This freaking bugs me!!!


sarNie OldFart
Ok, I don't know if anybody else notice this, but it freaking annoys the sh*t outta me when minority groups are in the news and news reporters have to reference specifically to their ethnic group.

For example, in the Chu Vue case, reporters said "Chu Vue is a member of the Hmong community blah blah blah..." or members of the Laotian Community. These two groups almost always have that phrase attached to them whenever they appeared on the news, whether it's good news or bad news. I understand if the story involves the community as a whole, but clearly it's not.

Have I ever heard, members of the White/Caucasian community? It's fine with me if it's for suspect description purposes, but it's not.

Just venting...


sarNie Juvenile
hahah.. I guess because we are little committees so
they referred to us that way. That doesn't really
bother me, it's just a way to recognize us.