hair, alas only some lucky ladies have such hair type !! definitely her hair is real...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks for the pics, they were all having fun & v happy im sure. so missing rn & ken&janie. congrats to rn
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    yeah so looking forward...already they look great. love janie's acting, shes awesome, both in acting and her beauty ! <3<3<3janie.....anticipating this lakorn
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks for the pics A...looks like aum is totally into it, love his attentiveness ! they r hot.
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    they r a hot and sexy couple <3 AJ ! aum is attentive to janie and shes a little shy, so cute. cant wait for this lakorn
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    agree wif u Asy, ...wish it was someone else
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    so agreeing wif u AyLove & A, ken&janie would be great, miss them loads....
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    Janie Tienphosuwan (PLOYGAEMPETCH Vol. 21 no. 499 November 2012)

    love all the pics. janie's absolutely gorgeous, sexy & v fit....her hair is to die for .....
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    Janie Tienphosuwan (DICHAN vol. 35 no. 858 November 2012)

    janie's beautiful and sexy, love her short hair, v cute..
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    wow j&a really look comfy wif each other, so cute. m so looking forward to this new lakorn. i bet there will be lots of chemistry & sexiness in them. A u decide whether it should be JA or AJ, i'll just follow. thanks.
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    [RR] Unexpectedly Wild

    hi crazymaybelle, cant wait to read, it sounds so interesting and a janie/kenp ff.....sure will be interesting and fun. love yr story line...pls update soon, thank u
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks A and everybody for da pics....janie&aum sure make a sexy hot couple. m so looking forward to this lakorn and janie never disappoint.....
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi SonYukView4ever, agree wif u, shes sooooooooo young, like ken's sis or sthing.....anyway hope it will be good
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks Alice, looking forward to next janie's lakorn.....and your post after opening ceremony/fitting, thanks alot A.
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    [Ch3] Samee (Maker J)

    hi Asy at least u r thinking of beloved KenT&Janie, will be dream come true if it was them
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    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thank u Alice, looking forward to next janie's lakorn after RN. hope janie&aum make a cute couple
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    AyLove thanks for da chart results, u've always been da 1st to update details and any other queries i have. thank u sooo much for your instant answer always. Icyplace, im going to miss rn and all u guys for sharing tots, cmns and esp for love of janie&ken...thank u for the friendship for newbie...
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thank u Alice for the update, i know you will have latest info and appreciate your time in letting me know. looking forward to next janie's lakorn.....always love janie...thanku A
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    Sapai Look Toong(Lakorn Thai)

  50. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Alice and angelcrystal, thanks for the pics. sori off topic ..will there be janie&smart new lakorn in near future ? missing them after sapai look toong...thanks
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    as usual thanks alot AyLove for sharing......thanks Icyplace for posting reading them...already missing rn & coming over....c u ladies again soon...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi iilmissmii, so empty and sad that RN comes to an this lakorn and like everybody said its well acted by every1 ! so hope tat awards will go to RN, janie & tanya. These two ladies did excellently ! ken - hopes he gets more major lakorn. he and janie sure make a v cute, lovable...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    rn generated so much interest and cms from us and its surprise there are four versions ! cant believe tonite is final scene and then its bye bye, i must say we have a wonderful two months journey together. tks everybody for updates, feedback & cmns, most interesting to read everybody's tots &...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove lets enjoy and anticipate da final two epi.....looks like nappa will do something stupid...wonder wat will happen to fake gal, will karma catch up on her ??? love janie&smart country d-i-l, thanks again AyLove
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    Sapai Look Toong(Lakorn Thai)

    hi AyLove, thank u for posting, appreciate it. i've really enjoyed the lakorn. love all da cast who did a wonderful job making us laugh so much. love janie&smart's chemistry, they are so cute. smart loves janie vvvvv much and will do anything to hv her, love tat !!!!! hope s&j will have...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi icyplace welcome back been mizzing u n ur cmns! Everybody is so good esp our lovebirds.sad its ending,but will try my best to watch live. Off topic i watched janie&smart country daughter-in-law. Its excellent! I love it & j&s chemistry. AyLove tks so v much for posting, letting me njoy a...
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    Sapai Look Toong(Lakorn Thai)

