Omg this setting looks beautiful! I swear all these boran lakorn are all getting so beautiful because of the setting and cultural themes!! I swear this production and Broadcast produce better boran lakorn than ActArt! I will always argue that actart is still too cheap! Look at this production and broadsast! They go all out! They even pay all these extras to do soldiers lol actart couldn’t even afford that in Raknakara!! Ooh! I’m so mad!!! Lol
555555555 This is the BEST!!!!! Just the fact that they’re speaking two different dialects and are still fighting lmaoooooo
Have you guys seen this?? Haha.
BEAUTIFUL Team!! Prang— you deserve to be a full time n’ek!! Lol
Taew refused to take Kalakade’s role because she had accepted another period Lakorn, which will on air after Buppae Sanniwas
There was some cute things. Kade's knowledge of how to handle the malaria. I think the mom is starting to cave to Kade's sweetness. But the political aspect of the story is starting to gain momentum, so not a lot of sweet scenes between our two leads. That's fine though, because it will be nice for them to show themselves as individuals during this political storyline. Junward and Reung are starting to get closer too. I like how Bella is playing Kade during this time. She was fascinated to learn about this history, but actually living through it is rough. Especially as she is not able to change anything. Plus Karakade is coming back into the picture a bit too.Ok not alot of spazzing over today's epi or not everyone seen it yet? I have high expectations so the quietness is making me nervous people.
What I remember from the long summary is that they argue over the trust from the king has to the white foreigner rather more than someone whom grew up with him and done so many things together for their nation. Whom is more trustworthy and loyal with their words and action to the king and the nation. And the king never intend to punish til he dies...Could be either everyone just waiting for the subs or skipping the political stuff...
Real Karakade crying creeped me out a bit lol butt notice how Por Date looked at Kade as she took a step away...aghhhh my heart.
Though there may have not been big focus on our couple in this episode, I still enjoyed it. I might just speak Thai like the real farangs working with Falcon lol somewhat stiff and rehearsed. His wig has grown on me though. Malee's loyalty to Ayutthaya is definitely going to be shown proudly and strongly throughout the rest of this drama though. I think definitely reflecting her earlier statement to Kade about not forgetting where she came from.
Por Date's mom is definitely slowly becoming more used to Kade bc the yelling and lecturing is less.
I'm incredibly ccurious about the conversation leading up to Khun Lek being punished and afterwards when the King and the other guy was involved in a hearted argument afterwards... seemed very emotional. My heart keeps breaking for him though. The loyalty he had to the King then to not have been reconsidered at all and to have bein punished without finding truth in statements made.
These elder/ veteran actors are soooo amazing at the delivery of these hard and tense scenes.
I really need to invest in learning Thai lol
Aww feel better. I am sick too! I think I got the flu. Woke up this morning at like 430am to wait for live airing but fell asleep on the couch. Didn't wake up again til like now. Just about to start the lakorn so I came in to see if there are any good scenes.I'm sick so still in bed. I will rewatch later cause I missed part here and there.
The political events that happened in this ep will lead to the love story of Janward and Reung. And continue the story of Falcon and Mae Malee, whom doesn't love him but likes or loves Por Date. The servant, Clara has a impact on their relationship.
A lot of people are probably just disappointed with the amount of political events and figures in the ep.
@alissaax feel better! You worked hard today with the live feed too assisting with summary translations!
Thank you again!
P.S.-- Loving how they both know Por Date has a soft spot for her. Forcing him my butt lol
Aww feel better. I am sick too! I think I got the flu. Woke up this morning at like 430am to wait for live airing but fell asleep on the couch. Didn't wake up again til like now. Just about to start the lakorn so I came in to see if there are any good scenes.