[Question] Text Quality


sarNie Egg
can any1 please help me to make my quality of my text looks better? i use the program PSP 7 and like when i ever i would like put a text in an animation...the text somehow like has antialias look or something like that and it's ugly &&wierd..unlike some other people when they make thier banners their texts looks sharp &&nice..no feather nor antialias...so yeahs..i want to ask if anyone can help me out?:]]thanks in advance!

p.s: like it happens to the texts when it is use in small size..which i usually use:]]


sarNie Elites
I usaully set my font to sharp... or smooth is that doesn't cut it... change resolution, specially if ur printing bump up reso to 300 dpi and print font quality and graphic will be better.