  58. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi AyLove thanks for da pics, janie sure looks elegant with her simplicity chic white outfit and minimalist style ! love it. my sis has gotten the cals for me cos there are janie&kenT <3 and of course kenP....
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    sure and def will miss ken&janie, our favourite lovebirds....chakrit_Y .... rn is so interesting tat i want to come here and read every1's cmns and def cant get enought of ken&janie's sweetness & love !
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi Icyplace admire your patience, i dun hv tat and watched raww. like everybody im sure you will love epi 17&18, v heart wrenching and everyone of them acted v well. love ken&janie's chem, thanks to lod recap able to understand and njoy rn. ken so deserves lead role after this, he is really...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove wish i was there ..... any way going buy the cal and place on work station....thanks
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi may1363 yes its was a v intense epi, everybody did great !!! v touching family scene, r scene.... esp good janie & tanya, can feel their pain as they cried over regrets & lost ! their cries r so heart wrenching, janie&tanya so deserving da awards.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks dertaajaf thanks for the lovely pics. janie and ken are super adorable & cute, i like their pairing, playful, youthful and beautiful couple <3 j&k can asboulutely understand its ken's favourite scene, get to cuddle, hug beautiful janie ! they r at ease & comfortable wif this rscene...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks AyLove for the pic and update, yet to watch last nite's cannot stand the bi*** & nappit....wicked gals....
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks may1363 for da update. veekit shd hv known tat tha is not virgin since her affair with ugly will b so interesting ...da aftermath of da rscene... it is indeed v sad for both lovebirds...i cried wif them lol
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi may1363 same here will def miss rn and janie&ken, da cutest couple. oh i dun know or saw da old version, its must be a shock for ken to discover two different janie...i so cannot wait 2 c da
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi icyplace dear, its really so nice to know all of u and sharing our tots, i love it and always am in a hurry to come by af 2 read cmns. i like "VeeNin" , so creative & cute..<3 them. hopefully i dun get kick out while watching live tonite cos it always happen !! tonite is 'd' epi we r all so...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    yes icyplace, waiting waiting for tonite's epi....last nite was v intense, cried along with ken after he opened janie's bd pressie 4 him, i think he said he loves janie...and at da beach when they confronted each other & ken released janie's sad. janie and tanya's roles were v...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi AyLove & finally whether tonight or tmr its here, so looking forward. sure ken can make it icyplace and will def be soooooooooooo hot, alr he is carrying janie, da forceful ken, as though janie weights like cotton !! look to hear every1's cmns....
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi icyplace yeah monday's here. joining u and many others to watch the highly anticipated rs...cant wait for tonight....
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi suayrerdcherdsode, janie is beautiful but more beautiful these days ! love her sexiness, her hair, her v fashionable chic style, love everything abt janie <3
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi icyplace, tats so true whether janie was in the scene....its da jerk's fault, such a philander, any woman is fine 4 him though janie holds his attention much longer. seems everybody is rooting for tanya to get an award, great she gets it... but im all for janie....hope & wishing she'll get...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    AyLove thanks for the pic, j&k sure look v comfortable, playful wif each other, like they r hving fun :=) so sad 4 da family...although uncle is an id*** the kids dun deserve
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi SonYukView4ever', janie sure did an excellent job, as tha&nin, teenagers&adults ! the teenager part was really good, <3 janie. everybody did great tats why lakorn is successful..ken is totally a sweetheart & really cute. love his move on janie, so subtle & romantic, they are so well-matched...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi sweet_09 though i havent watch epi16, i am anticipating so much. love yr cms about da mom & fake gal, gosh i cant stand her 2 .....pls dun let veekit be pull by her ...totally cannot stand her. veekit and nin = together only <3 kj...RN2012 is seriously good, we r all enjoying it alot..
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, totally, ken is super hotttttttttttttttttt, <3 ken
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks Alice for the pic, both ladies look pretty, ken's super cute
