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  • Can't believe Bob Saget died. I grew up with Full House and he's still young still to be gone. R.I.P
    This place has been pretty quiet for the last few years. A lot of thai lakorn fans have grown up and moved on. Also, lakorns has been boring with no progression in storyline is another factor.
    I’m waiting for a few lakorns to air, and it’s sad that most of them are either remakes or cliche storylines, but I like cliche plots lol but still waiting for a good lakorn to come by. Nothing good is even on right now.
    @roselovesice I remembered when I was excited just to learn who is going to be in a lakorn together. Now when that happens there's not much feelings to it. Thai industry isn't moving forward because they seemed lazy. It's either a remake or copy of something from another country. And the sad part is, they think that's good enough.
    I am sure there are so many talented writers out there that they shouldn't have to remake a bunch of lakorns every year. As actors/actresses goes...some do have the potential but channels really doesn't seem to utilize them properly. The channels are basically a club. Anyway, one sees it it kind of suck. Thai industry has potential to be great but yet they seemed to settle for mediocre.
    Been binge watching Nigerian dramas and movies. There's one on Netflix called Before 30. It's pretty good. It has some LOL moments.
    watch king of boys. its good
    wish before 30 had season 2
    I wished before 30 would too. But I think the series came out a while back. Fifty the series is not bad. What I noticed is they like to have girls of 4 in most series or even movie. But I do enjoy their friendship.
    Hapyy Thanksgiving...feels oddly quiet that it seemed like an ordinary day. For the first time we are home just chilling:)
    Ran out of shower glass cleaning. Went to Walmart and cleaning supplies were out. Why hoard cleaning supplies? They now have a line for toilet paper. Good thing I don't need any.
    I went to Walmart tonight and they close at 8:30!!!!! They used to close at 11pm. Oh well, don’t think I’d find anymore gloves anyway lol
    @maimyang wow...Walmart closed that early? I went again yesterday the things that are missing are TP, medicines and bread. No one seemed to want veggies and fruits lol. They were opened till closing time.
    Yeah, I was walking towards the Walmart near my place when a police officer was like “mam, they close at 8:30.” Huhhhh this virus ! And then I called Target too and nope, they were closing in 10 minutes :confused:
    every time I come on here I am scared of the ads lol. They are so big and so many. I feel like it has gotten worse.
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    What's the ad blocker you guys are using? I used my phone 99% of the time and when someone post on their status I can't reply back on my phone because the ad basically blocked me from the post bar. It's so annoying. I don't remember it ever this bad before.
    Ad-blocker Pro
    I use the recommended ad blocker for samsung browser... it was fine before until the site crash and afterwards i have ad popups but theyre all just blank white.
    Happy 4th of July...lots of food and fireworks :)
    Same to you! Enjoy time with your family, friends, and of course don’t forget to stuff yourself with some good food!!
    Apparently, it’s the biggest earthquake to have hit in SoCal in 20 years.
    @SuzieJ I saw an article about it but didn't get to read it all the way through. Was it something like 6.4? Hopefully no one got seriously hurt
    I hate this feeling of not having anything to wear when I have about 50 dresses and most of it has never been touched. When there's a wedding or party to go to, I am always searching to buy a new dress...such an annoying habit.
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    lol, it's the worst habit to have. Especially going on vacation. I tend to go shopping every time I am about to go traveling even if my closet is full of clothes. I always act like I have nothing to wear or worst is, I would actually shop for clothes whichever county I am in. It drives my husband crazy hahahah
    Hahaha you're not alone. Like seriously im the same way. I would buy 3-4 dresses each time i have an event. Half of my closet still has tags. I hardly pack for vacations because i know I'll bring new clothes home.
    Hahhaha...my goodness we are awful lol. A few months ago I gave away 15 bags of clothes. I almost cried when I was cleaning out my closet to realized the amount of clothes I have. I was like, I am not buying anymore clothes. But now, I am running out of hangers lol. I overpack for vacation but always end up buying clothes and have no room lol.
    Stuck listening to Mariah Carey "we belong together".
    That song is such a throwback. I thought I was the most broken hearted girl in highschool, lolol
    lol, be glad you're not stuck listening to despcaito
    Lol...high school was such a fun time. Every thing that happens I always feel like it's worst than it should be. The emotions were high back then hahaha

    @ImQueen I actually never listen to that song. Some songs even if you don't care for but it's so catchy it just stay.
    I hear you is a cute drama with big height difference lol. And the fin scenes are overloaded. The main couple spend so much time together.
