Search results

  1. sugar

    Most Beautiful Actress

    Ann Siriam, then and now, I haven't seen anyone as beautiful as her.
  2. sugar

    Various Actresses (SUDSAPDA vol. 30 no. 716 December 2012)

    Min actually looks the best here.
  3. sugar

    [Ch3] Raeng Ngao (Broadcast)

    Hi guys, does anyone know were I can download each episode of this lakorn in full? The links provided in Buddie Media doesn't work anymore.
  4. sugar

    Most Daring Actors & Actresses

    I don't think a kiss scene is daring enough, they'd have to go above and beyond, not afraid of playing rai and being portrayed as being scandalous/trashy. For the actresses, I can only think of four brave ladies who have taken on challenging roles. Ploy Chompoo Aump Benz Although, some can...
  5. sugar

    Ann Alicia & Puri's Wedding Day

    This was the engagement, right? I read that the real wedding will be in November.
  6. sugar

    Ken Phupoom and Baifern Pimchanok (PRIEW vol. 31 no. 698 October 2012)

    Baifern looks pretty. I still dislike Ken LOL.
  7. sugar

    Dice lida-Klein and Kate Briohny (WOMEN'S HEALTH vol. 2 no. 17 September 2012)

    What a good looking couple! Her body is on point!
  8. sugar

    Gena Jidapa and Jayda Jidarin (WOMAN & HOME vol. 3 no. 45 August 2012 )

    Jay Jetrin's daughter is gorg! I can see Jayda entering the entertainment business soon, she just needs to study Thai more. I agree about Gina, she's still so beautiful (more than Pin lol).
  9. sugar

    Paula Taylor (APPEAL vol. 2 no. 16 August 2012)

    She is such a goddess!
  10. sugar

    Ch.3 is a hot place

    Like Cecilia said, Nadech is promoted through his endorsements not through his lakorn because he barely has any to begin with lol. Yes, CH3 is hot and overpopulated lol.
  11. sugar

    [Ch3] Noom Ban Rai Gap Wan Jai Hi So (Good Feeling)

    They really are amazing together and Peter is just too hot in here. I also really like Noina and Tawan couple, super cute!
  12. sugar

    Ananda Everingham (DONT MAGAZINE vol. 2 no. 15 March 2012)

    Orlando Bloom lookalike, I approve. ^_^
  13. sugar

    celebrity friends

    Yaya only gets to hang with her celeb friends during work, other than that you don't really see her out with them. She's working like seven days straight every week plus schooling, I don't know how she does it. Kob doesn't seem to have that many celeb friends, even before she married. She's...
  14. sugar

    Most underrated P'ek/N'ek?

    Ch5 only give that golden opportunity to their lovechild, Pong lol. If I hadn't known any better I'd think that Pong was their only pra'ek.
  15. sugar

    Most underrated P'ek/N'ek?

    Pok Piyatida, great actress yet always overlooked and she never has any lakorns. :sleep:
  16. sugar

    Aff - Songkarn Wedding

    The lace gown wasn't so flattering but the strapless tulle gown was exquisite.
  17. sugar

    [Pics]Chai & Vicky's Wedding Day! 5-4-12

    Okay I think this is my favourite wedding look of this year so far, the sea setting is just perfect. I love the bridesmaids dresses and the simplicity of the decor, it's not so over the top like others we've seen.
  18. sugar

    [Ch3] Raeng Pratana (Lakornthai)

    I still get the sibling vibe from them lol the same as Mak and Kim, but we'll see how this turns out.
  19. sugar

    Pinky Savika (ชีวจิต no.326 May 2012)

    Yeah same. This is a big big mistake too so unfortunately for her she'll always be linked to that but hey that's karma.
  20. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya (COSMOPOLITAN vol. 15 no. 182 May 2012)

    She does look more tanned here but still very beautiful.
  21. sugar

    Nadech Kugimiya (GLOW - Issue 2, April 2012)

    Yes to the facial hair, still a no to the chest hair.
  22. sugar

    Paula Taylor, Edward Buttery, Nong Lyla (KULLASATREE vol. 41 no. 990 April 2012)

    Gorgeous husband, beautiful wife, adorable daughter...yep sounds like a perfect family!
  23. sugar

    Who do u think have a bigger fame???

  24. sugar

    Who do u think have a bigger fame???

    I agree about Nadech and Boy, they have the bigger fanbase among the 4+1 boys. If you add in events and endorsements, then Nadech wins. Internationally famous, it's Mario.
  25. sugar

    Teeth Whitening

    Just stick to Crest whitestrips, they're cheaper and they work. As for sensitivity issues, just don't leave them on too long and pan out your usage.
  26. sugar

    Janie Tien went under knife?

    - nose job(s) - chin implant - eyes Especially when she smiles, it's so noticeable.
  27. sugar

    [Clip] The Best On Screen Couple

    Honestly though, I don't think there has been a kookwan who were as hot and adored as Nadech and Yaya. I'm not only saying that as a fan of theirs but it's pretty amazing how much following and coverage they get, their Thai fans are overwhelming.
  28. sugar

    Thai celebrities siblings

    Margie and Marina Balenciaga Noot and Mali Coates Gypsy and Gypso
  29. sugar

    Current Celebrity Couple of 2011

    She is full lol. Wan and Pim have already broken up.
  30. sugar

    4+1 Channel 3's Superstar

    Yadech from NY Home
  31. sugar

    4+1 Channel 3's Superstar

    Backstage nikkikirn, annethong ig's
  32. sugar

    4+1 Channel 3's Superstar

    Whoa, Yadech! :spicy:
  33. sugar

    Ananda Everingham

  34. sugar

    Who should be Nadech's next co star?

    If only Marie were a few inches shorter. I think they'd be cute.
  35. sugar

    Anna, Janie and Nat

    Anna and Nat outshines Janie on the cover.
  36. sugar

    Paula Taylor

    She looks amamzing! :heart:
  37. sugar

    Black Friday Stories

    I'm not American but we started having Black Friday here to compete with American retailers. So far, I've not heard of any bad incidents. We do have a Boxing Day which is the day after Christmas sales and it can get pretty bad, I've heard of the usual rowdy crowd stories to people looting and...
  38. sugar

    Thai Celebrity Webstagram

    Vicki, Aerin, Chompoo, Ploy Chava and Taya Rogers especially, all upload great instagram photos. So following them on IG!
  39. sugar

    Nadech and Yaya

    Yea, just the way he's staring.. :lol2:
  40. sugar

    Chompoo Araya

    Not her best photoshoot but she is so statuesque!
  41. sugar


    I think Benz is one of the most talented current actress. She's not conventionally pretty but her acting is great. Others are Ploy and Chompoo. I think any actress who can play both roles (good and bad) well are top notch in my book.
  42. sugar

    Top 10 "Huggable Guys"

    The cover just look cheesy. Whoever said gay party :whaha:
  43. sugar

    Various Stars

    They look like hipsters.
  44. sugar

    RITA AND VICKY @ instagram

    Super love the Amy Winehouse costumes!
  45. sugar

    [Ch7] Ching Nang (Polyplus)

    Lookwise, they match! I had always thought that Om-Rotmay looked good together, he look so much better with her than Min (don't kill me fans).
  46. sugar

    Thai ActorsActresses that resemble/alike

    She reminds me of Koy Rachawin. Toey and Note - ok, this one wins all. They look so identical.
  47. sugar

    Funny celebrities interview answers

    How thoughtful of her...:facepalm:
  48. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    I just love Nadech's hair in here lol he looks good with messy beach waves. I'm a little jealous. :P
  49. sugar


    ^Yes. Coming from last season, which happened to be disastrous, this is a big turnaround. I think it's one of the best seasons of AF and so so much better than this year's The Star. They all can sing well.
  50. sugar

    Seventeen Awards 2011

    AW what a cutie!
  51. sugar

    Joni Anwar and Louis Scott

    Louis has an infectious smile! He is way too cute.
  52. sugar

    Daradaily The GREAT Awards 2011

    I didn't think it was possible for Pancake to look worse than she already does...what is up with her hair all gelled back like that? Doesn't she know that it only emphasize her wide face.
  53. sugar

    Behind The Scenes of Ch3 2012 Calender

    I'm gonna fourth the comment about Kim! I never thought she was pretty, just cute sometimes.
  54. sugar

    Vicky and Chai are engaged!!

    @SunisaJett He proposed in Paris, how romantic! Big congrats!
  55. sugar

    Thai Stars with perfect english

    Gypso Ramita, she has a slight accent but it's very understandable.
  56. sugar

    Tik, Aff, Yaya, Chom, Ploy

    The behind the scene pictures are more interesting than the actual pictures and Yaya looks more lively in solo shots than in group ones.
  57. sugar

    Which celebrity do you think is still a virgin?

    Chaiya Mitchai - he's just..well..yeah, not gonna get into that :ph34r:
  58. sugar

    What's Your Height?

    You have the perfect female height! Sadly, I'm only 5'5".
  59. sugar

    Aum Patcharapa and Chakrit Yamnam

    LOL Chakrit! Still as a rock.
  60. sugar

    Pong & Kwan at Wan Warn

    Kwan looked really pretty.
  61. sugar

    4+1 Channel 3's Superstar

    I'm not sold on Ken yet, I guess I'd have to see him act first.
  62. sugar

    He is full Thai, according to himself lol he spoke of it during an interview for Tee Trakoon Song.

    He is full Thai, according to himself lol he spoke of it during an interview for Tee Trakoon Song.
  63. sugar

    Khuu Khane Saen Ruk (Baan Lakorn)

    Aum is so natural as this character. I lol'ed at the washroom scene of her and Charkrit, when she pushed his head down into the sink and tried to splash water onto him, he was like 'wtf are you serious?' too funny!
  64. sugar

    Ngao Pray [TV Scene]

    I hate hate hate Margie's dad in here but I sure didn't want to see him die that early. I wish he'd been tormented and punished more for his greed and abusive behaviour.
  65. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Thanks! He has one of the nicest singing voice for an actor, he's up there along with Cee. If this acting thing doesn't work out (lol who am I kidding?) he could always release an album, I'd sure buy it heh.
  66. sugar

    Vill Wannarot

    I love the colours and prints of the dresses. She looks cute and fresh here.
  67. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    It sounded like Nadech to me too. I hope he does sing, he has quite a nice voice!
  68. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Just saw the clip at pantip, omg! It was the sweetest preview for a lakorn. The song, the cute scenes, the ocean, just perfect! Did Nadech and Yaya sing this version of the song?
  69. sugar

    Chompoo Araya had surprise RitZ The Star's birthday

    I can't get over the expression on his face lol it's priceless. She's sweet for doing that.
  70. sugar

    Which Nadech's Ad do you like most?

    Besides the ones with Yaya, I also like his Fino ads. There is an ad he did for TrueMove that was nice too.
  71. sugar

    Chompoo Araya

    No to the 'fro. :no:
  72. sugar

    Planking with Thai Dara

    Now that's disgusting.
  73. sugar

    CH3 Hot Praeks of 2011

    Nadech and Pope. Pope is starting off well and is really a charming guy (watch ratreesamosorn lol). I find him more attractive due to his personality.
  74. sugar

    [Pic] TV Pool 22nd Star Party

    Does anyone else think that Grand's face is, for lack of a better word, creepy? Her nose is short and her lips are really thin, I'm wondering if she did anything to her face.
  75. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Way too cute. They're both entertaining on set, Nadech with his antics and ukulele, and Yaya with her slowness haha.
  76. sugar

    Nadech Kugimiya

    His hair is all sorts of craziness and the poses are pretty bad. I don't like the pictures.
  77. sugar

    Nadech Kugimiya

  78. sugar

    Nadech Kugimiya

    credit on pics
  79. sugar

    Various Actresses

    Here are Chompoo's pics 'Modern Barbies and Comic' I love the cartoonish effect.
  80. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya Sperbund

  81. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya Sperbund

    credit on pics
  82. sugar

    Kao Jirayu

  83. sugar

    Kao Jirayu

    He's one good looking kid.
  84. sugar

    Kao Jirayu

    credit on pics
  85. sugar

    Raeya Vs. Thongpairum

    No question, it's Thonpairum. Raeya's actions were just a smidgen compared to Thongpairum.
  86. sugar

    Nadech and Yaya

  87. sugar

    Dok Som See Thong(Broadcast thai)

    Hats off to Chompoo in here, I can see her getting many awards for this role. I'm glad they didn't kill off any of the villains in here. Being alone in the world and receiving no love from anyone is one of the worst punishments. I don't see a point for another part either, it ended well so...
  88. sugar

    Mixed Thai Stars

    A lot of Thais have Chinese ancestry. In Thailand though, they'd consider that just Thai. Kao Jirayu is part Italian. His grandmother is a lukkreung, Thai-Italian. Got this from watching an older episode of WWYWY.
  89. sugar

    Barry Nadech

    Oh haiiii B)
  90. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya

    Her lips are naturally big though. It's an awkward picture because her head is tilted upwards, her mouth his parted and they put too much lipgloss on her, hence emphasizing her (already) big lips.
  91. sugar

    Mai Davika

    This is a lovely photoshoot !
  92. sugar

    ตัวอย่างหนัง ลัดดาแลนด์ Lada Land

    SO this is somewhat based on a true story? OMG even better! I am a horror/scary movie fanatic so this is right up my alley. I was wondering when GTH would come out with a new horror film and here it is.
  93. sugar

    Rotmay Kaneungnij

    She's very pretty, prettier than the nang eks she's acted with most of the time too.
  94. sugar

    Ananda Everingham and Jane Jensuda

    They are hot indeed :spicy:
  95. sugar

    Nadech and Yaya <3

    How adorable! Second picture, they look like a real couple. :coverlaf:
  96. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Yaya has a nice body, her waist is tiny and she has hips and thighs. She has an hourglass shape. I like her body along with Kwan and Vicky, they aren't super stick thin.
  97. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    In the recent clip, Yaya seems more relaxed and comfortable around Nadech.
  98. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya (Heat Wave)

  99. sugar

    Yaya Urassaya (Heat Wave)

    She looks amaaazing! credit on pics
  100. sugar

    What ethnicity have you been mistaken for?