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    we all sure r waiting for the r scene ! tks AyLove, May163, avarachika for da update, info. ken has been v cool so far, even when ugly uncle provoked him, nice quality in a man !
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    omg last nite epi was full of sweetness, super cute between janie and ken, love it !!! so satisfied after last week. janie's v clean, always sending her men to shower (krlj kenT) & kenP janie's yellow pants outfit, so stylish & chic. love all her unique & beautfiul earrings, hair 2...
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi icyplace and Maiko dear, couldnt agree wif u more, they enjoy working and im sure everybody is so damn proud of rn success ! totally happy for rn and all the crew, doing so well, and as u said icyplace....the finale would be the awards for the truly deserving ones, janie...tanya...rooting for...
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks everyone for the pics...looking forward to lakorn
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    agree wif wat u said fun, its wise words, tks
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    how sad for ken, a veteran and having great chemistry wif most he worked wif yet she is not considering them !! total waste of ken's excellent talent wif newbie !!
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    agree never professional 2 always working wif yr better must soar on their own to be successful...thanks Alice for updating us always, i love to read yr updates & cms...hope she doesnt always pick ken for her lakorn....before it starts fans already feeling queasy !
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    thank u Alice, always da first to provide info, appreciate it.
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi mickeyrose, agree wif u about KRLJ, no matter wat cms, i love it cos of kenjanie sweetness&cuteness,, never enough of kj
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi mickeyrose sure do miz dearest kenjanie :=(
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi phatman and mickeyrose, absolutely right, we are just diehard kenjanie kenjanie sooooooooooo much
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi mickeyrose so dreaming that its ken&janie ... .......
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi Icyplace everybody's cms hv been awesome, so enjoy reading and lol at times. we r leaving positive cms cause we love rn and most of all ken&janie !! its great rn doing so well, still more epi to go....go rn...go janieken :dance3:
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi Alice agree, when there is chemistry lakorn is half successful ! when there is chemistry automatically show wil be interesting & us fans will look forward.
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks angelcrysal and mydestiny for the pics, place looks nice, peaceful and tranquil, ken is cute
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    AyLove thanks for the lovely pics, they all looked beautiful. the little girl is really cute ^*^ Hi Alice and AyLove, yeah glad rn not ending soon, so looking forward to more sweet moments of ken&janie.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi kitkat its a tad too slow wif eng sub...luckily thanks to ladyofdarkness recap, let us understand better
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi YaMaMiKi.....seems 2 b da case
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks lilmissmii, its great news indeed, more weeks and anticipation ahead !
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi kitkat we all have to be patient for eng sub
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thank you pretty nana, its getting better :=)
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    i love reading everyone's cms, we r loving rn tats why dun 1 2 end. looking fwd 2 more janieken & da r. pls let janie win an award....she deserves it
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove & pink-juliet-kashie, yes yes yes, janie totally deserves an award !!! tats b frank, we really 1 2 c janie's scene, esp if ken is in. her other badass parts wif uncle, tanya r just as great, including tha's role, nin is da ultimate of course. really hope she gets an award this year <3...
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks angelcrystal 4 da pics! ken looks relaxed, casual & such a cutie.
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    janie is 2 cute & funi while frying da fish .....i really had a break & lol
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi Icyplace, watching cos of janie and ken, rest of crew also did great job. excited 2 c next wk's epi wif their sweet love & highly anticipated r scene ! now im sure ken will excel in da r .... go janieken <3
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi may1363 yeah any time ken wif ex costars is the preference, for me its ken&janie
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    Hi AyLove, completely agree wif u .... no more newbie please, ken deserves better !!
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    tats cos we love ken soooooooooo much
  107. D

