well i dont knoe for sure too cuz that's just what i heard but i dont believe it. he doesn't seem like the guy that would do those kind of movies rite?
yEp!!!!!!sAMe..DiNg...i hEArd DiS LiTtO CrAp tOo!....BuT i BeLiEvE It'S a RuMOr!!!oNLy StuPId PeOPle BeLiEvE....I wONdEr WhY dO SoMeOnE CoMe Up WiF tHe uGLy TOpiC LiKe DiS????!!......hUmMmmmmm........aNd i SeEn It ThOuSaNd TiMeS!!!.....HeY!..Im NoT tALkiNg aBoUt DiS oNe....iM TaLkiNg AbOuT OtHeRs OnE....YeAh....