    I don't mind his acting at all. They are cute indeed. Ep1 is a little confusing though. It jumps right into them already knowing each other. If I didn't read the synopsis I'd be lost.
    Yup, episode 1 is a little confusing but I was like what the heck, they are too cute. She has such a pretty smile. And the height difference is just...oh and when he smiled and that dimple showed. That's when he's the cutest lol
    If you like height difference I recommend, Put Your Head On My Shoulder. It's not completed yet though, still currently airing. That one also has very cute leads.
    watched some highlights of the billboards award show. Mariah Carey still can sing, Paula Abdul still can move and BTS have fans everywhere
    And Taylor's performance was cute.
    Anyone interested in a Turkish Series, Hercai is pretty good. Families enemies, fake marriage, kidnapping. An intense actor.
    @KitKat516 not sure...right now there 6 episodes that are in English sub. Check it out for a couple of episodes see if you like it. It's pretty popular and it's based on a book. It's so a thai lakorn lol. But the actor, my goodness. His eyes are amazing just acting through them. I have seen expressive eyes but he flashes them so timely and beautifully.
    Link please.
    Way too nam nao for me. Lol Fake marriages I like, family enemies and kidnapping, not so much.
    Going to see avengers tonight. Someone already spoiled the ending for me but I don't care. I love spoilers lol
    The Endgame is only the end of this "gen" or chapter. There's still more Marvels to come.
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    Endgame was very good. I cried and laughed. It was sad to see the ending to a movie franchise that I have been following along for so many years. Captain America still a handsome man :)
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    @byebye but you know Thor totally stole the show! Lol
    Went shopping and saw a dress I like. A girl picked it up and looked at it. She's a size or 2 too big. I said nice dress, she bought it :(
    It was such a pretty midi dress, I am obsessed with midi dresses have about 50 of them lol. She said, she bought a size small to motivate to lose weight. Damn, how long and good luck. But until then can I buy that dress from you hahaha
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    Lol, did you ask her if you can buy it from her? I hate wearing mini dresses or anything form fitting. My body looks like a chop stick. Lol
    I didn't ask but in my head I did lol. I don't like mini dress but love midi dresses. It just look classy especially a pencil skirt or dress it's pretty. I am not tall but I still like midi dress.
    Anybody here tried micro blading? A friend of mine asked to to do it with her, I told her no.
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    Hmm my friend said it last about 3 years. Guess it depends on where you get it done too?
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    Supposed to be between 1-3 years. But some has it starts to fade at 6 months. And also depends how good the artist is because if cut too deep or wrong you can scar too. It's just with me if it can go wrong, it's usually on me. It sounded good but the more I looked into it the more it scares me.
    Lol i can never get it done cus i don't like commitment. Also i dont wear makeup on an everyday bases so i would look weird with just my dark eyebrows.
    A forced marriage drama so good until the n'ek got pregnant and the guy made her drink orange juice with medicine and killed the baby. WTF!!
    Yeah, I watched that too. I like the part when he tried to snoop around her phone and she got offended. She said there should be some things that are kept just for oneself. She was strong, I like her character a lot.
    @byebye her dad and his new family were so blood boiling. I swear if I were her, I would’ve killed them all lol I couldn’t stand them. Made me even more thankful for my parents haha
    Yeah and her mom was way too forgiving. He has a son but so useless while his daughter made something for themselves. I can't stand the dad.
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    Why is washing your hair twice a day bad? You wash your face twice a day can't it apply to hair also?
    @byebye don’t but that type of stuff from amazon. Sometimes the sellers just fill up the bottles with some random shampoo and not the right one. Definitely try your local hair salon
    @SuzieJ @KitKat516...I have never buy anything brand name from Amazon. I have heard stories where some stuff are fake. I don't have prime so I ordered here and there cause their shipping cost are expensive.
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    @byebye yeah when it comes to eBay and Amazon I usually never buy anything name brand or anything that is hygiene/makeup related because of all the fakes out there
    I seriously need to take speech class. I have been going to my church for about 18 years and is so nervous to read in front of them lol
    @maimyang Thanks. Oh, gosh did you ever finish the speech? My husband is the opposite. He can talk in front of people like a pro. He have given classes and such. I am simply a turtle in a shell. I did have to talk at my dad's funeral but my husband had to stand next to me lol. And I forced myself to not be nervous until halfway then lost my place a little but got through it.
    Yes I finished the speech I bet I was talking Sooooo fast to finish it. That’s one thing I used to do too — talk way too fast:DD
    Oh Iam same way, I cannot read in front of anyone.
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