    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi Alice, so agree wif u, me no liking newbie its like cradle snatching !! and waste of ken's excellent acting talent ! i so 1 2 c ken wif veterans
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks angelcrystal for always posting new pics, appreciate it :=)
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose u r so kind and humble wif yr words choice. great to know ken&noi r kind and lets look forward to another of ken's lakorn, never get enough of mr handsome cuteness.....and of course beloved janie...
  110. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi lilmissmii, your tots on kenP r so well defined, anguish & tenderness r there, when he is wif janie. ken's acting ability is good, really like him. they both r hot and love their cute scene. m looking forward 2 more of them next week which seems a long way ......never tot would like mondays !!
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove, liking your tots and so looking 2 our lovebirds scene :dance1: Thanks Meadow 4 da pics..janie&ken do look adorable & well-matched, both r hot ! hope fake gal gets retribution. congrats to our dearest janie, she is so beautiful and sexy, love her style throughout, most of all her...
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    there goes another of ken's lakorn ! hope plans change & veteran actress will star wif him
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    totally agree, no more newbie, should be a veteran to match ken's super acting
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    lets hope there is another k&j reunion, miz them soooooo much & i'd really love 2 c them again....
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    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    thanks Alice, always da 1st to update
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi AyLove thanks for da pics, they look hot and r we all not anticipating da r scene, cant wait...
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Alice so hapi & glad another kj fan.:=)
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    its ken&janie forever 4 kj to death....
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    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose and sunflowerpp, yeah so glad & hapi there r so many ken&janie fans <3 kj
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    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thank u Pretty Nana 4 da rate info, hapi 4 RN 2 do so well.
  121. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi Meadow thanks for da info ratings, v hapi 4 janie & crew of RN, hope they get awards.
  122. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, tats really sad, was really hoping for ken&janie 2 unite again, esp these days janie looking so beautiful ! no matter will rewatch all four of their lakorns until their new one happens ...sob sob....for da long wait...
  123. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi Phatman, tats why I love ken&janie soooooo much, they have great chemistry and look way too cute...
  124. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Phatman, ken is way tooooooooooooo hot !!!! <3 ken
  125. D

