august vachiravit

  1. Ntsuab-Ci

    ❤️[CH3] Mae Krua Kon Mai (Step Power 3): Namfah Thunyaphat/August Vachiravit

    Old version is with Pat Napapa and Nat Nattaraht I think. c as original. owner storyline: Lomdao (Namfah) was to get married with Balam (August), but she refuses to because she never saw him and doesn't even know how he is. So she disguises herself and works under Balam's family as a servant...
  2. KhoOnxNouxWanxJai

    [Mello] Notification Series: Dtuen Nark..Ruk Sa Loie: Eye Kamolned/August Vachiravit/Best Nathasit

    Is anyone else watching this? Omg! I think I might fall for it. It reminds me of Taiwanese dramas. Hoping it doesn't disappoint me lol. I love love Taiwanese dramas so this got me excited cause it seemed so similar. Teaser and MV: There are 1 episodes so far. Teaser: MV: