[CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly


sarNie Tombstone
pim look sooo sooo sooooooooooooooooooooo pitiful like i can feel she is totally broken and lost but still she maintain her strength i'm enjoying it soooo much he feeling the vlaue of th emsg in this lakorn is beautiful


sarNie Tombstone
the prince can cook too :)

the fustration from the double face witch


sarNie Tombstone
i thank s pajeaw sooo soooo much for puting kim in this story cause this story is what i always dremed kim to be in it fuullllll of meaningful messages

and they met again


sarNie Tombstone
i can't spazz fully right now later i will be back fuuuulll of package of emtion and thoughts cause right now i feel overwhelmet this story is just like a fairytale story aaaaaaaa sooo many thoughts and so many feeling


sarNie Tombstone
i'm loving very the story so so so so muuuchhh is like you have an image of a fairytale and it's coming alive in action it keep building and building the feeling
the swan is on the house of the prince


sarNie Adult
@Peace you seem to enjoy this type of storyline a lot. Does it look like fairytale to you?


sarNie Tombstone
@Peace you seem to enjoy this type of storyline a lot. Does it look like fairytale to you?
yessssssssssssss for me this is my cup of tea drama 100% i love drama that give meaning makes me live the story romance and emotion all together trully this is a surprise to me i didn't thought it will turn out to be this fairytale style it's beautiful to watch for me