    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    hi pink_juliet_kashie, thanks for info. i love your ken&janie sig, they r super adorable & cute and easy & relax wif ea other <3
  126. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks Meadow for sharing da pics. wow janie&ken look so adorable. I like janie in glasses, she looks so young, like a college student. lets hope both tanya&janie get the awards.
  127. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi AyLove thanks for the info, will check out viki soon, thank u ya
  128. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi icyplace, definitely v hapi 4 janie&ken and of course da crew too, they deserved the adoration and lets hope tat janie gets the award for best actress... <3 janie
  129. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    totally agree wif u AyLove, much thanks and appreciation to ladyofdarkness for letting us understand the drama much better
  130. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi Icyplace, same here just cant continue with ken/chompoo esp her drama, vibes not there
  131. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, dun wori, that makes at least da two of us, truly love ken&janie <3
  132. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    same here Mickeyrose, i'll never EVER tired of ken&janie couple, i love ken&janie 2 much <3
  133. D

    [Ch3] Kon Ruk Strawberry (Citizen Ken)

    thanks Alice for the update and its really interesting...
  134. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi lilmissmii, yeah cant wait 4 da scene, cant imagine veekit doing it, he being soft-spoken with good mom and brought up. i think after tat he will be man and mature. he is just 2 sweet and caring to nin and i love their relationship though its "friends".
  135. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi pinkjulietkashie, love love love yr ken and janie sig....they look so adorable and happy and really like a couple. ken sitting lean back and janie pulling him to get back ipad, in between so much laughter and happiness....sigh miz ken&janie, hope they will have a future lakorn together...
  136. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove, thanks for your update on the no of epi left, lets hope more of janie ken scenes.
  137. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mydestiny, thanks 4 da pics, ken looks so cute ...
  138. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi AyLove, me 2 totally love ken&janie pic, never tired of seeing them, thank u AyLove :flowers:
  139. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Alice, look forward and hope chemistry is good, thank u.
  140. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, u bet if the petition was opened, us ka kj fans will definitely put our tots & passion 2 ensure it happens...tks for sharing yr kenjanie love
  141. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose from their calendar vid gives da impression tat ken&janie r v comfortable wif ea other & had lots of fun. they should be after all they have four lakorns together. even then still i'll never tired of seeing new ken&janie lakorn. <3<3<3 ken&janie
  142. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi SonYukView4ever, lets really hope hard that janie will get the award & tanya 2, they totally deserved. when is the award day ?
  143. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks meadow for the pics, anticipating tomorrow's epi, so looking forward, hope the drama is we have more weeks 2 njoy
  144. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi Meadow, love your comments...i love ken and janie da most <3<3 ken&janie
  145. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose thanks for your welcome.....absolutely we ken&janie lovers always hope, pray, wish for ken&janie's new lakorn, esp after c janie in RN, she's gorgeously beautiful...will be so hot janie&ken
  146. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi icyplace tat would be da best dream come through >>ken and janie >>love them
  147. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi tinah, andrew and janie were super cute in their lakorn....hope they have a reunion...
  148. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi fanny cant agree wif u more ...sori but ken does look younger than cherry...
  149. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ruk (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, same here, already missing ken and janie sooooooo much......
  150. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thank u Alice, will wait and its also a 1st for me aum/janie pairing.
  151. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi icyplace i got lock out with tikaff pw so had to recreate another, wanted kenie but was taken and had to think of something.. hope us janie and ken lovers will always have opportunity to discuss, vent, love our beloved darling janie&ken. janie and great drama was da part when...
  152. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    hi mickeyrose, glad to know more of ken-janie fan...totally love ken-janie....
  153. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks angelcrystal for ken and janie pic...ken and janie are my favourites....i love them too much !! hope for them to pair again in new lakorn <3<3<3
  154. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks Meadow, so happy to hear RN is generating so much ratings and interest. hope our dearest janie gets an award for both portrayal, janie was good as tha (so weak, too frighten) excellent as nin....such great acting !
  155. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

  156. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks Alice for the info. im glad to b in af....ppl are amazing and share lots of info unlike sf .....not going there no more
  157. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    hi icyplace, as long as janie keeps having lakorn will satisfied us janie lovers !! great is a good choice, seen great and janie's lakorn and amazing they had great chemistry 2, both r cute & beautiful.
  158. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    we cant deny .....we are all aniticipating the r scene....cant wait 2 c angry ken who becomes violent and does the unthinkable....will be so tense, loving it...
  159. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    Hi Icyplace, i share the same sentiments totally, will watch cos of janie, love janie <3, and yeah more than one lakorn will be great ! best of all janie and kenT again, i just love janie&ken so much.....miz them so much after krjl....been rewatching their sweet sweet scenes <3<3<3janie&ken
  160. D

    CH3 2013 Calendar

    hi cupid candy, agree wif u ken and janie are awesome, i love them sooo much <3<3<3 and definitely look for their 5th lakorn, this time they have a grand beautfiul wedding, dream dream .....
  161. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks may1363, it will be so intense and i cant wait to c it, love janie, she acts so excellently. ken is really likeable and v cute, cant wait 2 c da r scene 2 ..... omg
  162. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi SonYukView4ever, couldnt agree more wif u, ken and janie do match and janie looks young & more beautfiul these days
  163. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks meadow for the beautiful pic. janie is absolutely gorgeous, love her hair <3
  164. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi may1363 love love kenT and janie so much and would so love to c their next drama...hoping
  165. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    cant agree more wif u lilmissmii, i cant ever get tired of watching ken and janie, i love janie and kenT so much.....and hope for their reunion drama wif a big beautiful wedding and in between r longing .......
  166. D

    [Ch3] Majurat See Nam Pueng (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks meadow for the great pics... love to c new ken janie drama, i miss them. they r really cute at the shot, janie laughing heartily, shes in good company tats why !!! <3 kenjanie
  167. D

    [Ch3] Dao Kaew Duen (Broadcast Thai)

    thanks Alice for the update...waiting to c janie again
  168. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    hi AyLove (its me tikaff just changed name). thanks for sharing your lovely tots of ken janie....they are so cute and yeah i'll get the calendar and look at kj everyday <3 kj too much. i've love to c them in new lakorn, never get tired of my kj.... last nite's epi was full of sweetness between...
  169. D

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    thanks meadow for the pics, so happy to c ken and ken janie so much