Adobe PS CS4 MasterCollection


sarNie Hatchling
Okay, so a friend sent me a copy of PS CS4 MasterCollection and i cant seem to use it. I have re-install it two times and deleted it of two time as well, but it doesnt work still. Every time i tried to open it i get a messaga box saying "Licence has expired". I talked to my friend about it and he has try to help, but nothing seems to work. So, i was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem is to why i cant open it without getting that message?

I got the program for about a month now, but i cant even use it cause i cant even open it :lmao:

Anyone please help me out..!!


sarNie Egg
Oops sorry..wrong thread.

But speaking of CS4, u know I've been having problems installing it ever since I got Windows 7. Hope someone can help ya.