thai actress

  1. Lovely Sunshine

    Final Searching for volunteers (GlowingCharisma)

    Hello. I know that I have created many threads about finding people to join the subbing team and I am sorry about that. I will consider this as my last thread. I'm still currently looking for people who can help me sub and time lakorn. This is my facebook page...
  2. Lovely Sunshine

    Looking for translators/subbers, and timers for GlowingCharisma team

    Hello! I'm currently looking for people who can help me sub and time lakorn. This is my facebook page: If anyone is interested in joining the team to help sub and time, you can comment below or contact me on my fb page...
  3. Sovatana

    What's your top 5 thai actress???

    I want to know what's your top 5 thai actress list! For me: 1. Yaya Urassaya Sperbund 2. Kimberley Ann Tiamsiri 3. Margie Rasri Balenciaga 4. Mint Chalida Wijitwongtong 5. Taew Nataporn