    I get everything other than Asian. It just happened last night too, we were having a conversation at work (forgot about what though) and I believe I said something along the lines of "No I don't, I'm Asian and we don't do that." LOL my coworker looks at me and ask if I was really Asian. WTF...
  101. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    I'm so over it, when it happens, it happens. Too many date changes. Ahem, March 9th, you say? :sweat:
  102. sugar

    'Pla Lhai Paai Daeng(Good Feeling)

    I think everyone feels the same way about this lakorn. The more I watch, the more I get fustrated but at the same time I can't stop watching...?
  103. sugar

    Barry Nadech, Nichkhun, Pae Arak

  104. sugar

    Barry Nadech, Nichkhun, Pae Arak

  105. sugar

    Barry Nadech, Nichkhun, Pae Arak

  106. sugar

    Barry Nadech, Nichkhun, Pae Arak

  107. sugar

    Mark Prin & Mai Davika

    Oh dear, some all of his clothes should be burned. Other than that, they look cute.
  108. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    I couldn't really make out which date Nadech said but I think it's February 14th for the fitting? If so, what a nice Vday gift for us shippers haha ^_^
  109. sugar

    'Pla Lhai Paai Daeng(Good Feeling)

    This is such a cute lakorn! I laughed a lot in episode one already, both Mart and Cherry fit their characters well. I like Mart in roles like this, I'm usually not a fan of his but in here, I like him. LOL Ah-gong is so cute and the men in her family are hilarious.
  110. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Something, something
  111. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    Yay, so we're finally getting something! I'm so hyped for this. I saw a picture of Nadech at the Komchudleuk Awards and it looks like he shaved off the stub lol, he was wearing the Harry Potter glasses again and his outfit was quite erm..I don't know, too casual and effeminate?
  112. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    I can't wait for pictures of the fitting/opening ceremony. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it ahaha *lame*.
  113. sugar

    [Ch3] Tawan Deard (Metha Mahaniyom)

    I love those pictures of them (: LOL I just read the comment below your avi :coverlaf:
  114. sugar

    [Ch3] Game Rai Game Ruk (Lakorn Thai)

    :weee: :clap2: :dance3: :cheer: :party: :cloud9: :dance2: :dance1: :rockon: [insert every celebratory emoticons] I cannot wait for this! I miss these two, at this point I'll take anything they throw at me just as long as it's Yadech. I need help. :crazy:
  115. sugar

    [Ch3] Tawan Deard (Metha Mahaniyom)

    I see Nadech going solo at a lot of events lately, he's the only one who isn't shooting a lakorn as of now whereas Yaya and others have TD. They were suppose to be at the IT event together but only Nadech attended because Yaya was busy filming. I do miss them :whatever: I want to give this...
  116. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Aww this scene was so cute! I just want to say that this series really exceeded my expectations. I did not think anything of it at first, I missed Thara Himalaya and went right into DJA. I didn't even think Nadech was cute before this lol, I'd watched Yaya in Kularp Rai Narm but didn't think...
  117. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Don't know if anyone's seen this clip. Moddum praising Yaya on his radio show. He says she really is the perfect girl, nice, well mannered, intelligent and beautiful and he rarely speaks highly of any actress lol. Nadech, what are you waiting for boy? (: I guess he met her during the taping of...
  118. sugar


    I looove the pictures!
  119. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Please elaborate!! Or better yet, do you have the pantip link? You got me curious now lol :ph34r:
  120. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Another picture of the event taken from Yaya's twitter. I love the distance between Nadech & Yaya and the rest of the cast when they sang :whistle: chobb wah!
  121. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    Nadech sure loves his flip flops. He seems like a very down to earth, non-fussy, go with flow kind of guy which is what I like most about him. His sense of humor is also great. He is quite smart as well, I think it was the ch3 chat where they mentioned that he's always among the top tier in his...
  122. sugar

    Yaya is she the next rising star for Ch3?

    I think so. She's gaining a lot of popularity now thanks to DJA, and they're well deserved too. Her and Nadech are the next koo kwan.
  123. sugar

    4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao

    I don't really care for the other pairings lol, I wish DJA was longer so I can continue to watch this couple. I so hope they get paired again, they are really cute and a joy to watch.
  124. sugar

    Malai Sarm Chai (Exact)

    I can't bear to watch Son onscreen, he's just...there, like a zombie of some sort. The guy just lacks all sorts of emotions. Captain, Aom and Pang are all doing well as their characters, especially Captain, he never dissappoints.
  125. sugar

    Pom Mai Yark Pen Sai Lub (Master One)

    This is all sort of wrongs. Vicki is one of the curvier nang'eks with a strong build and Ae is this tiny, short guy, who on earth looked at these two and saw compatibility? That person needs an eye check. I love Vicki and all but no, just no.
  126. sugar

    What are you addicted to?

    Right now it's - Starbucks' iced chai latte - som tum, I've been eating it everyday - Katy Perry's California Gurls, it's on repeat - World Cup - summer reads
  127. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee: Wicked

    She's so photogenic and her skin is flawless!
  128. sugar

    Aum Patcharapa & Om Akapan

    I wouldn't mind seeing them in another lakorn again and have them pair up this time lol. They're both gorgeous!
  129. sugar

    Various Stars

    LOL @ Zupzip's cover. Chompoo's been on countless covers lately, she's really hot now.
  130. sugar

    Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

    I loved it. The story was good and the cinematography was beautiful, there wasn't one scene that I didn't like. Jake was also great in here, I can't believe he's the same guy from Donnie Darko, that was one of my fave movies as well.
  131. sugar

    Weewaa Whaa Woon (Good Feeling)

    Behind the scenes pictures :)
  132. sugar

    Chompoo Araya

    I like it. The dresses are pretty and I love the lace top.
  133. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    B.O.B ft. Hayley Williams and Eminem - Airplanes pt. 2 LOVE this song, Em made it so much better
  134. sugar

    Sririta Jensen: Summer Breeze

    Fish lips!
  135. sugar

    Five things about yourself

    1. Impulsive shopper 2. Funny as hell when drunk, or so I'm told. 3. Likes to laugh...a lot. 4. Is double jointed. 5. Thinks Chef Gordon Ramsay is the coolest person in the world.
  136. sugar

    Toni Rakkaen

    I love Khun Toi bboying. Toni is cute, I remember watching him on 3 Num 3 Mum where his family were guests and both of his sisters are pretty as well as his mom, I guess good looks run in the family. This thread needs pictures! His real life profession is a hair stylist haha His sisters...
  137. sugar

    Ple Jarunee

    Aside from the cover, I don't really like any of the pictures. What's with the hair? And some of the swimsuits are just ugly.
  138. sugar

    Chompoo Araya

  139. sugar

    Hi all!!

    Mia Luang? lol that's what it sounds like to me. Welcome and enjoy!
  140. sugar

    Tik Jessadaporn: The Great Escape

    Man, I used to be the biggest fan of his back then. Looks like he finally came out of hiding, it's good to see him again.
  141. sugar

    Mam Jintara Sukapat & Santisuk Promsiri (Noom)???

    No, they're not. Num Santisuk is already married to another woman and has three kids while Mam Jintara is still single. The two had dated one another when they first acted together though.
  142. sugar

    2010 Olympics at Vancouver, Canada

    We won men's hockey!! I thought we'd lose when it went to OT but Crosby saved us. What a way to end the games! Apollo IS cute, I love watching him in speed skating, I don't know how he does it but he always comes out on top from being at the end in the beginning.
  143. sugar

    2010 Olympics at Vancouver, Canada

    LOL I say that all the time "Curling is not a sport!!" but my dad loves it though. It's very slow paced so I can never get into it. I'm more into the short track speed skating, moguls and hockey. Although I don't like hockey, it's more interesting to watch during the olympics. The Canadian...
  144. sugar

    Paula Taylor Boyfriend is Hot

    He's alright, he looks handsome in some pictures. Look at young Paula! She was so cute back then too.
  145. sugar

    Pictures of your Meal

    I love food! @Viet & Thai Restaurant @Steakhouse Not mine Small portion here because I split the plate with a friend...and still couldn't finish it. Fail. Mango Margarita and Pina Colada, tasted great but you can barely taste the alcohol.
  146. sugar

    Thai Stars with perfect english

    P'Utt is still looking fine. I miss him onscreen.
  147. sugar

    Hunting down stars!

    Just walk around Siam and the surrounding areas.
  148. sugar

    Ae Pornthip

    She's smokin'! Por is one lucky guy.
  149. sugar

    Noon Woranuch

    Looking good in purple.
  150. sugar

    Love Spell: Pattie & Toey

    They're both cute but I adore Pattie, she's gorgeous.
  151. sugar

    shocker aom sunisa

    She's always been a 'tom' and although I don't think she's ever come out or anything but you kind of know by the way she presents herself.
  152. sugar

    Aom & Art

    Love them!
  153. sugar


    The beginning part, was that suppose to be rapping because all he did was mumbled. I'm Thai and I couldn't understand one word of that lol. I think the only good thing to come out of RS' Kamikaze is Payu, that kid has potential.
  154. sugar

    Paranormal Activity

    I never even heard of this movie until a friend told me about it. She also said it was quite scary so I might need to check it out.
  155. sugar

    Tangmo [Where the Wild Things Are]

    She looks stunning.
  156. sugar


    Buying online or buying in store, MAC's prices are still the same. However, MAC does a friends & family sale two times a year (March and June) for online purchases and takes 20% off. Those are usually the only times that you'll get MAC for cheap. Although there is a shipping fee, they do offer...
  157. sugar

    Namcha [Extravagant Colours]

    She's a cute girl but these pictures don't do her justice.
  158. sugar

    Pancake Khemmanit [Autumn in Korea]

    Yeah, I actually like the pictures a lot too. The hat looks really cute.
  159. sugar

    Who believes lakon ratings?

    Yes, that is also true. Ch7 is the most received channel in Thailand. Maybe the other channels need to invest more into that? lol.
  160. sugar

    HELLO STAR vol. 2 no. 19 September 2009

    Chompoo shouldn't have worn the vest, totally ruined the outfit,
  161. sugar

    2 pm

    I think the least fans can do is to give the poor guy some space. The support and encouragement on the internet is great and I'm sure he is aware of it but to actually have it displayed out on the media like that is kind of pushing it. I read that he mostly stays home and that when he was out...
  162. sugar

    Kularb Neua Mek (DaraVDO)

    I'm sure Noon would be great as rai, she did play one before and it was good. I'm excited to see Noon and Aum together again but good grief they could've chosen better actors. Fan still can't act and Vinny's Thai is abysmal, he should just stick to modeling.
  163. sugar

    Sai Lub The Serie gub 24 Kadee Sud Ham Jai (GTH)

    Pattie was also in the movie Hormones (recommended). She is too cute and Jack has become a household name since Fan Chun lol he's really that popular.
  164. sugar

    Janie Tienposuwan & Barry Nadet

    He is pretty cute. Janie who? :P
  165. sugar

    2 pm

    Uh, I don't know if I'd be too happy right now if I were Jay. Didn't he leave Korea to get away from the situation? So, seeing this on tv is quite a shock. I guess some fan(s) were just too excited for this.
  166. sugar

    Paula Taylor

    I like the dress too and of course, Paula is always pretty.
  167. sugar

    Pat Naprapa [Dolly Mania]

    I couldn't even recognize her on the cover.
  168. sugar

    Your Favorite Actor Ching Chang?

    I haven't been keeping up with this lakorn but I do like Captain's acting in here.
  169. sugar

    Suay Rerd Cherd Sode (Broadcast)

    This should be interesting, I'm just glad Oil is getting more roles.
  170. sugar

    Kanye Crashes Taylor Swift's Award Moment on VMA 2009

    I don't think people were throwing things out of proportions at first because when he did, it was a big WTF moment. The girl just received her first MTV award and he ruined it, what's worse is that it was Taylor Swift lol who is the epitome of the all American girl.
  171. sugar

    Jui Wattaraya & New Wongsakorn

    Seriously...even Jui look more masculine than New.
  172. sugar

    Andrew, Chakrit, Ken, Tik J, Aum A, and Pong N.

    All except for Chakrit and Aum, I don't find either of them attractive. As for Tik, he is on and off for me lol but he was the first pra'ek that I truly liked so he has a spot. Oil deserves a spot there too.
  173. sugar

    4bia 2

    Official Trailer OST Nologo - Kon Tee Kaa Chun
  174. sugar

    Son Yuk, Wiew, Margie, Guy, Mario, Taew, Singtoh&Armie

    It's amazing to see how much Guy resemble both of his parents equally. Marsha and Nui must be so proud lol.
  175. sugar

    Tangmo & Thank

    Mo's looking good!
  176. sugar

    chompoo is the next ann tongprasom

    I think every actor still has room for improvement, even Ann herself. And yes they are two very different actresses.
  177. sugar

    Mixed Thai Stars

    There are other Thai celebs that don't have Thai blood at all, P'Bird is a big one, Dome (Chinese/German), Mario (Chinese/German), Joni & Anan Anwar (Indonesian/Scottish), Christina Aguilar (Filipino/French)...they're only Thai by nationality.
  178. sugar

    Janie Tienposuwan

    She def. had work done on her nose during the early stages of her career, if you take a pic of her younger days and compare it to a recent pic you can tell she did. As for any recent work, I don't know about that.
  179. sugar

    Noon Woranuch & Todd Piti

    Noon's cute but Todd...err :blink:
  180. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee

    She doesn't look good with front bangs.
  181. sugar

    Actresses and actors (not newbies) that still needs to improved their acting.

    Kudos to whoever mentioned Poo. She cannot act, period. Mart is only good for comedy roles, put him in a drama and it's disastrous.
  182. sugar

    Who is considered to have the best singing vocal in Thailand?

    I'm not a fan of Parn's songs either but she has strong vocals. I like Rose, Palmy and Ann Thitima. For the previous generation, it's gotta be Christina all the way.
  183. sugar

    Kob Suvanant

    Everything is wrong with this shoot, definitely not her best pictures.
  184. sugar

    4bia 2

    5 แพร่ง/5 Praeng Story 1 is titled "Backpacker" starring Nak Charlie Traitat who plays a truck driver. Story 2 starring Nicole Theriault about a used car. Story 3 features Gao Jirayu playing a novice monk. Story 4 has Marsha playing as herself. Story 5 features Dan Worwech credit...
  185. sugar

    Nathalie Davies

    She looks adorable with the short do and she seem to have lost some weight too, looking good!
  186. sugar

    Pinky Savika

    I actually like it, she pulls it off nicely.
  187. sugar

    Noon, Todd, Aom, Art, 2PM, & Noi

    The two Khun's are cute.
  188. sugar

    Various Actors [Transition]

    P'Utt never seems to age, he still look the same as he did a decade ago lol.
  189. sugar

    Pae Arak Says Thai Girls Are Much More Beautiful Than Laotian Girls

    I somewhat agree but it was a stupid move on his part. He's a public figure and to say that to the press, knowing that everything you say will be published, is just utterly stupid of him.
  190. sugar

    Celebs wearing the same outfits

  191. sugar

    Siamdara Star Party 09'

    Atichart needs to lay off on the makeup there.
  192. sugar

    To all Aum Patcharapa's fan

    I think Woody's show is on modern nine. What's his website btw?
  193. sugar

    20th annual TV POOL Party: 2009

    Aum & May = Fierce! Love it.
  194. sugar

    Michael Jackson Died - RIP Michael, Farrah, Ed Mcmahon

    May he RIP. It's shocking and saddening that he passed away so suddenly, he was still young.
  195. sugar

    Payu's new MV One Kiss

    Look-wise, he reminds me of a young Peter Corp.
  196. sugar

    ARENA vol. 3 no. 34 June 2009

    She's looking gorgeous here, I love the makeup!
  197. sugar

    Sudsapda vol. 27 no. 633 June 2009

    Couldn't they find a better natural looking wig for her? She looks funny there.
  198. sugar

    Koy Rachwin Wongweeriya

    Her and Pae are adorable together and ever since he's gotten that haircut, they started to resemble each other a bit too.
  199. sugar

    Thai stars / Western Stars

    I don't have pictures but Kat English and Raven Symone look similar.
  200. sugar

    aom phiyada get engagement!

    The first hiso boyfriend of a celeb that is actually handsome! They also look very similar, congrats to her.
  201. sugar

    Piti Pirompakdee [Todd]

    haha so true
  202. sugar

    Aum Patcharapa

    She has got to be the hottest Thai actress ever lol. Aum is gorgeous.
  203. sugar

    Jarinporn Junkiat [Toey]

    Too many things wrong with this cover lol. She's a cute girl but this is a really bad look on her.
  204. sugar

    Aff Taksaorn & Bie Sukrit

    Bie looks better than before (except for that pink outfit, seriously?). I still find his singing annoying though.
  205. sugar

    Contacts? Is it safe, Questions.

    It helps to carry around rewetting eye drops because they do get dry after a while. I've worn mine for 12+ hours straight before without eyes drops and my eyes were red and irritated when I took them off. I've also worn them in the shower and there's a little irritation but nothing too bad...
  206. sugar

    Woranuch Wongsawan [Noon]

    She doesn't look as good here. Her makeup makes her look dead.
  207. sugar

    Aum Patcharapa

    She looks great!
  208. sugar

    Waratya Nilkooha [Jui]

    I love the vibrant colours.
  209. sugar

    Tao got re married???

    How sudden! You could be right that she may be pregnant, either that or they could've both been drunk that night? Hah they sure look like they were in those pictures.
  210. sugar

    Aum Patcharapa

    She actually doesn't look too bad with the short wig.
  211. sugar

    Pattie Angsumalin: So Cute & Beauty, Happy Terms Begin

    Patty hasn't been in any lakorns but movies. Her first role was in "Hormones", a teen romantic comedy. She's too cute.
  212. sugar

    My own review to Nang Aek

    Agree with most of the original poster's comments. Oh, and the reason why Anne has that distinctive look is because she is part Arab.
  213. sugar

    Dome, Film, Mario, & Tol

    Dome has the best expression on the cover although I can do without the hairy nipple shot lol :ph34r:
  214. sugar

    Teeradej Wongpuapan [Ken Theeradeth]

    I agree, the cover is...?? He looks awkward.
  215. sugar

    SHAPE vol. 3 no. 38 May 2009

    Well, if you compare her before pictures to her recent ones, it is noticeable.
  216. sugar

    my favorite thai song

    Too many to name but my current fave, and have been for about a year now, is Groove Rider - Yoot (Stop). Absolute love.
  217. sugar

    Meu Nang (Dida)

    Why does every lakorn end up like this? Good beginning, draggy & random mid-part, rushed wtf endings! <_< This is why I hardly watch lakorns anymore, they are getting worse and worse each year with the same recycled story lines. Maybe I should just stick to Thai sitcoms and movies, they add...
  218. sugar

    SHAPE vol. 3 no. 38 May 2009

    The nose job was a bad investment.
  219. sugar

    Peak & Toey

    Now that you've mentioned it, I do see a slight resemblance to Audrina, but I never thought Peak was pretty she's just average. Toey is cute though.
  220. sugar

    Pok Piyatida

    She need to be in more lakorns. She is so underrated.
  221. sugar

    Worawech Danuwong [Dan] & Jensuda Parnto [Jane]

    Really great pictures.
  222. sugar

    Nichkhun's new look

    He explained how he became a singer in Korea in this interview with nine entertain. Basically, he was studying in the U.S at the time and he attended a Korean concert with his friends, Hollywood Bowl, I think. A rep from jyp scouted him and spoke...
  223. sugar

    Nichkhun's new look

    The song is love. It's on repeat now :P I don't like Khun's hair but he's still a cutie. Wooyoung & Junsu both look great.
  224. sugar

    2 pm

    I really liked Nichkhun's previous hairstyles but his new one doesn't look that good (from what I can tell) :( The teaser's hot, Wooyoung scared me a bit in the beginning though lol thanks.
  225. sugar

    nEws! (Thailand calls for state of emergency)

    ^ Well then you can say that Sondhi was the mastermind behind all of PAD's previous protests against the last three Prime Ministers too. If they were able to do it, why can't the red shirts? I'm not condoning their actions here but the PAD are a bunch of whining hypocrites. They did the exact...
  226. sugar

    Mon Rak Khao Tom Mud (Polyplus)

    that part was funny The first guy was some student, the news was that Pat and this guy had a meeting spot and they would go there all the time just to see one another. Pat says she doesn't even know about this but she was curious to know if there was such a guy (lol) so she went there with a...
  227. sugar

    Mon Rak Khao Tom Mud (Polyplus)

    I haven't been watching this lakorn but I was watching Ratree Samosorn when the cast was on and the whole Film-Pat interaction was way too cute. Everyone thought that they were actually dating, which I think they should. He makes fun of her a lot and calls her all sorts of names 555 too funny...
  228. sugar

    top 7 actresses

    Actually, I think it is Ploy who shouldn't have been there. Yes, Chompoo just signed with ch3 but she has been nang'ek in almost all of her lakorns so she carries that nang'ek status with her. On the other hand, Ploy hardly ever act as a nang'ek, only supporting and rai roles.
  229. sugar

    Tangmo & Chompoo

    Both look fantastic! Gosh do I need to work out.
  230. sugar

    Clip & Cap of Ch 3 39th Anni. Soccer game

    I didn't realize Aff was so short lol, what is her height? Chompoo looked the best there among the other nang aeks.
  231. sugar

    Mia Luang ( DaraVdo)

    She would've been very stupid had she taken him back lol, all of that talk for nothing. I was hoping for something intense to happen to Orn's character though, like her going on a psycho rampage or something lol she was close to it but nope, it would've made it more exciting. It did drag on for...
  232. sugar

    Mia Luang ( DaraVdo)

    Nudee killed herself by taking pills, Orn plans to marry Watin (Vee's character), Ken and Janejope moved to Japan, and Ruj tried endlessy to get back with Wee but failed of course so they just remained friends. Bittersweet ending I'd say. Overall, I did like the lakorn. I was very into it at...
  233. sugar

    Miss Thailand Universe 2009

    She's not pretty. The closest one in recent years when Thailand stood a chance was in 2007 with Kwang Faroong Yuthitum.
  234. sugar

    2 pm

    I just knew about Nichkhun two years ago since I heard that he was Thai, that got me a little excited haha. He is just narak tee soot. :spin:
  235. sugar

    "Koy" Ratchwin

    She has an edgy and unique look unlike other actresses who seems to be carbon copies of one another. Her and Pae are a cute couple.
  236. sugar

    TV3 39TH Anniversary

    Someone need to fire the stylist for all of these people. I don't like the theme either; they look horrible.
  237. sugar

    Dan on Tee Nee Mochit

    I was watching this the other night and was amazed at how well the song turned out to be. He should include it in his next album heh. Also from this show, people now know that he is scared of gold fishes 555
  238. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee

    credit on pics
  239. sugar

    Joy Sirilak/Tui Sarunyu

    Concert my butt, it's just another gimmick for them to collect money and rally up PAD supporters in the States. -_-
  240. sugar

    Pancake and Kwan

    :lol: they're not step sisters and they don't share the same biological mother. In that clip she was talking about Khun Daeng who is ch7 big boss and is like a mother figure to her and Cheer and everyone else.
  241. sugar

    Sopitnapa Chumpanee [Jiab] & Aom Phiyada

    Nope, it's Jieb. Ann's best friend is Nat Myria.
  242. sugar

    Winners of 9 Entertainment Award!

    Yep he reminded me of a clown 555
  243. sugar

    Winners of 9 Entertainment Award!

    Apparently Mike doesn't own a full-length mirror lol, otherwise he would know how awful and unconvincing he looks. Yeah, they really should make it a requirement for all males to wear suits when attending these type of award shows.
  244. sugar

    Winners of 9 Entertainment Award!

    and the worst dressed male award goes to...
  245. sugar

    Nok & Vinny

    I don't remember him being this cute on tv but yeah, in your face Vee! :D
  246. sugar

    Did anyone watch the Oscars on Sunday?

    No, Angelina did not give Jen a dirty look in fact, she actually laughed along to her's and Jack Black's jokes. I even saw Jen smiling down at Brad and Angie once during her presentation. The press is always blowing things out of proportion. And I knew they were going to cut to Brangelina when...
  247. sugar

    Mia Luang ( DaraVdo)

    I don't know why but Tui's acting is bugging me in here. It's like there is something lacking in his character. Pok and Aum are great though.
  248. sugar


    I love how some here are so quick to generalize. <_< She's not giving anyone a bad rap but herself and her family. You worded it perfectly.
  249. sugar

    Asian Snacks?

