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  1. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Can someone be kind enough to translate these bts and interviews... I would really appreciate it:angel10:
  2. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Wow I can’t believe it’s coming to an end :(:crybaby2:never followed a lakorn like this before... it literally took over my life I feel like:confused0::confused12::nut:
  3. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    That twitter post about ep26... is this their way of assuring us fans there’s 26 episodes :confused12::confused12::confused12:
  4. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Thank you.. if you could can you sub what the lyrics are.. I see everywhere that there was not much said between Min and tor because the song says it all
  5. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I’m predicting he asked her hand from the dad because kwan May want to do harm to min... he take her and that leads to :naughty2:willing|babysw...just wishful thinking... I wonder the part where they were in the pool in white was a rehearsed :confused12:but all in all these this week’s episodes...
  6. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    What was written for this picture.. I can’t understand
  7. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Just finally saw ep. 19 preview... It look like Sida’s outfit is the same as when she is behind bar... :confused12:
  8. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I just read this translate and it breaks my heart... the harsh words and actions he shows toward her... Just sad... :sad6::crybaby2::facepalm:
  9. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Omg.. I totally agreed!!! All these scenes of p’tor pushing her away... I really want him to chase after her for at least a whole episode :confused0:o_O
  10. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    So there’s no 1-3 mins scene of p’tor and min at all??:sad6::sad6:
  11. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    What happened.. I need subtitles :confused:
  12. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Omg are you serious:sad6::sad6: o_O :mad:
  13. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/ The way he look at her when she was singing along :aaaaa:
  14. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Been listening to Goodbye My Love - Ailee and I really wish someone would do a video with min & tor using that song :crybaby2::icon12:
  15. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    OMG today’s the day ... Lawd o_Oo_O seems foreva:aaaaa::aaaaa:
  16. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Went to fern’s twitter and see the pictures... I hope he don’t push her away... the look on min’s face looks so sad... can Tuesday be here already...
  17. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I can’t read Thai.. so can anyone translate what the captions says???
  18. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I think it is... there’s no extra character on the intro song for it to be a new man... exciting
  19. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I am a bit salty bout it too... because Sila has been winning and winning and i just feel like something might just blow up in his face... like maybe minta gets badly injured or something...
  20. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    :(:sad6:Reading these captions and I think I have come to accept that I will be okay if there is no Cinderella happily ever after here... If the writer do decides to switch go that route:(
  21. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I agreed. I just want her to stand up for herself... give him ultimatumo_O:confused12:
  22. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I totally agreed !! Love at his own term and time leave when he requests... I wish there was a second lead male who can be there to give love to min since this whole time min just have been in give give give mode...o_O:sad6::rolleyes::confused12:
  23. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    That’s what i tell myself too... I just wish soon that he chase her .. expressing his love for her...
  24. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    :confused12::aloofandbored:o_O Damn another week
  25. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/ :love:
  26. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I really just hope they go and show more minutes of the hurt and hate min has toward Sila for what he did to her sister. Especially how they portray how much min loves kwan as a sister. She was so adamant to stop him from hurting her but once it happened she’s okay because he is her p’tor???? I...
  27. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Was watching the highlight on one31 YouTube and there’s no min&sila
  28. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Saw the highlights and it’s disappointing :confused12::yawn::crybaby2:
  29. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    That’s a bummer... have to wait again
  30. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I was thinking the same thing too...:sad6::mad::BangHead::facepalm:
  31. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Ok I can’t with these teasers!!! Waited for days and these teasers are making me crazy:BangHead:
  32. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Omg!! That’s so funny ... I can’t understand what they’re saying but just by watching them it’s hilarious
  33. S

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Same here hate the waiting for the next episodes