
sarNie Hatchling
Hey you guys,

I am looking for Admins to help run my forum. By this Thur August 3,06
Is the deadline.(or next week thursday)PLEASE PLEASE someone apply for a postion. If no one applys I have have have to shutdown the forum; which I don't want to do.

IF your interested PLEASE post a reply in this thread.
I will need 3 admins or 2 admins so if your interested please hurry and reply before its gone.

Please state your messenger type please let it be either MSN or YAHOO. If you don't have a messenger I will not able to hire you; for particular reasons. Also state your name.

DATELINE: Thursday August 3,2006 or Thursday August 10,2006

Admin - Of Extreme Thai Love :(


Staff member
The Forum Looks nice, but I dont see any actual forums on you'll have to be a little more detailed on what its actually about =x


sarNie Hatchling
it been only opened for 2 months and my other admin computer broke down... i have studing to do so .. i dont have time to update 'n stuff but i'll try to do my best anyways its my first forum :sweat: