Nagano- Japan:
“I just don’t understand, is it really difficult just to tell her your feeling? Are you a man?”
Alex echoed as he feeling so frustrated when he learned the reason Boy come here.
“I want to give myself a lot of time to think about it. She was my friend ex-girlfriend and she just like my sister. I wouldn’t dare to think more than that. What would happen if I confess? How can I face her when we meet again?”
“I’m sorry that is just an excuse. “ Alex stated once again.
“She is your first love?” Patrick sound curious as Boy seems so nervous talking about Toey.
“…..No…I am not a teenager.”
“Then it means you have countless of women before.” Alex playfully said as he chuckled
“Stop teasing me, Okay?.I am stress enough.”
“Look P’Boy , my brother is in his 30s and he has countless girlfriends. ”
“Wait , wait…are you saying Alex is in his 30s?” Boy is shock, he thought Alex is in his late 20s.
“I was born at 1982.”
“Sorry…say again?”
“That made you 35 this year.”
“Why are you so surprise?”
“Sorry…but I was born at 1984. Alex you are my P’ ”
“Seriously?? You look and sound mature. I thought you are older than me.”
“No, I usually not like this I am stress that why I don’t talk a lot. But trust me you look like you are in your late 20s, maybe 28 or 27. Nothing like 35.”
“My brother got his gen from my father.”
“So I should call you P’Alex then.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m cool as long as you are comfortable.”
“P’Boy , my brother has a lot of dating advices. Feel free to ask him. He is my lecturer in love.”
Boy chuckled, his heart feel a lot better, at least there is someone he can talk to.
“He was in love with his best friend, his friend ex-girlfriend, his classmate, his neighbor, his co-worker. You name it, he had it. “
“Patrick, that not something you should be proud of you brother.” Alex said felt a little bit embarrassed.
“I’m not sure I need your advice now but when I need it. I will ask for help. Thanks man , at least I felt a lot better now…It is good P’Alex…that you share the same experience.”
“From now you can call me P’Al. Close friend or relative always call me Al. ”
“Toey , good luck. P’ and our crew will follow you after we finish our problem here.”
P’Wat said as he wave goodbye. She never travel this far just for film a short commercial. That just feel weird.
Toey has no idea what is going on and most importantly she also has no idea Boy is also in Japan.
She has arrived at the Narita airport and decided to take the bullet train to Nagano immediately. From what the crew has told her, they already prepare a beautiful traditional Japanese house for the filming and she will spend tonight there with the help of the house owner.
Arrived at the train-station she slides her Iphone and call to the number P’Wat has gave her yesterday. An old woman tapped her shoulder when the phone being connected, she quickly turned as she realized the woman might be the house owner.
“ Toey Jarinporn chan? “
The older woman asked and Toey quickly bowed and nodded.
“Yes, I’m Toey . You are the house owner, right? ” The older woman nodded with the warm smiled.
“Kha , You are so lovely.”
Toey return the smiled to the older woman. The conversation has continued on and on before they’ve arrived at the traditional Japanese house. Toey can’t deny since she was born this is the most beautiful Japanese traditional house she has ever seen, very well designed and cozy.
“Come inside, Khun Toey.”
“Oh, sorry. The house is really fantastic.”
“My husband and I have designed this house together. I’m a Thai and he is a Japanese.” She stated and smile proudly.
Toey still can’t take her eyes from the house interior, usually she is not interest in traditional house at all but this house is really impressive.
“Your husband must be really talent.”
She nodded and smiled before look at the painting that hang on the wall. Toey follow her eyes and also stopped at the interesting painting.
“But his life was too short, he passed away shortly after we get married.”
Toey can feel the sadness in Khun Anong tone. The house is very well-designed but too grant with only one person.
“My daughter get married and moved to Tokyo with her husband for her job. Although I loved her but I cannot deny it would be great if she can be here with me. I love her and her father so much “
The younger woman smiled and said softly
“You have me here, Khun Anong. I understand now why the filming crew need your house for the commercial filming , it is a fantastic place full of love that no studio set up can replace it.”
After the conversation, Khun Anong show Toey her bedroom and the young woman quickly freshen herself up while the Khun Anong has ordered Soup TomYum from the neighborhood café shop.
20 minutes later Toey has finish her shower , feeling fresh and cozy.
“I’m going to take a quick shower after that we can take hot Tomyum soup together. 5 minutes later, the delivery man will arrive, can you take it? ”
“Of course, Khun Anong , but I am impress we can have Tomyum soup here.”
“Call me, grand-ma. Yes, actually there is only two Thai family in Nagano my family and Poramin Pownsowan family which is the café shop next door.”
Toey smiled and feeling so comfortable around the older woman.
“ I’m so lucky, grand-ma.”
Once Khun Anong go to the toilet, Toey turned to unpack her backpack but before she can grabbed anything, the bell start to ring. She smile, walked toward the door and opened it.
Boy stood still while Toey frozen at the door. This could not be Toey , she supposed to be in Bangkok , didn’t she?. Yet, she standing here in front him, she looked even more beautiful than the last time he saw her.