[CH3] Buang Hong (Thanud Lakorn) Jame Jirayu/ Kim Kimberly


sarNie Adult
awwwwwwwwww i seriously wanted to cheer her up

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heart atttaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkk IT'S A REALL KIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS MYYYYY GOPOOOOD
You make me smile like crazy!!!!!!:cheer: Paajaew sure did play with everyone of us here:fighting3:


sarNie Tombstone
pim was really soooooooooooo happy that she got a job that she thought was fated for her

that why she will be hurt when she will know it was planed by ramet



sarNie Egg
:cheer:waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heart atttaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkk IT'S A REALL KIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS MYYYYY GOPOOOOD

I am going to have heart attack:love::naughty2: Anyone, Can u call ambulance for me?:p:pancarta:


sarNie Tombstone
Owh... hahaha.... I thought there's something that I missed about the job interview picture... hahaha... YOU ZOOMED THAT????!!!!
i didn't zoom it was posted like tht what i meant is i want it to be zoom in when the actual scene air not a far zoom out as pajeaw style