    Since this is about asian snacks and all lol I just thought of the 7eleven stores in Thailand. They have the best stuff there, like salapao, dim sum, red bean buns, dumplings. Whenever I'm there I'd always go to 711 just to buy junk food and drinks.
  250. sugar


    She looks a lot better with the short hair.
  251. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Big Ass - Ruk Totally feeling this song. ทำไมคนไทยไม่รักกันสักที
  252. sugar

    Coming Soon (Program Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaat)

    Starring Punch Worrakan and Der Chantawit (actor from the movie 'Hormones') The director is the same director of Shutter, Alone & 4bia, so you know this has to be good. Watch it!
  253. sugar


    Now whose facebook account were these from? :lol: get ready for the backlash.
  254. sugar

    8 Is Definitely Enough

    She didn't have the means to support her previous six children and she still wanted more kids. Sad. And she already has three disabled children who deserve even more attention and care, so how is she going to split time for them too when she goes to school full-time?! The woman is delusional, I...
  255. sugar

    Patcharasir Benjamas [Kalamare]

    FYI, she is a talk show host for Ratree Samosorn, Poo Ying Teung Poo Ying, etc and rofl no she isn't a katoey.
  256. sugar

    Nichkhun Horawechakul [Khun]

    I think he was scouted in America by a Korean company, that's why he's in Korea and not Thailand. He actually has a cute baby face...adorable. :spin:
  257. sugar

    Dome vs. Golf

    Dome's looks really have declined but I would still prefer him (lookwise) over Golf. As for their voices, I don't know, Golf can sometimes sound good depending on the type of song but I like Dome's voice when he sings rock tunes (Glua was such an addictive song, even though it was a cover of...
  258. sugar

    Top Award 08'

    Well deserving, I enjoyed that lakorn. It stood out among those usual sappy/r-scene genres lol. :rolleyes:
  259. sugar

    Kob & Brook

    Err if anything, I think Brook is the one who is lucky to be married to Kob. She put up with him and his family drama for years, and Brook is a true mamas boy, if this were any other woman they would have left him already. No one would stay with him for that long with his moms apparent dislike...
  260. sugar

    [pic]daras @ ch 3 big boss son's wedding

    Worst: Noi, Janie, Rita, Yard (length is too short), Cherry, Chompoo Best: Pat, Tik, Jaja, Margie, Paula (for some reason, I like her dress)
  261. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    Ohh finally got to watch today's episode, just one more to go. I found some parts just funny though, like how does Kaew have all this strength to take Nampet with her when theres Win, Gan and her mom there lol and no one has the sanity to stop her before she reached for the gun in her bag. :blink:
  262. sugar

    Nok breaks down crying; Still not over Vee

    Yep, and I still don't understand why Vee is pra'ek, he lacks in both the acting and looks department.
  263. sugar

    Mia Luang ( DaraVdo)

    I've seen the one with Johnny and Ann, it was a good lakorn overall. You will want to kill Tui in here and cheer for Pok the whole way through. In the beginning, the wife is weak and lets the mistress stomp all over her, it's towards the middle where she gains some strength and will try to get...
  264. sugar

    Nok breaks down crying; Still not over Vee

    Why is Vee still calling her anyway? Does he want her back or not? When you've broken up, especially on bad terms, friendship is out the door. And seriously, a jerk like Vee is not worth crying over.
  265. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    lol it's dragging on and on. It should have ended a long time ago. This lakorn is really too focused on Kaew, other characters are just her victims. Ugh, I'm just waiting for everything to be revealed so Kaew can finally get what's coming to her, although we can all probably guess how her...
  266. sugar

    Is lydia still with MATTHEW DEAN???

    He was by her side to support her during her feud with Mor Krit. They're still "close friends" as they would say, which pretty much means they are still an item.
  267. sugar

    Gangs in spotlight after Thai beach murders

    It's nothing new, sex trafficking happens even in places you'd least expect. It's up to officials to place stricter laws on these kinds of things but what can you expect when they are corrupted themselves. My aunt lives in Pattaya and I do like it there, it really depends on the area you visit...
  268. sugar

    Lydia Sarunrat

    another case of bad plastic surgery
  269. sugar

    Best thai song 2008!

    I liked ETC. - Yaa Taam Dome Nologo - Glua Zeal - Mot Cheewit Chun Hai Tur Retrospect - Glap Maa Potato - Arom See Tao Punch - Peun
  270. sugar

    Your pick for best lakorn, actor, actress and new comer 2008

    Ahh thank goodness someone mentioned Songkram Nang Fah because that one was a memorable one. I loved every minute of it no matter how nam nao it was, it was addictive.
  271. sugar

    Paula Taylor: An Angel On Earth

    Paula's hot.
  272. sugar

    Thakoon Panichgul

    He's becoming really popular, or rather his designs are. I've seen him in a few Vogue and Teen Vogue magazines before.
  273. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    Yeah that's what I think too.
  274. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    View is cute and beautiful, I can see why Son might have a crush on her haha, she's very charming. About her being mix, sometimes I can see it too, but I think she's mainly Thai with some Chinese lineage, like how most Thais are.
  275. sugar

    Meu Nang (Dida)

    Chinese fans don't like Pancake? Nice, join the bandwagon. :P oh I'm so mean.
  276. sugar

    Weirdest Celebrity crush

    Loved him in Iron Man. hawt. - Conan O'Brien, because he reeks of charisma...everyone just needs to watch his show. - Anderson Cooper is my reason to tune into CNN.
  277. sugar

    Ch7 new actresse and actors

    Kwang Farung was Miss Thailand 2007, she's so pretty and very tall. Kavintra is the current Miss Thailand 2008.
  278. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    paolo nutini - last request
  279. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    I was referring to airport operations going back to normal, not the country as a whole. The latter is far from being stable.
  280. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    I really like this lakorn, I can actually watch all episodes without having to skip certain scenes and that is rare for me ahah.
  281. sugar

    [Ch3] Roy Mai (Act Art)

    lol because their physiognomy clashes in my opinion, I just can't picture it. Nevertheless, I'll probably tune in for Ananda.
  282. sugar

    [Ch3] Roy Mai (Act Art)

    I can't even imagine these two together look-wise, but we'll see. Glad to see Ananda in a lakorn. :spin:
  283. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    Wiew is gorgeous in that photo. Son looks better with the long hair than short hair because it covers his big ears lol.
  284. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    lol about the p'eks brother, I find it hilarious that his character is a playboy because he honestly looks like he's 12 yrs old :lol:
  285. sugar

    Kaew Lom Pet (Exact)

    I'm glad someone mentioned Buachompoo, I thought I was the only one that thought so. Although sometimes I find her prettier than Bua, but they both got the cute look going on for them. I don't think she's a bad actress, she's okay for a noob, and I can tolerate her much more than I can Peung and...
  286. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    It won't go back to normal for another week or so, but even then, what's done is done. They lost so much during that one week of airport shutdown, not just economically but Thailand's reputation has been tarnished. Tourism will be slashed in half next year, the one area where Thailand gets the...
  287. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    Well, PAD has done it again. They've managed to oust yet another PM. -_- Thai Court Disbands Ruling Party By Nopporn Wong-Anan BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat was banned from politics for five years and his party disbanded on Tuesday, spurring exultant...
  288. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    He was voted in by the majority but they, the PAD didn't vote for him since they despise everything Thaksin related - and he's Thaksin's brother in law, on top of that his party, DAAD, contains many former Thai Rak Thai members (Thaksin's now defunct political platform).
  289. sugar

    Aum Athichart & Chompoo Araya: Tantalizing Makeover

    :loool: Agreed, and they look odd together, not a fitting couple.
  290. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    I agree with you CTR. It was a mistake from the moment they began invading government buildings, and how on earth they managed to stay there for so long just baffles me. I don't understand how they can let such a problem continue and escalate into something as vast as this. This is just...
  291. sugar

    Ongoing chaos in Thailand

    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thousands of tourists stranded in Thailand by political protests that have cut off the capital's airports battled frustration and boredom on Saturday as they scrambled to find a way out of the country. Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi international airport has been closed since late...
  292. sugar

    Pe Arak, Ananda,Chakrit, Ken, Marcus: The Butterfly Effect

    I don't like any of the photos but Ananda still manages to look good even in bad pictures. :spin:
  293. sugar

    Paula Taylor

    what did she do to her hair?
  294. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee: Spectrum Lush

    That's haute for sure. She's gorgeous in the last picture.
  295. sugar

    Ploy’s Mother Reveals What Really Went Down

    Her last problem hasn't even been resolved yet and already her mother's finding new problems for her lol. Why is it any of her business what goes on between Ploy and Golf? Is Golf her son? Is he still with Kwan? No. Maybe she should focus on disciplining her daughter instead of interfering in...
  296. sugar

    "E Turk" aka Aump P with the large forhead?

    lol R the monkey, if anyone watches his sitcom with Bie (Nut Gub Nut) they always call him 'na ling' :lol:
  297. sugar

    Heeb Lon Sawn Winyaan (Exact)

    don't read on if you don't like spoilers Just saw episode 5, her spirit was finally released. The part where the blood was dripping out from the coffin and onto the floor..ew. I like the scene of her coming out, you first see her hand (along with those long nails) gripping onto the coffin and...
  298. sugar

    Aon sex clip SCANDAL!!!!!

    I never understood why people would video tape something so intimate in the first place. I think he apologized because he just wanted to leave it all behind him so that people would stop asking him about it (doubt it though). I don't find what he did to be wrong either, but he was being careless...
  299. sugar

    Sedtee Karng Kiang (PJJ-Hunk Manoga)

    I'm not much of a fan of Four, singing or acting wise, but it's good to see Beam again. Is this Green from AF5? If so, she's really pretty but it may be too fast for her to be in a lakorn since AF just ended not too long ago. They'll probably make her take up some more acting lessons anyway...
  300. sugar

    Heeb Lon Sawn Winyaan (Exact)

    This series is pretty good so far, she should be getting her revenge soon. The scarier the better :P I love ghost stories.
  301. sugar

    Rome, Namfon, Yardthip

    whoever edited these pictures need to take a 'photoshop 101' class
  302. sugar

    Who am I?

    I'll name some that weren't mentioned 4. Aom Sunisa and I think that's Louis Scott 9. James Reungsak 10. Looks like Kob and Dome 18. Nicky, Tik, don't know his name 22. Pok and Leo Putt 23. Mathew Dean 26. Fluke K 32. Marissa Anita & Mathew Dean 34. Numfon K? 35. Jennifer P, from Show Girls...
  303. sugar

    Mor Krit some guy who does fortune telling..for the stars

    Oh gosh, he's so arrogant and cocky from the way he speaks and how he carries himself. The host asked him about it and he said he's been like that since he was a kid lol, he talk so much sh*t. He's only 22 years old too even though he looks like he's in his early 30's.
  304. sugar

    kwan usamanee

    I understand and agree with you na ka but like I said, when something is often reoccurring then it's more believable than if it were to happen just once or twice. But you're right, people can choose what they want to believe. :P
  305. sugar

    Pirates of the Carribean 4

    This one, from what I've read, will be about Jack and Barbossa's quest to find the fountain of youth. So, there's not going to be much of Will or Elizabeth in this. As long as Depp is in it, I'm forever happy haha I love the man. :blush: I've probably seen all three parts hundreds of times by...
  306. sugar

    kwan usamanee

    lol definitely, the girl is scandal prone. If it was just once or twice where she has a problem with someone then it's easier to dismiss but she constantly has problems with different people. What counts as proof? I guess unless she comes out and publicly admits to initiating the issue then...
  307. sugar

    kwan usamanee

    I never liked Pancake but this whole ordeal with Kwan is getting ridiculous. She needs to go off to a deserted island somewhere and get her act together, Kwan that is. The only one she's hurting is herself, at this rate she can say goodbye to ever having a prolong career in the biz.
  308. sugar

    Din Neua Tong(PJJ)

    They look really cute and the lakorn seems like it'll be a funny one. Bua is so adorable with her dimples.
  309. sugar

    Koo Pbuan Olawon (Dida)

    I guess Nok is in here too. lol did they make her sit beside him? :lol: credit to gossipstar
  310. sugar

    Rita's sister commits suicide

    They mentioned on Kan Bpaak that she wrote about not seeing eye to eye with her mom over something on her suicide note. I cannot believe they made her held a press conference right after her sister's passing, it's so disrespectful.
  311. sugar

    Bird,Anne & Aom in Kyushu

    Ann looks rather old but Aom is beautiful. <3 P'Bird
  312. sugar

    Thai Actors and Actresses and Parents

    Cheer & mom Pancake & her dad Ple Jarunee - dad Num & parents Beam - dad Kob - dad Nicole - dad Mo & her dad (credit to her hi5) Pinky & her mom Pinky's mom with Atichart haha just thought I'd throw this one in here too :lmao: credits to google
  313. sugar

    Anyone going to support Chakrit in Bangkok Dangerous this weekend?

    2/5 - I didn't really like it, most of parts put me to sleep and it was kinda boring. I guess the only scene I enjoyed was the one at the floating market. Cage really irritated me with his acting, I couldn't get passed that and eww he looks horrible, not that he was good looking to begin with...
  314. sugar

    Mix european or white child stars

    Along with Jui, Yui, Benz, Joy, Cherry, Aom, Pok, Aff, Numfon, Janie, Vicki, Nok, Jakajun, Pim, Bee, Ae, Tik K etc yeah there's many non mixed ones. Poo doesn't look like she has Caucasian in her even though she does.
  315. sugar

    Bangkok Dangerous (2008)

    Going to see this later tonight, hopefully it's good. ^_^
  316. sugar

    I need song recommendations

    If you're into love songs then definitely Boyd Kosiyapong, he writes and composes most if not all of his songs and have written for many popular artists. All of his songs are a nice blend of r&b, pop and soft rock. And since I've been listening to these bands a lot - ETC. (every song of theirs...
  317. sugar

    Silamanee (Compordee)

    LOL just accept the fact that your Alexandra isn't in it and move on, there's no point in constantly bitching about something that can't be changed. How lame is this :lol:
  318. sugar

    Opinions on Secrets of A Superstar!!^^

    Well most of the Exact newbies still need a lot of work. Peung looked like a dear in headlights throughout Ngao Asoke.
  319. sugar

    [Ch7] Tawee Pope (Polyplus)

    The one with Tua/Ann S. is an all time fave of mine. I can see Noon in this role, but for the love of god don't give it to panface!
  320. sugar

    Silamanee - remake by compordee

    Alexandra also has a chubby face :huh: they're both pretty but since we are comparing here, Ann Siriam at Sandra's age was more beautiful and a better actress. Sandra is cute and a good singer, I'll give her that, but acting wise there is no comparison.
  321. sugar

    Best Aticha with Dan (D2b) or with Bie

    Does anyone else think she looks like Donut? lol sorry for going off-topic, that's the first thing that popped in my head. From the pictures, I'd say Bie since they look cuter together.
  322. sugar

    Nathalie Davies

    She's been on so many covers lately. Whatever happened to Jazky? You never hear anything about her.
  323. sugar


    :lmao: that line literally had me lol, too funny.
  324. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Art of the Devil 3 (Long Khong) need to join all 3 files with program Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Eng Subs
  325. sugar

    list ch.3,5,7

    He is, he's also with CH5 as he's an Exact actor. I don't think Joy S is with Ch3 anymore. Ch5 - Exact Pra'ek: Pong, Chakrit, Mos, Captain, Puri, Pepper, Tik, Kong, Oh, Bie, Tang, Fluke, Nat Nang'ek: Aom, Sinjai, Bee, Pim, Pang, Ann A, Fang, Jieb S, Jaakjun, Peung, Best, Pin K
  326. sugar

    IMAGE vol. 21 no. 8 August 2008

    All three ladies look good. Ploy is hot!
  327. sugar

    can i say something about ch7 and ch3??????

    Looking young isn't a problem if they are paired with the right person. Pinky may look young but her costars don't look any much older or younger than her, they look around her age so it's not as bad. Ch3 still pairs an actor who is in his 40-50's (Nok Chatchai) with younger girls who can be his...
  328. sugar

    which thai actor would you marry?????

    True. Most Thai actors are too scrawny, they look like they would break in half if you touch them. :huh: lol Mart, I call him ai naa jeeud :lol:. He is muscular but really short, he has a stocky body frame.
  329. sugar

    What are you addicted to?

    shopping my ipod current events water cha-yen indian food euro football ebay fashion blogs my nintendo wii
  330. sugar

    feud between janie and another actress????

    Janie must think she's a gift to the entertainment industry lol please, she ain't special. And what kind of answer is that, "if they don't have a problem I can't interfere"?
  331. sugar

    Which Lakorn you couldn't finish watching?

    Every single lakorn that I've started watching in the last year and a half, I didn't finish. The last lakorn that I've seen from beginning to end was.. I think Oum Ruk? I lose interest easily since the characters and storylines are so annoying and repetitive.
  332. sugar

    The Jolie-Pitt twins!

    What a beautiful family, and that picture of Shiloh and her baby sister is just precious.
  333. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee

    It says Mon not Hmong, her maternal grandmother was half Thai and half Mon. The Mon people are primarily from Burma, there is a small Mon community that resides in Thailand. Kwan really looks nothing like her family though, she must have taken after her grandmother on her dad's side who was...
  334. sugar

    Peck, Aof, Ice= We R One Concert

    Lucky you! Ice sounds adorable. lmao I can't picture the three singing Buddha Bless, must have been hilarious. Any pictures?
  335. sugar

    Question about Thai/Lao royalty

    Jao Chai technically means prince in Thai. There's so many different titles for the royal family members that it's confusing and titles would often change as well. For the current Thai royal famliy, the highest rank is the King, Prabat Somdej Pra Jao Yu Hua, but Thais refer to him as Nai Luang...
  336. sugar

    So You Think You Can Dance

    Katee ftw! Nigel was right about her, there wasn't one routine of hers where it was not enjoyable to watch.
  337. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Tattoo Colour - Faak Tee
  338. sugar

    IMAGE vol. 21 no. 7 July 2008

    What is up with all of strange poses and clothing for the covers? Sweeet! Puri looks great.
  339. sugar

    does anyone know what happened to tik jesadaporn?

    Yeah he still has that long, greasy mane lol. He's in a sitcom called Ruk Rhythm.
  340. sugar


    I concur, they look so out of place. The only normal looking one is Ananda, everyone else = NO!
  341. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    The Peach Band - Worn
  342. sugar

    EX- Shelle on Days of Our Lives

    I rarely do watch soaps but I did like 'Days of Lives', I've watched that since I was young too. I remember getting so pissed off when Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady) left lol but I'm okay now since I can see him all the time on Supernatural. Anyway on topic, the new Belle and Shawn just don't cut...
  343. sugar

    Ploy Cherman & Oil Thana

    He looks ridiculously good. It's so rare to see him in a photoshoot 555.
  344. sugar

    Ken Theradeth:Men are From Mars

    I don't like it. I've seen far better pictures of him.
  345. sugar

    Taew, Dao, Pueng, & Aek

    Aek is cute. They all must be pretty damn smart to be in Chula lol.
  346. sugar

    Sev Creations

    The sketches are really good, keep them coming!
  347. sugar

    when our celebrity were young

    Great find. Many of them have not changed at all. Kwan was too cute.
  348. sugar

    Your favourite Aum lakorn

    It's Tub Tawan and that was Benz's best acting by far. She was superb in that lakorn, you just hate her to bits. My favourites of his are Thee Trakoon Song Sud Ruk Sud Duang Jai Tub Tawan Lom Huan His best acting was in Lom Huan and Sud Ruk Sud Duang Jai.
  349. sugar

    Pinky's Indian Movie

    sindu17 is right, both of her parents are mix blood themselves and she's part Pakistani not Indian.
  350. sugar

    thai star cribs?

    There was a show called 'kok kok kok' (knock knock knock) where the hosts goes to different stars' homes but I don't think it's on anymore. If you search it on youtube/google/whatever you might find a few episodes I think.
  351. sugar

    Miss Thailand Universe 2008

    I watched her interview segment on Tinimochit, she's a volleyball player from changwat Nong Khai. Her and her mom did not tell her dad that she would be competing in this because he hates these kinds of pageants, well he sure will be surprise now that she won lol. I think she looks ok in some...
  352. sugar

    Miss Thailand Universe 2008

    Bangkok, THAILAND, May 24 - Gawintra Pothijakra, a 22-year old student of Communication Arts from Bangkok University, won on May 24th the title of Miss Thailand Universe 2008. She also had won the Miss Healthy and Slim by Sealect TUNA award. Gawintra, who stands 1.76 m tall, will represent...
  353. sugar

    What nationality are you?

    My dad is Chinese (Teochiu) and my mom's Thai.
  354. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Leona Lewis - Yesterday
  355. sugar

    How do thai actors get their nickname?

    From their parents or other relatives. Usually all Thais will have nicknames because their actual name is long hence a shorter name to call them by. I think how Pancake got hers was because while her mom was pregnant with her she loved to eat pancakes and same goes for Donut I'm assuming. I'm...
  356. sugar

    starting to DISLIKE kwan U

    I like Kwan, she may not be a great actress but she is better than a lot of her peers who seem to be getting overly promoted. I've seen the show you're talking about and really, it was said in a joking manner, don't be so serious about it. I also think she is one of the better looking nang'eks...
  357. sugar

    Rain on Colbert Report..

    :loool: Colbert is a genius! I've seen most of these and it never gets old.
  358. sugar

    are most thai celebs mixed?? SO PALE!

    I know for sure that is her biological dad but I'm thinking the lady could be her step mom, and the two girls are her half sisters. I'm still going to say that she is not mix though. I don't know if anyone remembers that talk show Samakom Chomdao with the two Noo Mam and Mam K, but Vicky came on...
  359. sugar

    How do you guys watch Lakorns?

    mostly from satellite and then dvd on a few occasions
  360. sugar

    are most thai celebs mixed?? SO PALE!

    As far as I know, Vicky is full and not half although many seem to think that she is mixed because she is from the States and her surname is Jett (which her father had shortened when he moved to America). And to me she looks very Thai but her brother on the other hand can be mistaken for a...
  361. sugar

    Star Entertainment Award 07'

    hits: Kwan - woooow she was glam that night Jieb - she looked so cute! so-so: Ning Kob - dress looked ok on her, hair + makeup = bad Ann - she needs to start changing it up a bit miss: Noon - I like Noon but that dress needs to be burned Mai Peak Marsha - the dress is bad enough, must she make...
  362. sugar

    Some of The Stupidest Song's I've Heard Is..

    crank that by soulja boy gets the award for the dumbest, most overplayed song of the year. If I hear that song one more time...
  363. sugar

    "Bangkok Dangerous" w/ Chakrit Yamnarm...

    I think it makes sense to have Cage play the lead simply because he's the bigger star and hardly anyone would know who Chakrit is aside from us who've watched his lakorns, so in the end it would just benefit them more to have a big name cast as the main character. Is that really the movie...
  364. sugar

    Amp Suthikarn and Aum Patcharapa

    I love that Aum cover!
  365. sugar

    Mario Maurer and Apinya Sakuljareonsuk

    lol they're quite popular now, especially Mario. Saiparn's got a cute & fresh look to her.
  366. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    jupiter rising - electropop
  367. sugar


    Thailand has really step up their game in film production, I think the movies are better than their lakorn series (well, majority). This looks pretty interesting, can't wait to see it. Oh, and I love Thai movie posters, beats American movie posters imo.
  368. sugar

    Master Clense

    I always say that I would be doing this but never got around to it, but after I'm done with my exams I need to get my lazy arse up and start this.
  369. sugar

    Academy Fantasia Season 5 the first two songs she sang were really good :D If I was still in Thailand your friend would have my vote. She's got a nice voice.
  370. sugar

    Ananda Everingham and GF Jit Santhong

    :lol: she does have nice ones. they're both hot.
  371. sugar

    Thai Stars with perfect english

    I would take out Ann T, Por N and Mos from the list as they have heavy accents when they speak. Has anyone actually heard Aum A speak English?
  372. sugar

    Upcoming Hollywood Flops or Hits;

    The Changeling sounds interesting, I like Angie so I'll definitely check that out. Others that weren't mentioned but I'm looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight The Happening Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince :P
  373. sugar

    Hot news "N'ek Kob Suwanun a secret mistress"

    Brooke's bro is basically just coming to his mother's aid, he said Kob should make an effort in getting to know his parents? From Brooke's interview, he'd said that he had asked Kob to keep quiet with the situation regarding his mom's dislike towards her. Basically whatever the elders say, to...
  374. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Wang Waree Tik Jesadaporn & Nat Myria Episode 1 | Episode 2 Episode 3 | Episode 4 Episode 5 | Episode 6 Episode 7 | Episode 8 Episode 9 | Episode 10 Episode 11 | Episode 12 Episode 13 | Episode 14 END
  375. sugar

    America's Next Top Model

    I haven't watched this show since season 7 it's not as exciting and Tyra annoys me lol. But that new show, Make Me a Supermodel is much better I must say...however nothing beats Project Runway!
  376. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Ruk Haeng Siam (The Love of Siam) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
  377. sugar

    Lydia clarifies her relationship with the former prime minister

    Wasn't there news of her family being in big debt before? She came out and publicly denied it of course but it makes you wonder if it was because of that situation which lead her dad to basically sell her to him to get out of their family financial troubles.
  378. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Body Corpse #19 Part 1 | Part 2
  379. sugar

    Paula Taylor and Marc Nelson

    Her and Gao have broken up for some time now. :D
  380. sugar

    Paula Taylor and Marc Nelson

    Paula took part in The Amazing Race Asia 2 which just ended (she came in 5th place) and there's some news going around that she is currently dating Marc Nelson who was also an Amazing Race Asia contestant. Marc is a model and tv host in the Phillipines, he hosts a show call Sports Unlimited...
  381. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    AF-ATIME The Reality Concert credit on pics AF - Aof Pongsak, Aof, Tui, Boy, Wan, Patcha, Sara, Preaw, Jeen & others ATIME - Hotwave DJs (Peck, John, Por, Knes, Tuey, JDai) EFM DJs (Aom, Louis, Big, Moddum, Krit, Beau & others) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
  382. sugar

    Aff : Stefan on Oops !

    Does Stefan ever take good pictures? If he's not smiling then he's shirtless, ugh.
  383. sugar

    I read that Aum Atichart is gay or bi, I want the 411 people!

    I'd have to agree with you. No one knows the truth except for him but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that he likes playing both sides of the fence.
  384. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Mika - My Interpretation
  385. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    The Spiritual World Part 1 | Part 2
  386. sugar

    are most thai celebs mixed?? SO PALE!

    didn't know Bee was mixed Aren't most Thai/Chinese considered Thai anyway since the majority are descedants of Chinese immigrants who've migrated there years ago and have mixed with native Thais
  387. sugar


    He was born in Canada, that's what he had said on a talk show (forgot which one, it was when his first lakorn came out). His Thai was very difficult to understand though lol I guess he was still learning the language at that time. This is irrelevant but I'm Canadian too. 555
  388. sugar

    are most thai celebs mixed?? SO PALE!

    Pale skin=Beautiful, not just in Thailand but Asia. I think there's actually more full Thais than mixed Thais in the industry but the mixed ones are just more recognized, which is quite sad. A good representation of full Thais: Kob, Aff, Jui, Benz, Bee N, Numfon K, Cherry, Ae, Vicki, Janie...
  389. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    The Gig 2 Part 1 | Part 2
  390. sugar


    He's Canadian born, his dad is French from Quebec.
  391. sugar


    I thought it was okay, a little boring but not bad. I agree that some parts were missing like it was too rushed. Oh and Rachel Bilson is, she was embarassing to watch.
  392. sugar

    [Pics]Ken & Noi's Wedding!

