Those risk free trials doesn't say anything that states u be in membership and will bill u monthly. all u do is pay s/h for the free trials and that's just a 1 time thing. it suck like hell to deal with those scam companies. I'm glad my BOA temp credit me hope it's permenant or else i will go out further to get my money back. I already filed to BBB. I will sure not to order anthing online again. It's a pain in the butt. My bank agent tells me I didn't need to change my debit card but he just block those companies from charging me so hope it works.
Little I understand where you are coming from. But listen to this...when I signed up for the Acai Berry (you know the thing that Oprah and a lot of famous people are touting is the new super food for losing weight) I thought it was risk free membership trial...just pay for the S and H and that's it. But then when I received my product I looked at the package insert slips that came with it and I saw in fine prints it said that after my 21 day trial is over...I will be charged 80.95 a month for 30 pills. Now 80.95 might not sound bad compared to 150 but...just multiply 80.95 plus S and H over 12 months...that's almost 1000 dollars for 360 pills. That's a lot. When I saw this I was sooooo mad....I instantly called the company to cancel my membership...and to make matters worse....they advertised it as free right...well no...if I didn't return the product by a certain date....they were going to still charge me that 80.95 plus S and H. Man when I heard that I was like .... that's it... f%^k that I'm not going to do this anymore it wasn't worth my time and money...and the product didn't work for me either.
So the moral of the story really do have to read everything...the website's, investigate the people who are advertising, read the fine prints...mostly they are scamming trying to get your money. I was lucky that I saw the fine prints in my package inserts and saw to it that they did not continue charging me up the ass for it.
How do u investigate the website or people? I got this tip from a friend...
First see if you can locate any phone numbers or email that you can talk to the "customer reps"
Then pretend to be a customer and call or email them up...if they don't respond to you ASAP like in 24 hours or give you the run-around...example...they tell you they are too busy or they keep redirecting you somewhere else...probability...they are not legitimate...
A real company that wants to service their customers will do anything and everything possible to get back to you.
I know this sounds extreme but I've actually tried this on a few of the so-called free trial websites...some I can't even find a number or email for contacts.