Search results

  1. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Tshwj Xeeb Vwj new album

    upload the album
  2. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Tshwj Xeeb Vwj new album

    Does anyone have his new album. Tag Sij Hawm Lawm Mog if you do PLEASE! upload thank you
  3. nkaujhmoob_thoj


  4. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Nyab Siab Zoo:New Hmong Movie

    This was a really nice movie..but then end it was kinda lame..cuz the mother-in-law died and that was the end..there should more to that..i want to see how the daughter-in-law and that one guy's life went like
  5. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    fResNO NEw YeAR

    Isn't the new year in two weeks from now on christmas break? I'm coming to town..for the winter break and see if I'll win ahah just kidding it cost money to enter.
  6. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    which do you perfer?

    that's kinda of a hard choice because choosing the one you love would make the one that loves you feel bad and sad about loving you..i wouldn't choose none of them because even if i would i'll break both of their hearts.
  7. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    I don't get it?

    what i think and my suggestion is that she wouldn't want her kids to have a rough life even though there dad did that to their know i mean if i was in the situation i would of tooken him back too because i care about the kids not letting them live through struggles without a father and...
  8. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    dating someone older than you

    dating someone younger than you wouldn't be right but hey it wouldn't matter if he was like 1-2 years younger than you if younger than that then i wouldn't..because people would say alot of things towards you and your would right if he was older than you but not to old....but hey...
  9. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    heyy stephanie how are u?

    heyy stephanie how are u?
  10. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    whats asian are you???

    ahah that's funny I'm Fobulous...not no FOB.
  11. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    upcoming hmong new year

    umm nov.1 and 2 marysville new year in California.. then thanksgiving weekend Minnesota river cente new year
  12. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Mas Miab & Tub Ntxawg

    i want to watch it to and i want the song they sing together.
  13. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Eewww... my new mother in Law is younger than me!!!

    yeap that's true old men only want sex and the girls over there only want money and then there gonna go there own way when they get here..they say that they love the old guys but they don't it's just all lies no of those girls over in thailand want real love they just want money and come to the...
  14. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey mizter tran

    hey mizter tran
  15. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey girl it's lily how are u doing?

    hey girl it's lily how are u doing?
  16. nkaujhmoob_thoj


    Does anyone have WISH's Album 2 and KLS new Album???????
  17. nkaujhmoob_thoj


    they found him ... he hung his self in palmer lake in the border of brookyln park and brooklyn center.... some black kids found his body hanging from the tree high's been there for couple weeks....but my family said that he shouldn't deserve a funeral...maybe for like one day and then...
  18. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Touly Vangkhue vol.4

    Hey does anyone have touly vangkhue's fourth album?? if u do can you please upload it for me..thankes alot in advance.
  19. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Where R U From???

    Live in Minnesota 612 but originally from California 559
  20. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh ahah it's okay

    oh ahah it's okay
  21. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey! no my g-ma lives in fresno and she's coming to MN for july 4th so I'll probaly be wid my...

    hey! no my g-ma lives in fresno and she's coming to MN for july 4th so I'll probaly be wid my auntie's and them and see wat's up...I graduate in 2010 I know your graduating this year huh?
  22. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey stephanie how are you?

    hey stephanie how are you?
  23. nkaujhmoob_thoj


    yea you can I have songs from there that is download on my computer wat song did you want?
  24. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    When is MN July 4th Tournament?

    the soccer tourment is surely on july 5th and 6th
  25. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    maiv xyooj's rumor

  26. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    NOSE JOBS!!!!

  27. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo chewy write back man

    yo chewy write back man
  28. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

  29. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey MC wat's crakcin'

    hey MC wat's crakcin'
  30. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo MC what you up too

    yo MC what you up too
  31. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    it looks good sarn nice work..when are all the esp done uploading
  32. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    I Love the song
  33. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)

    are there more esp. coming on the way cause I can't wait to watch it when are they done?
  34. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    happy bithday mister mike

    happy bithday mister mike
  35. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    happy b-day sarath

    happy b-day sarath
  36. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey gurl how u doing?

    hey gurl how u doing?
  37. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Maiv Xyooj New Release!!!