    Who is Noi's stylist?! :mellow: Anne, Mew and Kat all looked pretty. Worst dressed would have to be Janie, the girl looked like she just rolled out of bed. Congrats to the couple.
  393. sugar

    What song are you listening to right now?

    amy winehouse - stronger than me
  394. sugar

    Poo Priya - Party Time Wallpapers

    The cover could've been better it looks too amateurish, but nice pictures of Poo overall.
  395. sugar

    What attracts you?

    physically: What I notice first is their height, I like tall guys as most females do I presume. Someone who is athletic or takes care of themselves (not high maintenance) and has a nice smile. I can't say that looks does not matter because there needs to be some physical attraction at least but...
  396. sugar

    Heath Ledger dead

    It was a shock because no one saw it coming and there weren't any signs of trouble in his life, however his friend recently publicly said that he was dealing with depression for awhile after his separation with Michelle Williams. He will greatly be missed, that's for certain.
  397. sugar

    Aum+Pinky pictures

    555 I agree, he looks way too old for her.
  398. sugar

    What's your favorite R&B song?

    TLC - Waterfalls Mariah Carey - Fantasy, Emotions, Always be my baby, Dreamlover Any songs by Boyz 2 Men Any songs by Aaliyah 112 - Only You Janet Jackson - That's the way love goes, I get lonely, Together again Usher - You make me wanna, U remind me, U got it bad, Burn Keith Sweat - Twisted...
  399. sugar

    do you consider any nang ek chubby or fat?

    I think Vicki has a nice body, she's one of the few that aren't too thin and not too chubby. She looks good, I mean have you seen her swimsuit pictures? She's in great shape.
  400. sugar

    A song you can't stop listening to...

    ^same and also the red jumpsuit apparatus - your guardian angel
  401. sugar


    yes lol but that goes for everyone of these sites
  402. sugar


    if you become a vip it's much easier. i doubt you would have any luck playing it without becoming a vip member. i find obizgo a lot better than all of the other sites, you can fastforward/backward as well you just have to set the option to stream, and i can record from the site without a...
  403. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Scared (Rub Nong Sayong Kwan) Cast: Pat Naprapa, Peemai Sumonrat, Mew Amornpan, Tuey, Kenta A big group of freshman students go out of town. On the journey, their bus has to cross a creaky old river bridge which is the only way to get to the center of a dark forest. When the bus is halfway...
  404. sugar

    True singers

    Pop from Calories Blah Blah
  405. sugar

    Child/Teen Actress

    I always thought Ink was cute. Ploy is very talented. And Gao.
  406. sugar

    Thai Womans Trying to Look Like Western (White) Womans

    All women want to look good, what's a change here and there gonna hurt? They still practice Thai culture, speak Thai etc, they are Thai.
  407. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    The Gig Starring: Joon, Jaja Pimrada Welcome to the world of a gang of five university studs that bring all the girls on campus to their kness, giddy with... uh... Love? This teenage romantic-comedy evolves around the chaotic love lives of a bunch of university students with Yai , a third...
  408. sugar

    Noon Woranuch

    Noon is part Chinese.
  409. sugar

    George Nozuka

    lol that's believable though. A friend of mine went to his concert i think it was two months ago, she got to meet him and she basically says he's very flirtatious with his female fans.
  410. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Il Mare Sung-hyon (Lee Jeong-Jae), living in 1997, receives a letter from the Un-ju (Jeong Ji-Hyeon) who lives in 1999. The two begin their communication across time and gradually, they fall for each other. Would the two discover each other at a point of time? Or are they simply passers-by in...
  411. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Satree Lek (The Iron Ladies) Starring: Tik Jessadaporn The film is set in 1996, when the real team competed and won the national championships in Thailand. The two main characters, Mon and Jung, play two gay transvestites, who had been constantly overlooked by volleyball coaches because of...
  412. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Sex Phone Starring: Beam Kawee, Paula Taylor Deu is a well mannered man; more so than J, the self-confident, messy Thai-Australian girl who's always ready to belt out a karaoke number no matter how late the hour. This makes Deu hate her, causing an ongoing quarrel that seems to get more...
  413. sugar

    Scary/Horror Lakorns

    Yeah Nang Barb was good too, it wasn't scary to me but more dramatic. I like those suspenseful/makes you jump out of your seat type. They definitely need to make more scary lakorns, too many lakorns now are recycled storylines especially the romantic comedy and revenge ones, it's the same thing...
  414. sugar

    Scary/Horror Lakorns

    The ones I've watched and liked were Nang Nak and Jun Euy Jun Jao...and that's about it.
  415. sugar

    WM Recorder 11

    thank you very much!
  416. sugar

    WM Recorder 11

    Hey guys, I'm looking for this program. So, if anyone can kindly upload the full version of this I'd really appreciate it!
  417. sugar

    SE7EN vs RAIN

    Well, that is all really subjective ain't it? ;-)
  418. sugar

    Satree Tee Loke Luem

    i'm still confused about the whole rape incident too. from episode 1 it really looked like she didn't because her guy friend comes and saves her in time but in the second episode, Oil's brother told Jieb that he was the only one that slept with her. he could be lying but ah who knows.
  419. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    thank you =)
  420. sugar

    Tangmoe pix from accident

    ouch! but i'm guessing the pictures at the bottom are the recent pics of her, you can hardly see the scars unless it's a closeup, makeup does wonders.
  421. sugar

    Spiderman 3

    It was so corny I practically laughed the whole time, I agree there were too many things added that just made it seem rushed and odd. The first two was definitely better. The only thing I liked was James Franco haha he is still gorgeous, but so sad what happened to Harry. :(
  422. sugar

    Sev Creations

    good stuff! love the makeup, geisha inspired?
  423. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    music core countdown 'hot' performance taipei pop festival 'wajoh' i'll have the music wave file up soon here's a different link to his...
  424. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    the link didn't work for me. Hey Ana, do you still want his performances? I have them saved on my external hd.
  425. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Aw I haven't been keeping up with his news lately, thanks so much. Can't wait to hear it.
  426. sugar

    Jail possible for Thai king insult

    Him being drunk doesn't justify anything, sorry. Being a guest there he should respect the country. I don't agree with the sentence but he still should be punished for his actions nonetheless. and maybe people are forgetting that he's been there for at least 10 yrs...? ah hello!
  427. sugar

    Jail possible for Thai king insult

    this is a different article This is even more idiotic, this guy has been living there for 10 years which means he obviously has to know how revered the King is to the country and all Thais. What a moron. Thai King is not President Bush, they...
  428. sugar

    Talk-a-tive : Academy Fantasia 3

    hm i didn't know there was a general look for Thais.. :P
  429. sugar

    Utt Utsada

    yeah he is hot but i just don't like it. why p'utt?!
  430. sugar


    I have the 4gb nano (first generation). The mini was discontinued when the nano came out in 2005, and the nano uses a flash drive instead of a hard drive so that's why he said that it was better than the mini.
  431. sugar

    wisdom tooth pulled out on the 20th

    Just ask your doc to inject a lot of anesthetic, it won't hurt after that, it didn't for me and I had 4 pulled out too.
  432. sugar

    George Nozuka

    lol just wondering does anyone listen to his music? He's a Canadian singer who just debut here last year, I just got into his music from my cousin who is crazy for him. I like his song, 'Lie to Me' Anyway, his stats. Birth name: George Nozuka Born: April 28, 1986 Origin: Canada Background...
  433. sugar

    star couples

    yes that Fang
  434. sugar

    ❤️You know you are watching a Thai lakorn when...

    LOL thanks, I needed the laugh :lol:
  435. sugar

    GOONG season 2!!

    here's the preview on youtube, dongwookie just seems like a total dork in here =T 1 2 it's going to air on Jan. 10
  436. sugar

    Tye & Mai

    He has one of the cutest smile, I haven't heard of him lately, wondering if he's having any new projects.
  437. sugar

    Ken and Noi @ an event

    Ken looks good in that suit, well he is a handsome guy in general.
  438. sugar

    J0EY'S ARTW0Rk. ♥

    Nice graphics, for a beginner these are awsome.
  439. sugar


    You're very creative, I love the blends.
  440. sugar

    Mann's Work

    That looks really nice, I like the softness of it.
  441. sugar

    GOONG season 2!!

    All this legal issue is too confusing, hopefully it ends soon and doesn't impact the release of the drama.
  442. sugar

    p o o p y m p a n g < 3 R A N D O M I S I T Y

    Looks good!
  443. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Yeah, he is older by 2 years. He was also on Goldfish, his part was funny and creepy at the same time the way he keeps on smiling lol..
  444. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Random pics post ^o^
  445. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Pictures of him on X-Man
  446. sugar

    Thai people's strange eating habit.

  447. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    I think it's this one you're referring to, Baskin Robbins CF. LA LA LA - Romanization Say la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la singing for me now say la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la...
  448. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    I think my favourite song would be lalala so far, the beat is really catchy. I have it on repeat since it came out. I want to see him on music programs and more variety shows, I heard he would be on some but with the timing of everything I don't know if it's possible.
  449. sugar

    GOONG season 2!!

    the only one who agreed to do goong 2 was kim jung hoon..but since the other 3 turned it down, the pd just decided to go with a new cast if you read the summary, it's a whole new storyline, nothing really to do with the first one. i have no idea why they even call it goong 2 and make it seem...
  450. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    That's awsome, it's great that he's gonna be working with a talented producer like Shimmel. I can't wait until the album gets released =)
  451. sugar

    GOONG season 2!!

    The original cast turned down doing the 2nd season, they are probably busy with other projects so..*shrugs*
  452. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    101706 Se7en, Jinusean, Big Bang & Gumi @ MTV-K
  453. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    It's confirmed that he'll be the male lead in Goong 2. Maybe it's just that pic but girl on the right doesn't look so great. Also, he's gonna have his US debut early next year && the new k jib will be out next week, October 26th!! So many things are going on with him.
  454. sugar

    Vector and Thangs

    Gosh you are too good!
  455. sugar

    Jay Chou

    His voice sounds really different in Still Fantasy, especially in track 3 when he goes into the chorus. It didn't sound like him at all, I was like "Is this Jay's voice?" but anyways, I still love this album like the rest of his albums. I'm just bias like that when it comes to Jay hah.
  456. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    I Wanna MV mp3
  457. sugar

    10 Hotest P'eks

    lol ditto, his acting sucks and he doesn't even have the looks to back it up.
  458. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    SE7EN & YG Family impersonating super junior :huh: LOL look at dongwookie, he's so into it.$ I think this was at the YG Anniversary concert in Seoul.
  459. sugar


    Thank you! been looking for a splitter program.
  460. sugar


    Thailand won two previous Miss Universe titles, in 1965 and 1988. Apasra Hongsakul, Miss Universe 1965..she was so pretty 'Bui' Porntip Nakhirunkanok, Miss Universe 1988 I didn't really like the contestant from Thai this year, and the winner Puerto Rico, didn't think she was pretty. :sweat:
  461. sugar


    I have a quick question regarding this program. After I've split the video file, the first half works while the second half won't play, anyone knows what might be the problem? thanks
  462. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    dled it the other day and i was like holyyyy $%#@ :sweat: :w000t: i must have watched it a hundred times already heh :wub:
  463. sugar

    Vector and Thangs

    I'm loving the gifs (especially the Aom one :lol: ) & the photos are awsome, such bright and clear pictures. What type of camera do you use if you don't mind me asking?
  464. sugar


    Materazzi goes down after Zidane's head butt o_O Yeah he clearly must have said something offensive for Zidane to react the way he did, I want to know their exchange of words..the world wants to know lol. Eh whatever, he'll still be known as a one of the greats regardless, love Zidane!
  465. sugar

    Big Bang Official Thread

    They might cut 2 members? Why?? I haven't heard them sing yet but they seem promising from what I've seen so far, YG Family yeshh~
  466. sugar


    Blahhh VIVE LA FRANCE! lol just wait 4 more yrs :wavecry:
  467. sugar


    I hate Italy. Ok not really but I'm just devasted at the result, and Zidane wtf -_-
  468. sugar


    England's out, no Rooney in this game nor Beckham for the most part. I'm still upset over Argentina's lost T_T I was cheering for them to go all they way, they played so well better than Germany.
  469. sugar


    Argentina lost to Germany. :( I hate how it had to come down to penalty kicks. I think Italy will win over Ukraine lol, they're just a better team but anything can happen. Tomorrow's matches are a must watch. France and Brazil, rematch of the '98 final yess.
  470. sugar


    The linesman had his flag raised signalling offside so the Koreans stopped but the Swiss dude kept on going and eventually scored, the ref later overuled the offside call so Swiss got a point, of course Korea felt that it was an unfair call. I felt bad for them but at the same time why did they...
  471. sugar

    Vector and Thangs

    That's a really great website. You should post your vectors on your work is really nice! Vectors do take a lot of time, you have to be patient with it, the first time I tried doing one I think it took like 4hrs and I still wasn't done so I just saved it as .psd and continue with it...
  472. sugar


    Seriously? Oh man, that would suck. I hope that won't happen.
  473. sugar


    I have no clue, this is too confusing lol. I just want France and Korea to advance.
  474. sugar


    Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up.
  475. sugar


    I believe France will beat Togo, so it's do or die for both Switzerland and Korea. I have a question though, if Korea and Swiss gets a draw and France wins its game, wouldn't all three countries tie with 5 pts which two will advance?
  476. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    That's a really nice blend! He should be in LA by tomorrow or tonight, I read that he leaves today.
  477. sugar


    I'm very happy Ghana is in (: but I wanted Czech Republic there with them! Urgh I don't know what happened there, so dissappointing.
  478. sugar


    Which reminds me of the situation that Zidane is in, it really sucks that he can't play in France's next match (probably last match) and this is his last WC too. Sweden - England game is just starting.
  479. sugar

    Vector and Thangs

    Awsome job! I wish I could do vectors, tried them but they always end up crappy. Maybe you could do a tutorial on it sometime =P
  480. sugar


