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  1. P

    The celestial sword and heroes

    is there a website talking about this story. looks pretty interesting. i wouldn't mind watching it. but first i would like to know what's it more about.
  2. P

    Love Magician

    thanks so much for sharing. this looks pretty good.
  3. P

    Treasure Venture

    ooo... this show was very good. saw it a while. sorry didn't make a copy of it.
  4. P

    "Perhaps Love" 《如果爱》

    wow Jacky Cheung is in it. haven't seen him in any shows in a while. finally a movie of his. thanks for the preview info. it seems pretty good.
  5. P

    Love Magician

    wow, this does seem like a good series. and thanks for the previews of it.
  6. P

    Nicky Wu's Fan

    this seems like a good show. i saw a little of it before, but not the rest. pretty exciting.
  7. P


    they have a new return of the condor hero. that's great. i like the old ones, they were pretty good. hope they don't use alot of speical effects.
  8. P


    wow, i didn't know he had a sister. well, is she into movies too? i haven't seen her in any.
  9. P

    Tax 2006

    wow, some of you all did your taxes already. I haven't even started mine. don't even have all the papers I'm supposed to get from the bank and school and so forth. but I usually don't get that much back. probably like around a few hundren.