This is going to be a long journey for you cuz you have about 8 years worth of info to cover but it's honestly worth it hehehe
even I keep going back to look at their old news sometimes xD
There are some key IG accounts you need to follow or have a look at (I've commented on the ones that have English translations) & they are: -this account has English translations - This account isn't active any more but it has updates from 2016 & the years before that. It also has English translations.
The 2 YouTube accounts I would say you should look at are:
Because they do really good MVs & summary videos on NY's events
I would also recommend looking at NYInterFC's IG & YouTube account as they have a lot of translated stuff as well.
I'll update this post if I remember any more sources you can use & I'll include some videos that I think will be worth looking at