    Spain played Tunisia yesterday.
  481. sugar


    Ecuador 0-3 Germany Germany will play Sweden and Ecuador will go against England, assuming that England beats Sweden (my prediction lol). Two and a half hours to go before Sweden vs England game!
  482. sugar


    France should have won 2-1 though, their other goal was in, but too bad..and awsome play by Korea.
  483. sugar


    I wonder how he feels after scoring on his own goal lol. USA got lucky there. 3 red cards in this match so far.
  484. sugar


    OMG USA just scored 1-1 tied. Derossi just got hit with a red card. Damn.
  485. sugar


    What the hell happened to the Czechs! That was upsetting to watch. Italy 1-0 USA ~ Go ITALIA!
  486. sugar


    The game between Poland and Germany was intense, both played well but I felt bad for Poland, they played a great game I just wish they could've won or atleast tied it! But that goal by Germany was like at 88 lol German fans must have been relieved by that.
  487. sugar


    Aww France, I'm disappointed. :wavecry: Nearing the end there were yellow cards flying everywhere lol. BRAZIL!
  488. sugar


    France vs Switzerland game just starting. France lost one of their best forward Sisse so I wonder how well they'll do, they still have Zidane though ^^
  489. sugar


    Korea was able to pull through during the second half, Togo played a good game too.
  490. sugar


    Tomorrow's matches should be good. France vs Switzerland Korea vs Togo Brazil vs Croatia << very excited about this one lol
  491. sugar


    Who's watching?! :w000t: Earlier today it was Australia beating Japan 3-1. All three goals for the Aussies were made during the last 10 mins of the game, talk about craziness! Czech Republic vs USA match on right now. 3-0 in favour of Czechs, they are freakin' good! USA getting pwned big...
  492. sugar

    Kim Jae Won

    Yeah black hair suits him more, he's cute though and a good actor. ^_^
  493. sugar

    who makes the BEST drama/movies

    Korean. They're movies are a bit better than their dramas, imo.
  494. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Video shoot for All Night mv with Ivy. :mellow:
  495. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    MTV VMAJ [060527] ^_^ the performance the acceptance speech - he won best buzz Korea all credit to se7enthailand
  496. sugar

    K ( I love this singer...he's got an awesome voice)

    haha okay here it is K - Beyond the Sea he's got great vocals
  497. sugar

    K ( I love this singer...he's got an awesome voice)

    Are you still looking for his songs? I have his second album (Japanese) that I could upload if you still are.
  498. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    New song for the drama 'Smile Again'. Geuriumdo Undwegetjyo
  499. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    found some pictures MTV ASIA AWARDS 2006 @ Bangkok, Thailand
  500. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Yep, he won! From what I've read, he had the loudest response from his performance, and he was the first to receive the award. Congrats to him!! Can't wait to see the full clip of this.
  501. sugar

    online shopping...

    I've only bought cds, electronics, books, and concert tickets. I rarely shop for clothes online, only if I desperately want them and they don't have it in the stores then I would.
  502. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    np! How awsome is this picture! B) cred..se7enthailand Sprite CF
  503. sugar

    Coco Butter?

    I think it only fades them a little bit but not much of a big difference.
  504. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    ^ I think she's referring to the little girl in your sig...? Oy the fans in Thailand are a lucky bunch, itcha jung leuy woi! :wavecry: New pictures lol :wub: Clips from mnet countdown, he performed & also got the award for no.1 song.
  505. sugar

    Jay Chou

    Yes! Really good. A new album?! Yay, I love his composings. ^_^
  506. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    thanks I have mixed feelings about this, I think it's still too soon. You're making me jealous here..take lots of pictures and share them with us! :lol:
  507. sugar

    Jay Chou

    I've always been a fan, he's a really great musician.
  508. sugar

    &&. ________________ miko's ART x{

    OHMYGOD these are awsome! You're really really good. :shock:
  509. sugar

    u-ph0rik LA-LA artwork.

    ooh I like I like...good job!
  510. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    it was so cheesy how they were arguing :lol: New picture taken after his concert in se7enthailand How'd his hair get so long so fast?? He was on Yoon Do Hyun's Love Letter and performed 'How Am I Suppose to Live Without You', Nan Arayo and Yuljung and there's an interview bit...
  511. sugar

    Vote for your...

    Potato should have been nominated! :angry: But I like Bodyslam best out of the five.
  512. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    I hate you L.A people, I hate you all!!! :wavecry: j/k Why do I have to live so far away... :[
  513. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    For Wahjoh part 1, click. Here's part 2 (with Taebin and Julie). He's so cute >.< ok I'm off~
  514. sugar

    SBS Love Letter : Game Show

    lol I think some of the people there are too uptight, they should be nicer? :huh: I just finished watching the one from two weels ago, finally had time to watch it, Myung Hoon's cheer for the wrestling game was so funny lol he's hilarious. I like the Brian and Bae Seul Gi couple, they're so cute.
  515. sugar

    SE7EN vs RAIN

    I prefer Se7en's voice, it's smooth and sweet.
  516. sugar

    Anyone have an ipod??

    Mine came up to be more than that with student I guess that is the 1gb one? It's a fair deal I suppose,and yeah you can't leave home without it heh.
  517. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}-- ^_^ I think YG has already denied the rumours of him shooting a drama. . . . Credit se7enthailand 0401 MBC Music Core (Incomplete, Bamsaedorok, Nan Arayo) I like it whenever he sings Incomplete *swoon* 0405 SBS...
  518. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    thanks again, Ana. Men's Uno (China) credit ^ 'ubersexual' haha :P B)
  519. sugar

    What HS sport did you play?

    just soccer & volleyball
  520. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Thanks Ana! that's good news. At Park Kyung Lim's radio show. credit se7enthailand I love how his hair looks there. . . . At a Japanese cooking show! :P credit se7enthailand ^_^
  521. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    [NEWS] SE7EN Becomes Sprite Spokesman For 8 Million Yuan credit to asianfanatics Two Korean 'muscle men', Se7en and Rain, battle it out with each other from the dancing stage to the adveristing world. Se7en is currently a Sprite spokesman for approximately 8 million Yuan, 'threatening' Rain. It...
  522. sugar

    SBS Love Letter : Game Show

    They should make Brian become a permanent guest or something, he's a real comedian. :lol: I like the Hwanhee impersonation that he does and all of the sexy yet weird stuff lol.
  523. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Has the drama been confirmed yet? I kind of don't want him to go into acting right now, I think he should focus more on his music for the present time. There's too many singers/actors and only a few are actually good at both, he should wait a while. :sweat: On his new album, it's currently...
  524. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Caps of his comeback performance on countdown. DOWNLOAD So very hot =P that backup dancer is sure lucky :wavecry:
  525. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    Wahaha I just got his album ^o^ I like tracks 3, 4, 7 ,8 ,9, 15, 16..and his comeback performance, it's so sexy lol :wub: :wub:
  526. sugar

    The Dormitory Boys I'm sure most have seen clips of these guys already since their videos are so popular on the net. These guys are so freaken awsome lol, basically they take different songs and do like a parody out of it, notice their facial expressions and all. The funniest...
  527. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    NEW PICTURES! YAY! credit se7enthailand did he get hotter or what? :wub: so glad he's back :D
  528. sugar

    Sonhdi VS. Tuksin

    Something about how PM Thaksin sold stocks of Shin Corporation without paying tax, there are talks of insider trading and all. So now many are protesting for him to step down although the number of Thaksin supporters out number those who oppose him. It's a confusing topic.
  529. sugar

    Dating Now

    Dating Now...So Ji Sup <333 :sweat:
  530. sugar

    Thai Dubbing...

    I totally get you, when I use to watch Chinese dubbed Thai series I found it very annoying how their voices were. The Thai that they use is Bangkok central Thai but with a weird ass sound to it. I don't get why they can't just speak normally like they do in lakorns.
  531. sugar

    Happy New Year

    2006 is the year of the dog. Who's celebrating? Happy wan troot chin..too bad I don't get as much ang pao as before (red envelopes) :lol: SUN NIEN FAI LOK!
  532. sugar

    Angelina Jolie is PREGNANT

    I knew it! You could so tell that she was, anyway great for her and Brad...he must be overjoyed since that's what he's always wanted.
  533. sugar

    Ramen Noodles/Noodles...

    I'm the opposite, I don't like Mama or Wai Wai noodles but I love ramen :sweat: There's so many ways you can make it I usually just crack an egg in, put in some sesame oil and eat it with kimchi afterwards, just typing this is making my mouth water haha.
  534. sugar

    Happy new year

    Sawasdee pee mai...Happy new year! and happy bday to Kawaii!
  535. sugar


    lol joining the gym was my last year's resolution too but I haven't done it so next year for sure, I'm from Canada :lol:
  536. sugar

    Marry a Millionaire

    Hmm sounds interesting, I think I'll dl this off of clubbox thanks for the summary :]
  537. sugar


    - get a job - save save save (money) - join a gym - less thinking - more sleep - road trip
  538. sugar


    Dude, the mall was a freakin riot :wavecry: there was a long line to go in the Coach store yesterday (Boxing Day) I got a handbag for $280, original price was $450, and I got clothes from AE which were 30% off (2 pair of jeans, 1 t-shirt and a hoodie). Too bad I kinda went late or else I...
  539. sugar

    Golf & Mike

    To me, they do look Thai lol 'cause Thais can basically look like any Asian ethnicities...Chinese, Lao, Filipino etc :D They are pretty boys, but I do admit that their songs are catchy though :sweat: Golf and Mike with their brothers Sand and Bank.
  540. sugar

    Marrying within ones ethnicity

    My family is like all mixed up, all of my cousins are 1/2 this or 1/4 that, no one is full. :lmao: I don't think my parents would have a say into whom I choose to marry, well they didn't marry within their ethnicity either so <_<
  541. sugar

    Avatar above

    don't know who he is, but he's kinda cute =D
  542. sugar

    who doesn't celebrate xmas?

    We don't really do..well if you call celebrating as eating with the fam and exchanging gifts then yeah we celebrate it. :sweat: The only holiday where we always have to celebrate is Lunar New Year.
  543. sugar

    violation at FileFront

    Hmm that's weird, I haven't gotten that message from them...yet. Do they do checkups every month? You can try or sendspace, then there's always megaupload.
  544. sugar

    Converting soft subs to hard subs

    If your video file is avi then try AVI ReComp.
  545. sugar

    Bright Girl

    The one starring Jang Nara? If it's that one, I gave it a 4/5 rating, it's pretty funny.
  546. sugar

    Paula Taylor

    Paula, one HOT woman! i love her features.
  547. sugar

    [SBS] 연애편지 Loveletter ^she has the LQ version This week's ep was good, lots of hilarious moments. Brian's so adorable, dorky and funny...:w000t:
  548. sugar

    UGG boots

    Uggs are made in Australia, they're not as popular there as they are here though. I practically live in mine, they're the most comfortable pair of shoes.
  549. sugar

    what is ur favorite perfume or cologne?

    The one's that I use, - Ralph by Ralph Lauren - Burberry Brit - Clinique Happy Heart
  550. sugar

    What's you major?

    I'm also in the business field.
  551. sugar

    The New Skin

    It's really nice, who did the logo thing? I love that :D
  552. sugar

    ***Super Junior***

    12?? :blink: I think they've just set a new record LOL, oh that Hee Chul guy..I think he was on the recent episode of X-Man.
  553. sugar


    Okay, I actually went and purchased the mag at my campus' bookstore after class, oddly enough :lmao: and I scanned other pages as well, so it won't go to waste LMAO!
  554. sugar

    what's your favorite tv show (s)?

    Same here, just too busy these days but when I do it's usually Friends - reruns Everybody Loves Raymond - reruns Lost Supernatural ANTM Ellen DeGeneres show CSI: Miami
  555. sugar


    Interesting, thanks. The thing with Pantene is that it strips your hair with wax, and at the end of the day your hair is more oilier so I guess that's where the hair loss comes in.
  556. sugar

    Girls Advice

    What the...hey, I take offense to that! :lmao: jk but brunettes rocks. Period. :P :P :P
  557. sugar


    That's the reason why I stopped using Pantene, it made my hair fall out A LOT. -_- I use Garnier Fructis.
  558. sugar

    A Love To Kill

    Ep 4 is out fast! I'm still searching for ep 3 subs though lol
  559. sugar

    New Asianavenue

    People still go on AA? :shocked: I was a member since '99 LOL, haven't been back there in years. :sweat:
  560. sugar

    [SBS] 연애편지 Loveletter

    ^ this guy, he is really cute! =P I've never noticed him until now, he was just adorable here, gotta pay more attention to him. :lmao: This week's episode I thought was really funny, that new dude..I think former NRG member? He's just freakin funny, all his parts made me laugh.
  561. sugar

    Mos-Aom on Preaw Magazine

    Whoa! This is really a nice a shoot, Switzerland's truly beautiful, makes me wanna go there! The cover looks hot :D
  562. sugar

    --{7}-- Se7en --{7}--

    He's full Korean but he can speak Japanese, kind of like BoA :)
  563. sugar

    [SBS] 연애편지 Loveletter

    You can get the latest episode from wackycashew's Yeah, the Shinhwa ones were the most hilarious ones. I think they had to let every member get picked to be fair, the show is sort of scripted, no? :wacko:
  564. sugar


    Ditto. Right now, popularity wise, it's Film na ja.
  565. sugar

    [SBS] 연애편지 Loveletter

    I also thought the first season was better, it was more funnier, I like the concept of the guys competing to be the perfect man and I miss Shinhwa..they made the show more fun to watch, this season is good too but first one was just better :P Anyway, this week's ep, who will get Ji Young's...
  566. sugar

    Cee and Note @ The opening of Poo's Pocket Book -

    OMG This looks like a scene out of some horror movie! :shocked: :shock: Note should just not smile...:ph34r:
  567. sugar

    [SBS] 연애편지 Loveletter

    This has got to be one of the best shows ever, I'm addicted!
  568. sugar


    Her character was so annoying in 'Proong Nee Mai Sai..' lol. Anyway, she reminds me a lot of one of my friend who is Vietnamese/Chinese.
  569. sugar


    Dudettes, I'm from Ontario, Canada! How cool is that?! haha I didn't know there were other people from here :shocked: but online meeting kinda scares me lol :huh:
  570. sugar

    katie Holmes pregnant?????????

