~aiko's simple work~


Staff member
thanks ^_^

haha nikki.. girl.. i couldnt help resist making them sc.. lol.. hahaha..


Staff member
there is a subbin group subbin KLP but theyre really slow.. i watched ep 1 n 2 n a half with subs only because thats how much they had.. lol.. i watched it with my mom.. she was translating 50% of it to me lol..

thanks rr...


Staff member
aiyah.. psing is so hard.. n geesh... i cant load my brushes.. im such a dork.. >_<.. lol... this is so bad... son n wiew...

sam pixs jus dif size...

im so jealous of everyone's talent.. ahhhhhhhh .. im so horrible.. i should QUIT... >_<


there is a subbin group subbin KLP but theyre really slow.. i watched ep 1 n 2 n a half with subs only because thats how much they had.. lol.. i watched it with my mom.. she was translating 50% of it to me lol..

thanks rr...

yeah i saw it... but it will take a few months to finish the subs.... i mean KLP has lots of episodes...


Staff member
i know it'll take quite some time...

anotha ps... argh.. i feel like shootin myself.. >_<.... its not as easy as i think it was gonna be... argh... >_<.......

KILL ME NOW... >_<


sarNie Granny
what are you talking about, that is awesome. don't quit. i think you are doing a way much better job than me. keep up the great work I LOVE IT <3


Staff member
ugh.. heck no rr.. >_<.. iono how to blend.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... >_< .. im just doin random stuffs... iono how u ladies do it.. >_< and how do u ladies trace so nicely?? >_<.. aiyah.. i shouldve never installed ps... >_<....



what do you mean its not easy? like cutting the picture into details? or the whole designing thingy...

im must say i am... weird but i like cutting pictures.. .it makes my back aches XD :loool:

btw, i love it. Son... <3


Staff member
lol.. belle.. ^_^.. i mean like cutting out perfectly leaving no marks... im cheatin with mines lol.. haha... no one read that lol.. haha.. ^_^


sarNie Granny
LMAO i don't know how to blend either, and i don't cut perfect if you look at mine, i always use a white background to hide the mistakes ahahaha. hey that son one looks good :D


Staff member
lol.. i cut with this one tool on cs3... but it doesnt work all the time.. it'll jus sometime get the whole pix.. n i'll just be like.. argh... >_<... psing is hard.... but thanks for all the nice comments.. ^_^.. u all are such pros.... hehe... im still a newbie on psing as u can tell... ive only used ps like 5 times only.. >_<...... imma try psing again once i get back home on friday.. >_<... psing is not as simple as it looks... i see everyones artworks n im just like... how do they make it so perfect hehe... ^_^


Staff member
im still sucky.. lol.. ^_^... i made this just awhile ago... ugh... imma need to learn some few tips from the pros.. ^_^