    I can get it for free my auntie and her are best friends
  38. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey what it do ahahah

    hey what it do ahahah
  39. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey steph what it do gurlfriend

    hey steph what it do gurlfriend
  40. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo chewy

    yo chewy
  41. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    thankes p'cappy

    thankes p'cappy
  42. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh yeah that's kool well how is france?

    oh yeah that's kool well how is france?
  43. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh really sorrie bout that cappy hope it'll stop

    oh really sorrie bout that cappy hope it'll stop
  44. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey mister cappy long time haven't talken to u for awhile now how are things wid u??? hope great...

    hey mister cappy long time haven't talken to u for awhile now how are things wid u??? hope great me the same anywaysnice banners I suck at making them well have a nice day
  45. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    thankes chen

    thankes chen
  46. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yeah I might go to this one college that my high skewl accept after high skewl yeah

    yeah I might go to this one college that my high skewl accept after high skewl yeah
  47. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey mister tran

    hey mister tran
  48. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yeah true that but I'm thinking of going to college too

    yeah true that but I'm thinking of going to college too
  49. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh yeah that must be tough but I wont be on like I use to be I have to go to skewl u noe so...

    oh yeah that must be tough but I wont be on like I use to be I have to go to skewl u noe so boring though
  50. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    skewl is ok I jux went back today how bout u and work

    skewl is ok I jux went back today how bout u and work
  51. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey mister mike how is it going?

    hey mister mike how is it going?
  52. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey chen long time not talked to u well how are u??miss talking to u on flash chat

    hey chen long time not talked to u well how are u??miss talking to u on flash chat
  53. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey mizterkevin how is it going??

    hey mizterkevin how is it going??
  54. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yeah I'm back I always here gurl i miss U too

    yeah I'm back I always here gurl i miss U too
  55. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh jeah ahahahhahah

    oh jeah ahahahhahah
  56. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey missy

    hey missy
  57. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey diane did cha upload tha album if u did thankes alot

    hey diane did cha upload tha album if u did thankes alot
  58. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    happy birthday tina

    happy birthday tina
  59. nkaujhmoob_thoj


  60. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh yeah y is that??? so ur a guy ahaha jux kidding????I'm fine jux bored

    oh yeah y is that??? so ur a guy ahaha jux kidding????I'm fine jux bored
  61. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey hey tao how is it going???

    hey hey tao how is it going???
  62. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo penny

    yo penny
  63. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo Master Chewy get on MSN missy

    yo Master Chewy get on MSN missy
  64. nkaujhmoob_thoj


    WTH???We should protest but then him going to jail and not be able to contribute new years anymore doesnt matter bcuz he didnt do that for some states that hmong people liive in and only for MN I mean I'm from MN and i bearly see him at those didnt his son like steal 10g's from him...
  65. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    General Vang Pao Arrested????

    wow vaj pao is in trouble then and also that's not fair
  66. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yeah my grandma and aunt

    yeah my grandma and aunt
  67. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    ok mistermike how is it going??

    ok mistermike how is it going??
  68. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    ugh maybe in tha summer I think

    ugh maybe in tha summer I think
  69. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    I didnt stalk you k

    I didnt stalk you k
  70. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    I never stoke u y? think I did no I went on ur page by accident k.....

    I never stoke u y? think I did no I went on ur page by accident k.....
  71. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    MN is ok I guess anywase I'm coming to france soon can't wait and yeah u get the p'key

    MN is ok I guess anywase I'm coming to france soon can't wait and yeah u get the p'key
  72. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    how is going p'cappy how is france?

    how is going p'cappy how is france?
  73. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey cappy

    hey cappy
  74. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey hey mc

    hey hey mc
  75. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey angel

    hey angel
  76. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    no problem na

    no problem na
  77. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    happy birthday Pinky

    happy birthday Pinky
  78. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo sis whereu at ahahj/k

    yo sis whereu at ahahj/k
  79. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yo cappy just stopping by and saying hi! ^-^

    yo cappy just stopping by and saying hi! ^-^
  80. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    nice picture mistermike

    nice picture mistermike
  81. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    no problem mister

    no problem mister
  82. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Hey MC

    Hey MC
  83. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    oh ahahah well happy for u adn I have a long time so I'm not even going to say but then I'm...

    oh ahahah well happy for u adn I have a long time so I'm not even going to say but then I'm happy for yall
  84. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    ahahha I heart u too a million times ahahah

    ahahha I heart u too a million times ahahah
  85. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey kevin

    hey kevin
  86. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    Hey steph

    Hey steph
  87. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    hey hey

    hey hey
  88. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    yeah but then u cant right click on nkaujhmong it wont let u
  89. nkaujhmoob_thoj

    ok thiz is wat chu do ok when u dl it go to ur windows media player and then it would pop up playlist...that is tha song and then if u like it then do right click and copy tha url and if u have filelodge or then u go paste tha url in tha box and upload then u click on ur song...