    It's definitely a hot trend in Hollywood at the moment. Tom Cruise, eh I never liked that guy, he's just creepy...
  571. sugar

    Sev Creations

    Wow, I love your photography especially the last picture, the handle one..that's very nice!
  572. sugar

    n'ek or p'ek

    Cheer Bee M Kob Au P Yardtip Ae Issariya Brook
  573. sugar

    Wonderful Life

    This series is great, thanks Sarn!! :D
  574. sugar

    Ann Thongprasom

    On the cover it looks like an Ayuthaya style of clothing but when you see the rest of the photoshoots it's like, what happened? but she's pretty nonetheless.
  575. sugar

    <span style="color:blue"><b>Lhong Ngao Jun (หลงเงาจันทร์)</b></span>

    Any summary? I think he's Brit/Thai, not certain but for sure half Thai lol.
  576. sugar

    Song Hye Kyo

    haha i know! and how many dvds did he get? there was like hundreds of them, ah I'm so jealous! >.< that show is awsome! the funniest part was when they had to act out the scenes from the movies, those two guys had me rolling on the floor :lol: and when they had to dance and so weird...
  577. sugar

    McDonald's In Thailand

    I want to try the Samurai meal haha, a lot of it is the same as here but they have more variety.
  578. sugar

    Song Hye Kyo

    I did! I did! lol you watch that game show too? I was yelling at the t.v when they announced the prize omg, that is soo freakin' cool, I want to go so bad!
  579. sugar

    Boringest Thai Lakorns

    Nee Cheewit Chaluer Barb Likasit Huajai Kratai Long Jun (sp?) all I could think of at the moment..
  580. sugar

    McDonald's In Thailand

    I saw that when I was in Thailand, it's kind of freaky looking in real life lol. Never tried McDonald's there either, I rather eat real food.
  581. sugar

    Ipod nano?

    woohoo! I'm going to get the white one =P
  582. sugar

    Buang Ruk Pomridsaya

    Puri is such a good actor, him and Aom P's dad are portraying their roles very well.
  583. sugar

    Tampons or pads?

    I didn't know that :blink: definitely not good <_<
  584. sugar

    Tampons or pads?

    Tampons can also cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), I don't know how common that is but it's still scary.
  585. sugar

    Sally's Artwork

    Niice, I love all of them especially the Se7en ones ^O^
  586. sugar

    Whats your favorite apples?

    ..the red kind, um red delicious? or something like that, I have no clue.
  587. sugar

    Kwan Usamanee on Image!

    ..and I thought I she couldn't get any hotter, gorgeous girl!
  588. sugar

    Num Sornram

    LOL rainbow colours :lol:
  589. sugar

    Cee and Amy

    LOVE the pictures, it looks very candid, I like that..they're cute together.
  590. sugar

    Ipod nano?

    Thanks for the input, I did some more research lol. The good thing about it is the flash memory, I think it's the only one of it's kind to have that so far, then there's the colour display, and of course the slimmer and light weight size..not liking that it has smaller storage though, even my...
  591. sugar

    Buang Ruk Pomridsaya

    Yep, Puri's acting is superb in this lakorn :) He's kind of underrated, but is slowly getting recognize which is good..
  592. sugar

    Ipod nano?

    Does anyone have it? Can you give me some feedback on it, ie sound quality, battery life etc etc. I got the mini like 8 months ago, which is still fairly new..then Apple comes out with this and they discontinue the mini..? what a slap in the face but I'm contemplating whether to sell it for a...
  593. sugar

    Araya Inside dara~*~

    Her hair and outfit reminds me of the women in those old style Chinese series.
  594. sugar

    Gallery of Mud

    Seriously, amazing stuff...very envious right now =X
  595. sugar

    America's Next Top Model

    Cool, I'll watch again lol. I miss Janice Dickinson, she was hilarious! Twiggy does nothing for me..
  596. sugar

    Araya in Maxim

    Definitely, loving the hair!
  597. sugar

    problem with filefront

    My FF account seems to be working fine...for now. If anyone still wants to upload files, there's a new free file hosting site -Max 500 mb each file -Unlimited downloads -Fast upload/download speed That's what was written on the site, I haven't tried it yet though, tell...
  598. sugar

    SLR Cameras

    I'm into photography as well, I just started so pretty much a beginner. I'd go for a Canon, I have a Kodak digital but I want to get a Canon..there was this great site that had reviews of all cameras, I forgot the url, if I find it again I'll edit this.
  599. sugar

    America's Next Top Model

    I think Nicole got the boot, or was it Ashley..? Coryn looks really masculine :mellow: I like Jayla and Kyle, Sarah's okay too.
  600. sugar

    Which Do you prefer?

    Wendy's is better, although I really haven't eaten fast food in months.
  601. sugar


    I don't really like to use the word 'exotic' on when non-Asians refer to Asians as being 'exotic' it feels I don't know, just weird and wrong. Usually you would describe other things as being exotic like 'exotic plants' or 'exotic animals'...blah I'm just rambling.
  602. sugar

    What are you wearing right now?

    LOL this is hilarious :P I'm wearing sexy leopard print thongs O_O I kid.
  603. sugar

    Gnuern Rissaya (PauJinJong/HM)

    I'd never thought of pairing these two up in a lakorn like...ever but yeah interesting lol.
  604. sugar

    Pictures of you school

    Referring to the first post, that's a high school right? that is very big :mellow:
  605. sugar

    Cee & Amy - Making cards 4 eachother!!

    Cute pictures...something going on between these two? LOL!
  606. sugar

    Countries you'd like to visit

    Hey, where in Thailand are you guys from? I usually go there every other year.
  607. sugar

    Which Taste Better?

    I'll go with Coke from the choices, the original!
  608. sugar

    Countries you'd like to visit

    It all depends where you go in Thailand, like the tourist-y areas, most people there can speak English heh, well many Thais are taking English so you shouldn't really have a problem ^_^
  609. sugar

    Countries you'd like to visit

  610. sugar

    true beauty

  611. sugar

    Jang WooHyuk

    WAHHHH!! HOLY SMOKES! B) currently downloading his album, thanks btw!
  612. sugar

    [QUIZ] Your Ideal Gentleman

    Sweet Polite Owns a Motorcycle Have Gorgeous Blue Eyes Annual Salary $318,720.05
  613. sugar

    Bi-Rain Official Thread

    eek! they look great together, hot! B)
  614. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    raw larb? never tried that, the only raw thing I ever ate was sashimi lol ^^ that banh mi looks good! there's this great store in china town that makes the best banh mi.
  615. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    I want some green tea ice-cream =/
  616. sugar

    How will you die!!

    of a broken heart - 46 geez that's creepy :blink:
  617. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    Too many! som tum, tom yum goong, pad thai, gai yang, kaoniew mamuang and the list goes on...
  618. sugar

    Lookade Methinee

    I think that's Lookmee :huh:
  619. sugar

    Pinky Sawika

    ^ lol yeah I watched that, her and Kwan are a lot of mixes. I love her features, she got those gorgeous big set of eyes.
  620. sugar

    When you come into sarNworld

    it's different each time lol but mostly the Thai section first...
  621. sugar

    Health and Beauty

    Proactiv does not work for everyone, I used it and the first month it seemed like it was doing its job but after that it just went downhill, so yeah caused me to break out even more. Now, I just use neutrogena's acne cleanser and facial toner for sensitive skin, then for moisterizer I use...
  622. sugar

    Sugar's Thai media

    Please do not post in this thread, if anything just pm me. Thanks. :) ALL THAI MOVIES AND DRAMAS ARE IN ORIGINAL THAI AUDIO WITHOUT SUBS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN THE POST.
  623. sugar

    The Blah Thread

    :huh:....did something happen to the forum?
  624. sugar

    Tata Young looks like she's wearing a garbage bag :lol: :ph34r:
  625. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    som tum, gai yang, kao niew...the ultimate trio! XD
  626. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    ^ they're Thai sweets
  627. sugar


    :blink: whoever did her makeup should be fired
  628. sugar


    She was so tanned when she younger, cute pic.
  629. sugar

    Oil & his doggie

    you said it! :D
  630. sugar

    Your Fav Thai Stars

    Noon, Aum, Vicki Tik, Oil, Andrew
  631. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    this looks too pretty to be eaten :( omg yum cha! ^O^
  632. sugar

    Thai Stars - That you dislike

    hate is such I strong word..more like just not a fan but not stating any names ^^
  633. sugar

    GoTtA JoB?

    LOL my cousin worked at Tim's before, she quit and went to retail after 5 months. I used to work at an amusment park..never again!! <_< now I'm a broke student.
  634. sugar

    Noon & Kratai

    Noon is gorgeous!
  635. sugar

    no idea where to post this subject

    It's really tragic, I don't think people thought the aftermath was going to be this serious. It's pointless to try and rebuild the city when it most likely will happen again, although I know people have emotional ties there..but New Orleans is under sea level, and even if they do it will take...
  636. sugar

    I'm New

    Hello and welcome! You live in Tokyo?!? O_O omg I am officially jealous.
  637. sugar

    Beam and his fan

    :o stalker! but hey I don't blame her XD
  638. sugar


    oh okay that makes sense now :P
  639. sugar


    I still don't understand how myspace works it like livejournal/xanga? and who's that Tom dude, he's like on everyone's friends list :blink:
  640. sugar


    ^ she's really pretty. Park Han Byul is pretty too, but did she get some work done? atleast that's what I've read :unsure:
  641. sugar

    Gas Pricing Issues!!!

    I forgot to mention, we pay here by the litre not gallon so we're paying more than you guys :mellow:
  642. sugar

    Gas Pricing Issues!!!

    ^ lol I thought Montreal would be cheaper, I'm in the Toronto area :blink:
  643. sugar

    Gas Pricing Issues!!!

    It was 0.99 this morning here..Canadian :D
  644. sugar

    CFC - Cee Fanclub---> Feature in 'M Fine

    lol well he's from the south and southern Thais tends to be darker, but yeah he's Chinese, both his parents are ethnically Chinese :D
  645. sugar


    ERIC MUN!!!! *whistles* damn... :wub:
  646. sugar

    CFC - Cee Fanclub---> Feature in 'M Fine

    He looks so much like his mom, I still can't believe that he's Chinese.
  647. sugar

    Chilling on the Toilet

    :huh: wow you guys make it sound very fun chilling on the toilet haha
  648. sugar


    5 hrs..but today will be longer because I'm stuck at home :(
  649. sugar

    Question about Citizenship

    When my parents went to apply for citizenship, I know I automatically became one as well because I was under 18, I thought the process was the same in the it not? :blink:
  650. sugar

    Gallery of Mud

    :o djfhaskdjfhasd! you are too talented!
  651. sugar

    special active member

    Thanks for writing this!
  652. sugar


    The white/flip one is second to the right in the back, the girl in glasses is Korean along with the one in the bottom right front row, everyone else I don't know :D
  653. sugar


    Thai is half right XD nope, they're not Lao either and they're not :lol: sisters not Lao but Chinese is a quarter right haha :blink: Chinese/Lao?
  654. sugar


    Nope they're not Hmong :D okay here's me then even though it's half face, I don't care!!!
  655. sugar


    Guess my friends! yes both of them lmao
  656. sugar


    ^ same :D or maybe Thai too
  657. sugar


    I will say Cambodian or Lao?
  658. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    those are the only pictures I could find, the picture does not do it justice!! those little timbits on the right are good too. Nameless, you don't like the caramel frap? :( that's what I usually get and the caffe vanilla but I haven't tried the green tea one..I don't think we have that here.
  659. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    Tim Horton's Donuts! B) whoa I want some right now, the toffee glaze one is good.
  660. sugar


    The example Firefox one looks cool, I vote that! :D
  661. sugar

    Your 411!!

    Age: 19 Location: Canada Gender: Female Pic (?): ?
  662. sugar

    Song Hye Kyo

    wahh she's too cuute >.< she has nice lips and nose!
  663. sugar

    The FOOD thread

    What I'm craving for.. a Starbuck's Caramel Frappuccino! and some kimchi! :lol:
  664. sugar


    ^ Or you can be cheaper and try to download it LOL (if there's a link for it, that is) Dude, my dad is telling me to download & burn Tom Yum Goong for him so he can watch it :blink: geez, like I really know where to look for that.
  665. sugar

    The Blah Thread

    I like your avatar! *thumbs up* :D
  666. sugar


    ^ Oh yeah P'Mum is in it, he is hilarious! Ong Bak was good, I have the dvd. I want to see this one too, the action scenes look better but from reading the synopsis the storyline seems weak, still watching it though.
  667. sugar

    Such a lonely Forum

    When was this up? Yesterday right? And yet I'm soo behind..crap.