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  1. Y

    Dukie is cool

    Dukie is cool
  2. Y


    i don't really like to talk about hate issues...its just fires me up...but i its like this: we people in general tend to stereotype and when we do we let it go over board...for example lets say their are 2 types of people and orange or a group of the blue people has...
  3. Y

    What are you thinking right now?

    lol....ur first day of school? too!!!where u live?....minnesota students starts their first day of school today also...i go to minnesota state university mankato
  4. Y

    What is wrong wid hmong people these dayz!!!!!!

    go hang yourself...its a win win make me happy and you make yourself happy...dont make me explain :P i agree with you....but i thought this was a place we all share...not hate on come with an open mind or dont come at all...shall we continue with our lives and...