As a new NY shipper I have very limited knowledge about their relationship. Thank you for the longgg explanation.Hi @Shiera, there are many statement that my opinions differ from yours or maybe you was just trying to explain the situation. When I read your comment, I think many InterFC have thought like this that's why there were many confusions about NY relationship after all these dramas happen. I will explain it to make people understand what happen to NY at that period. This post is long, but usefull, YOU MUST ALL OF YOU READ IT LOL to understand!
"Nadech refusing to admit that Yaya is his gf after Yaya allowed reporters to refer to them as BF/GF"
It's not true that Nadech has never refused to admit Yaya as his gf because he has always been the one who reveal their secret (T shirt urassaya's since 2011 / the scarf etccc). When you look at that event "korat" when Yaya appeared in Marylin Monroe, you can easily see that yaya has been trapped by the medias, she doesn't know how to handle with them and they have succeed to make her to not denying NY Status but at any time, she has said "Nadech is my boyfriend, we are dating!". The media asked her: "can we call you and nadech as bf/gf?" Such Yaya answered to them: "it's all matters to you" because both Nadech & Yaya have always clarified this point about their status: "it's up to everybody to think what you want about our status", what does that mean? You can consider them as lovers or just co partners, it's up to you, they don't care because finally, it concerns their private life, they don't need to share it to the world. Those who really follows them don't expect them to clarify it because just see their actions are sufficient, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, just blinders still think they are brother/sister. So I dont blame Yaya for giving this answer at that event and at the end of this interview, a reporter ask Yaya:" so finally, you admitted that you are dating Nadech?" such she answer to him "Nooooo, it's just I don't complain if you think about as as lovers, it's to you" so for me, she has never had the intention of calrifying their status as lover.
I think the one I feel the most sorry for is Nadech. Because of Yaya's interview, he has had to take all the responsabilities by ignoring them as bf/gf and take all the dramas on him because Nadech & Yaya will never call themself as lovers publicly until they are engaged (why? It is the most respectful way for a man to behave with a woman in thai culture), that's why, Nadech has to rectify what the medias intented to do even if people can be angry with him, he has to do it to protect their private life.
And Nadech's manager has not helped him, after the media succeed to trap Yaya, they come to ask this matter with Nadech's manager (Ae supachai) and Ae (in my opinion) for protecting NY private'life has said awkwardly to explain what Yaya has said in Korat event that her thai language is weak. so it s a big misunderstanding.
A thing that people should know about Ae supachai. He s the most famous manager in all thai ET, he managed all the superstars of Thailand: Aum Patcharapa, Weir, Nadech, Mario, ken phupoom, James Ma. (Mark, Mai Davika & Bella were also with him until they decide to leave him). This man is the one who has found all of them when they were just simple thai citizen. He took all of them to train them in acting, dancing, singing, he finds jobs for them in thai ET, he even accommodate them freely but in exchange, when they succeed to work in thai ET, they have to give him 30% of the money they win at each event. A fair business. He s the one who make you become a superstar, you have to be recognized.
One of the rule from Ae is "he doesn't want from his stars that they admit they date someone, because it can have an impact on their career according to thai culture, they will not be as hotter as if they are single".
If you compare, Weir & Bella, they live the same problem and situtation as NY. They are very protective with their private life.
This was his rule before he changed his mind, he says that nowadays, the world has changed, he allows his stars to behave like what they want with their private life. And it's true, Ae is also a NY shipper, he always uploads pics of Nadech & Yaya so nobody can say that he doesn't want them to clarify their status. (a_supachai1 his IG)
So after the interview of Yaya and the one of his Manager, what do you think about Nadech's position? I feel very sorry for him, during the daradaily event, he has to answer and clarify it.
- He has to clarify and rectify back what Yaya has said (after she get trap by the media) to protect their private life by taking all the dramas on him
- And also, about what his manager has said about Yaya's week thai language, he cannot take any side. If he protects Yaya and attacks his manager, people will call him as an ungrateful child, (he attacks the one who make him become the superstar of thailand) and he cannot take his manager's side or else, it's like he approved what his manager has awkwardly said to protect them (Next time, SHT YOUR MOUTH PLEASE lol, it will be more helpfull). What a dilemma for Nadech, poor him....!! But Nadech, as a REAL Man has decided to take all the responsabilities and all the future hates on him.
"Nadech and Yaya seemed to be distant from each other earlier this year."
Many people said that Yaya was sad with all these dramas and they seem to be distant...Really? I think people should have a look on what happen on that day, during Daradaily event. If you call them as distant after watching at this video, there is a problem.
About people who ship Mark & Yaya, I can tell you that everybody who know Yaya since the beginning with Nadech will never ship her with Mark (he has so many dark side I will keep it for me). Most of those who ship Yaya with Mark has discovered her with Kluen Cheewit so you cannot blame them to ship her with Mark. And about her only dedicated die hard FC, they hate Nadech since a long time, before what happen this year, everybody know them on instagram: yaya_pantip/ macheriezzz / narsisyy / urassaya.fanpage / yaya_store12 and many many more) Why they hate him? For personal reasons such as they love other actors or disgusted reason like they ship Yaya with a Hi So. And why haters are more rude towards Kim than Nadech? Because Mark & Kim admitted that they are dating, just look at the pics they share on their instagram is enough to know what is their relationship.
Don't forget that when all these dramas happen, Nadech & Yaya were shooting two lakorn together, LLSR and Likit Rak. Even if they don't post pic, they were togetehr 7days a week and with all the BTS share by the staff, I have never seen them as distant. It s not because they don't upload some cute pics to please their fanclub that there were distant. On that time, people has attacked him a lot in his mother IG, aunties, they call him as a non gentleman and wish for his death. Many of you doesn't read thai that's why you cannot be aware of everything. This is the reason why Nadech Yaya and their families has decided to not share pics during that time to make all the dramas dissapear but they have always been closed to each other. This mother has finally posted a family pic with this caption: "if you don't look at these pics, you must be a caterpillar" looool (Nadech's mother call the haters as caterpillar, so hilariousand Yaya, who rarely post pic with Nadech about her private life has also uploaded a family pic. It's like NY was trying to say "FUCK YOU HATERS".
Many of their events during all the dramas happen, do they feel distant?
To conclude, I think what NY share with us is enough, we don't need to see more to understand how much they love each other. You cannot ask them to reveal all their private life like Mark Kim couple because it is not their way of life style. They differ a lot about this with the new thai generation because NY are traditional and old fashioned. You have to love them for what they are and respect all their decision. And also, it is not because at the future, they will not share cute, sweet pics to feed their FC that there is a problem. They have reach the point of a real lover, they don't need to show everyday to the world that they are in love.
I wish this post will help people in understand what happen at that time loool. Sorry for this long post but it was such a sensitive proble, many people have been misunderstood.
Nadech is such a gentleman, perfect husband material. He'll treat his future wife and children really well. I just love him.