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  1. R

    Bod Hian Xee Vid

    Do u have the whole movie? it would be great if you upload it. Thanks !!!
  2. R

    Update on Pleng Ruk Song Phung Khong Ch.7 Lakorn

    i need to see this!!!!
  3. R

    Update on Pleng Ruk Song Phung Khong Ch.7 Lakorn

    anyone has any updates of when it will be back on air?
  4. R

    Laos urges suspension of a Thai soap opera

    omg CHAMP you read my mind! i totally agree with you on all of this 100% way to go!
  5. R

    Pleng Rug Song Fung Kong

    its not out yet, its early next year
  6. R

    Lao's music

    The entertainment industry is growing rapidly in Laos. There are alot of pop singers nowdays. Please support them. One website based in the u.s. that have lots of pop songs from Laos is Thanks der!!!
  7. R

    What does LOG stand for

    Jaeh, its not even a GANG, (Gansta) as said by EXPO, they are a popular hip hop artist from Vientiane Laos, Lao Originals or Lao Oringal (Gees)