Sharona's Magic


sarNie Hatchling
So I just got down watching this Taiwanese drama, "Devil Beside You" and well just thought I'd make a poster of it because the minor character (guy) is so adorable. Ehh... what the heck... see for yourself. I'm not too good with PS yet... so plz don't speak to harsh about my work. Leave C/C's plz because I really do want to improve! I'll be updating every now and then... come back and check for updates!



youre artwork is so cool even i can't do that now and after thing like that girl her face had sumtin and it turned all shiny and bright i can't do that!


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks for the comments everyone! hehe... well I was going to
update today... but things came up... and I didn't have much time to do anything new. Well hopefully I'll get something new up this weekend.

okay... one really fastly made avatar---->


sarNie Hatchling
Here is another one of my works... blah... kinda plain
and really unpro, but did it withing 20 minutes.
